Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 14 Chapter 11: Preparation before leaving

Among the gods, the Supreme Palace.

Daoxi looked at the netherworld purple lotus in front of him, her eyes were a little ruddy, Hongyun had already told him the cause and effect, this netherworld purple lotus was Xiao Xi's reincarnation.

Although he is very sad, he is also very grateful that he has passed the immeasurable calamity. Otherwise, all his father and his relatives will be lost, and now the true spirit of Xiao Xi has reincarnated as a ghost purple lotus. This is for Xiao Xi It is also a chance.

Having said that, Daoxi's heart is self-blame, because he didn't protect Xiao Xi well, otherwise, how could Xiao Xi suffer the disaster? As for Hongyun did not protect Xiao Xi well, Daoxi did not have any dissatisfaction in his heart. Knowing that Hongyun has to take care of the overall situation, it is impossible to abandon the overall situation just because of one's safety.

"Xiao Xi, I will accompany you in the God Realm until you transform. I will never let you suffer any more in this world, I swear!" Daoxi looked at Netherworld Zilian and solemnly swore.

When he came back this time, Daoxi originally planned to send Li Fan, and then go back to Hongmeng Realm with Hongyun. After all, when he came to Hongmeng Realm, Xiaoxi could be in Dishan, where it was safe, and Daoxi could travel to Hongmeng Realm. .

But now Xiao Xi's fall has changed Daoxi's plan. He has decided not to leave the Seven Realms, at least he will not leave the Seven Realms until Xiao Xi has no form. He wants to accompany Xiao Xi in the Seven Realms.

Daoxi stayed by the Netherworld Purple Lotus for a long time, until Gu Yuan came, Daoxi left here with Gu Yuan.

Above the main hall of the Supreme Palace, Hongyun sits high on the cloud platform, while below are Hongyun's disciples and his sons.

"Three years later, when one of my lines is going to Hongmeng Realm, what objection do you have?" Hong Yun asked when looking at these disciples.

Daoxi stood up first, looked at Hongyun, and said without hesitation: "Father, the child is going to stay in the Seven Realms. After Xiao Xi transforms into shape, he will go to Hongmeng Realm, so that he can also take care of the third brother."

When Gu Yuan heard Daoxi’s words, he was furious in an instant. You must know that Hou Tu is still in the Hongmeng Realm, and I don’t know where to suffer. Daoxi is out of his children’s personal love, regardless of the safety of his mother, how can Gu Yuan not be angry .

"Brother, you know that my mother was captured in the Hongmeng Realm!"

Gu Yuan's tone was a bit angry. He looked at Daoxi, knowing that Daoxi was Houtu's biological son.

"What? Mother was captured!" Daoxi was puzzled at first, then he shouted angrily and looked at Hongyun. He didn't expect Hongyun to ignore the safety of the earth.

For Xiao Xi's fall, he does not need to be angry or complain about Hongyun's imperfect care, but Houtu is Hongyun's wife. After Houtu was captured, he was still captured in Hongyun, Hongyun could not shirk the blame.

"I was led by Xihe into the chaos for my father, but Shenlong returned to Honghuang to capture Hou Tu and went to the Hongmeng Realm. I still don't know where I am in the Hongmeng Realm." Hong Yun said helplessly.

"Don't want to be like this for Young Master, the first command of the Supreme in the Emperor Pavilion is to find the empress." Xi Zun also said to Daoxi at this time.

For nearly a million years, the Emperor Pavilion has been searching the Hongmeng Realm for a million years, and almost all the places that can be found have been found, but the whereabouts of Hou Tu has not been found yet.

"How can this be? No, I want to return to Hongmeng Realm." Daoxi said in a deep voice.

Hong Yun shook his head and said, "No, you stay in the Seven Realms. Even if you go to the Hongmeng Realm with your current cultivation base, it won’t help much. Then Xiao Xi and your third brother both need it in the Seven Realms. Your care."

Hong Yun didn't want Dao Xi to go to the Hongmeng Realm, but he knew that if Dao Xi went to the Hongmeng Realm, he would not be able to search for Hou Earth with all his might, let alone practice with peace of mind, after all, Xiao Xi was still in the Seven Realms.

Daoxi was silent, yes! He just made an oath to stay in the Seven Realms to protect Xiao Xi, but now he has to break the oath. What if he doesn't do so? The mother who gave birth to him was captured, and he must go to Hongmeng Realm.

"Brother I'm sorry, you didn't know about it." Gu Yuan said apologetically. At first, he thought Hong Yun had told Daoxi about Houtu. Now it seems that Daoxi knows nothing.

Daoxi stopped, he didn't care what his brother said, but he couldn't make up his mind about whether to go to Hongmeng Realm.

"Xi'er, stay in the Seven Realms! With your aptitude to stay in the Seven Realms, you can definitely improve your cultivation quickly. When Xiao Xi transforms into shape and Fan'er grows up, you can take Xiao Xi with you Go to Hongmeng Realm." Zhen Yuanzi came to Daoxi's side.

"Second Uncle, I..." Daoxi wanted to say something, but couldn't say it because he didn't know how to do it.

"Just listen to your second uncle, Xi'er, you will stay in the Seven Realms. As for the others, if you have anything unfinished in these three years, please do it quickly. After three years, they will all come to the Supreme Palace and wait to go to the Hongmeng Realm. "After Hong Yun finished speaking, he disappeared above the hall.

Watching Hongyun leave, everyone in the hall also left the main hall. Daoxi left with Zhenyuanzi. Neither of them needed to go to the Hongmeng Realm. Zhenyuanzi was the master of the Mortal Realm, so naturally he could be Daoxii. Find a good place to practice.

Ao Liangchen and Kong Xuan exchanged glances, then tore the void and entered the demon world together.

If the seven realms are divided into three worlds of equal ranks, then the fairy, demons, Buddha and ghost realms belong to the middle world, the ordinary realms are the lower worlds, and the **** realms are the higher worlds.

The demon world is full of innate auras. After all, this is the place where the monks of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cultivated, and it is impossible to have a great spiritual aura.

More than half a million years ago, there were creatures in the demon world, but they were all creatures with weak foundations, and powerful creatures were still being gestated.

For example, the Dragon, Phoenix, Peng, Ape, and Niu tribes are all being bred, because these races are the royal clan of the demon world, and each race will be endowed with talents and supernatural powers by the demon world~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ao Liangchen and Kong Naturally, they came to the demon world for the Dragon, Phoenix, Peng and Qilin tribes. They left, I don’t know when they will be able to return. As for Zulong, Fengzu and Linzu, they will also leave together, so they both I want these four clans to deepen their foundation so that they can have a place in the demon world.

"Dragon Emperor, Xianjun, rare guests are really rare guests!" Niu Demon King appeared in front of Ao Liangchen and Kong Xuan and laughed loudly.

"I have seen the world master." Ao Liangchen and Kong Xuan bowed to the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King naturally wouldn’t accept it. He smiled and hid to the side. He didn’t give the two a chance to say anything. He just said: "The Dragon King and the Fairy King are able to come to the demon world. I am very happy that the two of you can have Interested to have a few drinks with me."

"The world master is too polite. The poor Dao and Junior Brother came for the Dragon, Phoenix, Qilin and Peng tribes. I wonder if the world master can make it easier."

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