At this time, the wolf beast also seemed to notice that Shiqiu was the lowest level here.

It turned out to be only level 1!

"Made, look down on the wolf?!"

The wolf beast roared angrily, the muscles of the whole body were forced, the hind legs kicked, and a sonic boom jumped, and flew towards Shiqiu!

Xia Yao hurriedly raised his little hand, ready to intercept the wolf beast with his magical energy at any time.


Shi Qiu did not dodge, facing the wolf beast that pounced, condensed his soul power, and threw out a blessing in the face of him.

"First-order auxiliary skill - the blessing of the god of death!"

Duan Lan, Qiao Xiyue and the others all showed a bit of puzzled expressions.

They also thought that Shi Qiu wanted to try some skills.

The result or an ordinary blessing?

And still give blessings to alien beasts?

What is this operation?

Just now, Shiqiu didn't make the first move, because he was afraid that this wolf beast would be too fast, and it would be embarrassing in case the blessing was empty.

Now this wolf beast is rushing straight at it, even if it wants to brake, it is too late.

The black light fell, accurately shrouded in the wolf beast's body!

"Huh?" The wolf beast's eyes were dazed, and he only felt a wave of energy poured into his body, and the pores of his body were open, so comfortable that he couldn't even help

but hum


Women: "??? "

"Healing effect: slow recovery of health..."

"Blessed effect, hostility value -20!"

"Target intelligence below 50, effect crit! Hostility value -40! "

"Enter a state of distraction for a second!"

The wolf beast was so comfortable because of the blessing effect, it couldn't even help but roll its eyes, and his consciousness was completely confused for a second.

It twitched in the air.

Shi Qiu also took advantage of this time, and a roll flashed to the side.

"Boom! ——"

The wolf beast crashed headlong into the mound behind Shi Qiu, raising a large cloud of smoke.

Qiao Xiyue and the other women were stunned.

Did you really dodge?!

A level 1 soul breaker who had just awakened actually dodged the flying pounce of a level 17 speed-type wolf beast!

What the hell happened just now??

Xia Yao was stunned, "What happened to that wolf beast just now?" "

Yu Li hesitated and tilted his head: "It seems... When flying in the air, the movement suddenly stiffened for a second, fluttered? ......"

Qiao Xiyue turned around: "Sister Lan, what happened just now?" Do you see that? "

"This..." Duan Lan was dumbfounded.

She also didn't know what Shi Qiu had done.

Even if she has been a teacher for several years, she has never seen this kind of situation.

It is outrageous enough for a level 1 soul contractor to challenge a level 17 alien beast.

However, he actually let Shi Qiu dodge the blow of the alien beast???

Shi Qiu got up from the ground, patted the loess on his sleeves, and looked back at the flying yellow sand.

The wolf beast shook its head violently and stood still dizzily.

What just happened?

What magic did this kid use on me??

But how does it feel still... Strange comfortable?

Seems a bit addictive....

What's the matter with wanting to do it again?

The wolf beast turned its head and wanted to stare at Shi Qiu fiercely.


How does this kid look so much more pleasing than just now?

Shi Qiu saw the hatred value of the wolf beast.

"Hostility value: 15"

As for returning blood, wolf beasts were originally full of blood, and naturally there was no such thing as returning blood.

"It really worked!"

Shi Qiu grinned at the corner of his mouth, and used another blessing on the wolf beast.

"First-order auxiliary skill - the blessing of the god of death!"

The wolf beast was shrouded in black light again....

"Whaa ......"

"Slowly regains health thanks to the blessing effect..."

"Target hostility value cleared ..."

"Target favorability +25!"

Shi Qiu's eyes were cold.


"First-order auxiliary technique - the Grim Reaper..."


"Target favorability..."

After using three more auxiliary techniques in a row, Shi Qiu was so tired that he was about to collapse.

Fortunately, the effect seems to be quite significant.

The wolf beast in front of him has completely lost its fighting intent.

After a brief loss of concentration, the wolf beast looked at the world with a confused expression.

Who am I....

Where am I?

What am I doing?


At this time, Shi Qiu whistled at it.

"Come, come." Shi Qiu hooked his finger at the wolf beast.

The wolf beast turned his head and saw Shi Qiu.

That handsome face.

Very kind.

The wolf beast felt as if he had seen its father...


The wolf beast stuck out its tongue, his eyes shone, and obediently ran to Shi Qiu's side and sat down like an erha.

Shi Qiu smiled and reached out to touch its head: "It's really good." "

It seems to be a complete success.

It went even smoother than he had imagined.

Although Shi Qiu didn't know why this skill would produce a critical attack on creatures with intelligence below 50 points...

Maybe it's because it's easier to cheat with low intelligence?

The women saw this scene: "?!? "

Duan Lan was already completely disheveled and stunned: "I... I must be dreaming..."

A level 1 soul contractor, or an auxiliary, actually restrained a level 17 alien beast??

What a ferocious and cruel creature that wolf was! In the world of the single-city space gate, it is a higher existence than the alien bear!

Even if the average junior student encounters it, it is not easy to deal with it!

However, now he is lying in front of people like a head and erha, what is the matter, hey?!?

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