"Oh my God! This little brother's awakened soul, the rating in terms of assistance actually has S! "

"Take off, take off, this brother is going to take off rhythm."

"Depend, people are more popular than people, why don't I have this life..."


What the hell is going on here?

The teacher in charge of the new students scratched his head, because they didn't know what kind of soul the "God of Death" was, and they wanted to see Shi Qiu's abilities to arrange Shi Qiu's positioning.

As a result, after reading Shiqiu's six-pointed star map, they were even more confused.

Except for determining that Shiqiu has an S grade in terms of assistance, everything else can not be viewed OK?

There was no way, the teacher had to let Shi Qiu go back first.

Shi Qiu silently stepped down and returned to his seat first.

He also wondered why his soul could not display the rating except for the auxiliary aspect.

And in his impression, the Grim Reaper should not be an auxiliary anyway? If nothing else, this thing doesn't have any auxiliary temperament....

Other people's assistance is to add milk to teammates, is this thing auxiliary to find teammates to ask for life?

After half an hour, after all the new students had awakened, the vice principal came to the stage and said a few words.

It is nothing more than to tell the remaining students to "don't be discouraged, you still have a chance, go back and continue to prepare, wait for the next system awakening" and so on....

However, those who actually know the inside story know.

Most people only have one chance to awaken, and once they can't, it is almost impossible to awaken the soul system again, so the remaining students who fail will either be sent back to high school to repeat their studies, or they can only go out to find a class, and they can only be ordinary people forever....

After that, all the students who did not awaken were arranged to go back, leaving only a small number of freshmen who had successfully awakened.

It's time to prepare for placement.

Of the thousands of freshmen, there are only a hundred left.

And there is also a large group of senior seniors lying on the stand next to them to watch the liveliness....

Shi Qiu remembered that when he was in college in his last life, he was also lying on the playground stand watching his juniors being trained by the military....

And the seniors in the stands also seemed to notice Shi Qiu, who looked handsome and handsome like a little milk dog, whispering something to the little sisters around them, and from time to time they laughed like silver bells.

"Next, we're going to split shifts." The chief rector of the tiger's back and bear waist held a tablet showing the list: "Everyone who reads the name will stand up and go behind me, Jiangdong, Luo Zhao, Sun Bing..."

One by one, the cadets were called out, and teams of five were assigned to the class, accompanied by a responsible instructor.

Shi Qiu soon discovered that after these classes were assigned, the strength of each class was uneven.

The basic rating of E will only be grouped with E or D, and the strength of the basic teammate will not be lower than C if the overall rating is B.

It seems that like the previous life, the classes of this world are also divided into excellent classes and ordinary classes.

This is also good, in this way, Shi Qiu at least does not have to worry about his teammates dragging his hind legs.

When most people are allocated, only Shiqiu is left.

The chief instructor looked at the data of Shiqiu on the tablet in his hand, considered it for a while, turned to a female teacher behind him and asked, "Teacher Duan Lan, do I remember that your class still lacks an assistant?" "

I saw a young and beautiful female teacher in sportswear stunned for a moment, and then stood up: "Yes." "

Chief Instructor: "Okay, then he will be assigned to your class first." "

Teacher Duan Lan nodded: "Good." "

All the freshmen were also stunned.

"Teacher Duan Lan?? Isn't that a senior instructor? How did our freshmen get assigned to the senior class? "

"Hehe, you don't understand this, do you? My brother is the senior of this school, as long as it is a student with a single rating of S, he can be mixed with the senior senior, which is similar to skipping a grade! "

"I remember that Teacher Duan Lan's class was four girls!"

"And it's also the legendary four school flowers of our school!"

"Wouldn't you? Could it be Senior Sister Qiao and Senior Sister Lan's class? "

"Ah! Damn, it's so unfair, I also want to spend a class with four schools..."

You know, Shancheng University was originally yang and yin, nearly seventy percent were men, and now Shiqiu alone actually directly divided into four! Or four school flowers!

For a while, Shi Qiu seemed to have become the enemy of all men, and countless jealousy, hostility, envy, and fierce eyes instantly engulfed him...

Shi Qiu: "..."

Its real-time autumn is a little depressing.

It's so bad that my ability to awaken is the god of death, a god who looks so murderous and terrifying, you actually let me go to help?

Or to the four senior sisters as an assistant....

Well...... Why is there always a premonition that it will be squeezed dry?

The chief instructor said coldly: "Now the classes have been assigned. "

"Since you went to college, activated the system, and became soul covenanters, from today onwards, you will be warriors of the empire and will be fully cultivated by the empire. In the future, you will face all kinds of terrifying alien enemies, one arduous task after another. At the same time, you will really begin to understand the cruelty of this world, and you will no longer be a little fart child who has to be protected for shit and fart. "

"Everyone went back and ran in with their teammates in the same class, and after that... Abba Abba Abba Aba..."

After that, it was nothing more than some words that supported the scene and got off the horse.

"Disband." The chief instructor said the last words.

With the departure of the chief instructor, the new students also disbanded and left with their respective instructors and classmates.

At this moment, a certain voice suddenly sounded in Shi Qiu's mind.


"Third World Cheat Tool is activated!"

"Binding to the host system..."

"Warning! If the system is invaded by unknown external forces, is the virus immediately checked and killed? "

"Warning! An unknown external force is performing an unspeakable operation on the system..."


Shi Qiu: "Huh? "

Cheat tools?

Isn't that a plug-in?

Could it be that the golden finger of crossing has arrived?

This world is a large and systematic world, and everyone can activate the system, and it seems that because of this, the welfare of the traverser has simply changed from the system to a third-party world cheating tool.

How can this kind of good thing be used as a virus?

Shi Qiu immediately set up this cheat tool as a security program.

Just as Shi Qiu was about to see what the cheating tool was, a Qianying walked right in front of him.

Teacher Duan Lan is dressed in a very capable attire, with ponytail hair tied behind her head, off-white shorts and white sneakers, and a pair of slender and white legs make her figure look very well-proportioned, looking like an ordinary college instructor.

"Hello, Shi Qiu."

Duan Lan stretched out his hand with a smile: "The first time we met, I will be your guide in the future, and you can come to me if you have any questions." "

Shi Qiu: "Ah... Uh, okay. "

Although Shi Qiu was already the school grass of the university in his last life, because of his introverted personality and poor talk, he still had no experience in facing girls and did not know how to communicate.

Duan Lan suddenly felt that the shy and restrained teenager in front of him was a little cute, playing with the taste: "Are you shy? "

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly: "This... I guess not, I'm not very good at reaching out to people I'm not familiar with. "

"Cluck... Well, in the future, I will get acquainted slowly, I thought you would be shy when you met girls. Duan Lan smiled and said, "After all, I will get along with four girls day and night in the future." "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Duan Lan sneered: "Well, I can see that you really don't talk to strange girls." Well, I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the residence first, and you'll be able to meet your four teammates later. "

Shi Qiu followed Duan Lan and left.

At this time, it was in the stands not far away.

A tall girl with white skin and a hot body was lying on the guardrail, with a playful expression, and the mobile phone in her hand "clicked" in the direction where Shi Qiu and Duan Lan left.

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