A seal of contract suddenly appeared on the forehead of the bloodthirsty leopard.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the treacherous leopard instantly turned red, and the momentum changed instantly!

Shi Qiu's eyebrows raised sharply.

"The target receives a special buff! Mental disorder state! "

"The target receives a special buff! Strength +86, Agility +101, Stamina +99, Explosiveness +77, Blood Cirst +100%, Moving Object Excitement +100%, Sanity -93%, Pain -70%, Special Restrictions Lifted..."

"The target continues to receive 30 mental damage points per second!"

"Target hostility is growing rapidly! Favorability: 31, 25, 20, 13...-4, -16, -27..."

Shi Qiu was stunned: "Lying groove? "

The bloodthirsty leopard hiding behind Shi Qiu suddenly burst out extremely aggressive!

"Roar! ~~~" Suddenly opened the blood basin and bit Shi Qiu's thigh!

Fortunately, Shi Qiu reacted quickly, dodged in time, and immediately summoned the black spirit, allowing the crow to gather into a flame curtain, blocking the attack of the bloodthirsty leopard.

Shi Qiu held the scythe and pulled back at least thirty meters away!

Although this distance is only a matter of bending over and bouncing for a split second for the leopard.

Shi Qiu probably understood.

This move is used by summoners to strengthen the skills of summoned beasts. The amplitude of the enhancement is very large, but it almost enters the mode that the six relatives do not recognize, and it will also cause mental damage to the summoned beast!

"No wonder this leopard's IQ is lower than that of ordinary animals..."

Shi Qiu thought secretly.

The flat-headed man stared at Shi Qiu and sneered: "This time you are dead!" "

"Although I don't know what exactly you just did to the treacherous leopard."

"But it doesn't matter."

The flat-headed man roared angrily: "You, give me death!" "

Shi Qiu said coldly with disdain:

"You're the one who dies, right?"

"Idiot, this trick will kill you."

The flat-headed man's heart moved: "What? ......"

"Uling... Go! Shi Qiu raised his right hand and waved, and countless crows swarmed towards the flat-headed male group.

The flat-headed man had just seen the power of those black flame crows, and he didn't dare to be careless, and quickly used the skill: "Second-order defense technique - shadow barrier!" "

A shadow barrier stood in front of him, blocking the crow's group attack.

And Shi Qiu took advantage of this time and gave himself another buff to strengthen.

Two buff superimposes, his speed exploded to the limit!

A ghostly flash, he came behind the flat-headed man! The scythe is swung out!

The flat-headed man's pupils shrank sharply.

An auxiliary, how could it be so fast !?

Are you an assistant or an assassin?!

And the flat-headed man, as a summoner, also has an Achilles heel. That is, all the combat power is almost concentrated on the summoned soul beast, and its own combat power attribute is actually not strong, only a small number of life-saving skills.

So Shi Qiu used Wuling as a feint, and then took the opportunity to flash behind the flat-headed man.

One cut!


Blood splattered out....

This knife was originally aimed at his life, but the flat-headed man was level 7 after all, and his basic attributes had advantages, so he still avoided the point, and in the end, it was just a small cut in his arm....

But, that's enough.

Shi Qiu flicked the scythe and evaporated the blood on the blade, and then stood silently to the side with an expression of watching a play.

The flat-headed man seemed to have anticipated something, and his face became extremely ugly.

He slowly turned his head and saw the bloodthirsty leopard staring at him with red eyes.

"Tricky leopard... You...... Yes!!! ......"

The bloodthirsty leopard had lost its mind under the furious skill, flew to the flat-headed man, and bit his neck fiercely...



The screams resounded under the sky of the ruins of the rotten building.

But except for Shi Qiu, there are also the two freshmen who are not dead for the time being, and no one will hear it.

Bloodthirsty value +100%, sane - 93% of the bloodthirsty leopard directly bites its owner.

Then, because the soul contractor died, it naturally disappeared as a summoning object.

Shi Qiu summoned all the dark spirits, and the black mist gradually dispersed.

He walked over to the flat-headed man.

I saw that the flat-headed man died extremely tragically, and his neck was bitten off, crooked to a right angle....

Scratching the roots of his ears, Shi Qiu secretly thought: "Can this kind of turning into a martial corpse still work?" "

At this moment, the only ones left who remained awake were the two Level 1 Soul Contractors who had not yet died.

The two boys covered their injured parts, but they couldn't get up anymore, and looked at Shi Qiu in horror.

At this moment, they looked at Shi Qiu's expression as if they were looking at a monster!

A freshman, a level 2 soul contractor, actually killed a level 7 senior!!

What the hell is this!

Is this really a freshman like them, who has just awakened this year!?

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