Shi Qiu thought that Senior Sister would definitely make a big red face, and then pushed him away.

Who knew that Qiao Xiyue just raised her eyebrows, and then glanced at Shi Qiu, who was still staring ahead.

"Hey, looks good, right?"


Shi Qiu subconsciously replied, and then realized that he was embarrassed, and looked up to find that the senior sister was staring at him with hot eyes.

"Uh..." Shi Qiu took a step back and smiled bitterly: "What, I didn't mean to..."

"Well, I know." Qiao Xiyue said lightly.

Shi Qiu didn't say anything more, smiled bitterly helplessly, quietly took off his coat, and handed it to Qiao Xiyue: "Let's wear mine first, senior sister." "

"Thank you..."

Qiao Xiyue turned around.

Immediately, the actual combat room fell into an eerie silence for a long time....

The atmosphere was slightly awkward, and both of them were silent for a long time.

After putting on her coat, Qiao Xiyue tried hard to suppress her heartbeat that was almost popping out, and her burnt cheeks red, before she dared to slowly turn around.

Then, she saw Shi Qiu's embarrassed expression, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Qiao Xiyue looked at him with crooked eyes with a smile, and poked his face with her finger like a big sister next door: "Why, junior brother, I'm not embarrassed yet, you are shy first?" "

Shi Qiu: "..."

"Hmph, for your sake, I will spare you this time."

Immediately, Qiao Xiyue said faintly: "But no matter what, I broke the rules, and this time I lost." "

"Hmm..." Shi Qiu touched his nose: "That senior sister, do you choose a big adventure, or do you tell the truth?" "

Qiao Xiyue's expression was not very natural, but it only turned into calm in an instant: "First... Let me think first... Don't worry, since I lost anyway, I will definitely follow the rules! "

Shi Qiu: "Okay. "

"But... It's kind of a secret between the two of us, well... You are not allowed to tell Xue'er about my loss to you today..." said Qiao Xiyue seriously.

"Eh?" Shi Qiu was stunned.

"You shouldn't say yes, right? Junior brother? Qiao Xiyue looked at Shi Qiu's eyes.

"Then if I don't say yes, is it..."

"Well, then I'm going to use the unspoken rules in the name of the squad leader."

Shi Qiu: "... Senior sister, don't make trouble. "

Qiao Xiyue smiled playfully: "Then no way, who let you have such a face that makes people want to tease?" "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Qiao Xiyue could imagine that if the two guys Lan Ningxue and Xia Yao knew about it, they would definitely try their best to incite Shi Qiu to use this opportunity to make some shameful demands to retaliate against her!

Well, they must not be allowed to know!

"Then I'll say yes." Qiao Xiyue: "Hmm... I suddenly remembered that my student union still had some business to deal with, and I had to leave first... Junior brother, you have just broken through level 3, rest well, don't practice too hard, so as not to consolidate the foundation poorly. "

After speaking, Qiao Xiyue turned his back, his face was red again, and his figure flashed, and he turned into a dark shadow and hurriedly disappeared and left.

Shi Qiu scratched the root of his ear, how do I feel familiar with this sentence?

I didn't expect that it was just a competition and practice, and it was such a thing....

It's so embarrassing....

"Fortunately, Senior Sister Qiao didn't think about herself."

"It's worthy of being the vice president of the student union, you can stay calm in such an embarrassing situation, and you can talk and laugh."

"If you change to another senior sister, emmmmm..."

After taking two steps, Shi Qiu walked to pick up the two short swords that he had cut off.

As a result, he also broke Senior Sister's short sword....

Isn't it time to find an opportunity to compensate her for a new one?

Shi Qiu looked at the short sword in his hand, was silent for a long time, and suddenly muttered softly: "It seems to be black lace..."


After lunch, Lan Ningxue, Xia Yao, and Yuli returned to the apartment together.

Xia Yao frowned and asked, "Sister Lan, has the junior brother confessed to you in the past two days?" "

Lan Ningxue's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she immediately remembered eating with Shi Qiu that day.

But she quickly suppressed her blush with her soul power again, and then said calmly: "Confession? What confession? How could my junior confess to me? "

"Actually no?" Xia Yao was stunned.

I thought to myself, could it be that the fooling junior failed that day?

Lan Ningxue raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "Xiao Yao... You ask, are you doing something bad behind my back? "

Xia Yao blinked his big cute eyes and said quite naturally, "How is it possible?" I have always been on the same front as Sister Lan, and if I want to do something bad, I will definitely call you... Right, Yuli? "

Yu Li: "..."

"Shhh..." Lan Ningxue skimmed the corners of her mouth, but did not pierce her.

While a few people were talking, they had already taken the elevator to the upper floor of the apartment.

Xia Yao walked to the door of Qiao Xiyue's room, and naturally pushed open the door and walked in: "Sister Xiyue, today's school... Groove!? "

I saw Qiao Xiyue sitting in the room, with a head buried in the basin, which was filled with ice cubes and water, and bubbles came out of "purring".

Lan Ningxue and Yu Li walked in, and they were also stunned.

Yu Li was stunned and asked, "Sunset moon... What are you doing? "

"Whew..." Qiao Xiyue raised her head, wiped a handful of wet face with a towel, and said faintly: "I didn't do anything, just cool myself down." "


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