After saying that, Zhou Yanan's left arm also gradually became the hand of the devil, and grabbed Shiqiu again.

Shi Qiu did not dare to slacken, and ran his soul power to dodge again.

However, Zhou Yanan's speed is faster this time!

"Oh" all of a sudden, Shi Qiu could not avoid it, and the radiation protection suit in front of him was torn open by a claw!


Zhou Yanan frowned slightly.


I don't know why, whenever he was about to catch Shi Qiu, he would suddenly feel a heart palpitation.

It seems to be... I actually had an inexplicable feeling of fear for this kid!

"What the hell? Is it an illusion? "

The first attack before was also because when he was about to catch Shi Qiu, he would suddenly have palpitations, so he let Shi Qiu dodge.

This time it was still like this...

After Shi Qiu dodged, he adjusted his figure, and saw Zhou Yanan in place, so he decisively picked up his scythe and rushed up.

A powerful horizontal slash!

Zhou Yanan did not believe in evil, gritted his teeth tightly, and grappled with Shi Qiu again.

This time, half of his face and the left half of his shoulder have turned into evil ghost mode, and his hideous and ugly face can almost scare a child, and the evil ghost has reached 35%!

However, he found that the previous feeling was not a coincidence.

Whenever he approached Shiqiu, the fear that came from his heart would immediately attack.

And it seems that as the degree of demonicization increases, the stronger the feeling!

What's going on??

Zhou Yanan even wanted to forcibly restrain himself, but he found that it was not something he could do at all, and that feeling was completely born from the heart, as if it was instinct!

After a few rounds of moves, Zhou Yanan failed to hurt Shi Qiu, but was also cut several times by Shi Qiu's sickle.

"It's really a horse and a wicked door!" Zhou Yanan gritted his teeth.

Shi Qiu used the shadow spirit to step on the ground and flew out seven or eight meters.

Immediately looked at Zhou Yanan, who had a skeptical look on his life, and smiled: "Still want to play?" "

Zhou Yanan saw that the big-mouthed demon he summoned was about to be devoured by black fire, but after spending so long with him, he hadn't been able to touch him in the slightest, let alone capture this kid alive!

"Boy, don't be proud!"

Zhou Yanan's face sank: "In that case, I won't waste time." "

Immediately, he raised one of his right hands: "Array.!" "

When the words fell, the members of the Black Soul Society immediately dispersed and divided into several corners when they heard this, encircling Shi Qiu.

At the same time, I saw them clasping their hands together, black qi stirring, and clouds of dark energy escaping from their bodies!

"Finally here..."

Shi Qiu squinted in anticipation.

"Soul Technique - Forbidden Black Soul Formation!"

I saw the energy controlled by several people rising into the air, mixing with each other, forming a huge square prison cage, enveloping Shi Qiu in it.

Immediately, all the energy fell heavily towards Shi Qiu in the center!

Those black soul forces compressed each other, Shi Qiu only felt a terrifying pressure, if it was an ordinary level 3 soul contractor, I was afraid that it would be crushed by this force and instantly exploded to death!

"Such a powerful soul technique, but..."

Shi Qiu let out a low moan of pain but not so pain, and then closed his eyes.


"Hint! Sensing the same attribute energy squeeze, the Grim Reaper characteristic is activated! "

"Death Contract Soul Characteristics:"

"The Reaper Host increases all attributes by 35% in the night environment"

"The Grim Reaper host has a terrifying effect on all ghosts and evil spirits."

"The Grim Reaper host can absorb 100% of the ghost and evil spirit energy in the surrounding environment."

"The Grim Reaper host can absorb 70% of the dark attribute energy in the surrounding environment..."


Under the squeeze of the Black Soul Forbidden Technique, Shi Qiu felt the system data in his mind jumping rapidly.

"Hint: Sensing absorbable energy..."

"Soul Power +9, +7, +11..."

"Temporary soul power +153, +217, +239..."


"Hint: Sensing absorbable energy..."

"XP +8, +12, +10..."


Zhou Yanan couldn't see the changes in the black soul formation, but saw Shi Qiu wrapped in a black light cocoon, and there was a tooth-biting crunch in it...

Zhou Yanan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart was shocked.

"Not good..."

"This kid won't be crushed into powder, right..."


Zhou Yanan hurriedly shouted at those soul contractors standing in several corners of the formation. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When those soul contractors heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and only then did they stop one after another.

However, that formation has already formed, and the black light is overlapping and hovering in the center, which will not be able to dissipate for a while.

"Vice President, what's wrong?" A soul contractor was startled by Zhou Yanan's roar and asked weakly.

"What's wrong?? Are you kind enough to ask me what's wrong!? "

Zhou Yanan pointed at the square black soul array and said angrily, "I want you to join forces to catch him!" I don't want you to kill him! "

"Senior Black Bone wants us to bring that kid back safe and sound! Are you planning to crush him into powder?!? "

At this time, the soul masters also realized that the attack just now was too heavy.

This move is the forbidden technique of the Black Soul Society, and its principle is to compress all the dark attribute energy in the space in the formation, resulting in a strong confinement effect, making the target in the space completely immobile.

Even a soul contractor above level 15 may not be able to break free!

But this move is extremely difficult to control energy, even if their original intention is to catch people, but among the people who cast the spell formation, as long as one person is not careful, it will crush people into meat sludge!

But it's too late to say anything now...

Zhou Yanan looked back at the square black light cocoon, which was still shrinking, and suddenly slapped his head.

"~It's over..."

"I'm afraid I can't even find the ashes now..."

Just when Zhou Yanan was already thinking about how to explain to Senior Black Bone after going back.

The person next to him suddenly exclaimed in amazement: "Vice... Vice President, look! "


Zhou Yanan raised his head in confusion, and then saw a scene that made him almost bite off his tongue!

I saw that as the square black light cocoon gradually shrunk, a cloud of energy continued to converge towards the middle...

And Shi Qiu's figure also reappeared in their field of vision.

I saw Shi Qiu bathed in the black light with a scythe, not only safe and sound, but also not crushed, as if reborn from the ashes, closed his eyes, constantly absorbing all the black soul power around him...

"This..." Zhou Yanan and everyone were immediately shocked.

How is this possible?

Zhou Yanan's face was full of incredulity.

With that level of black soul formation, even if it was Zhou Yanan himself, I am afraid that he would have to die in it!

As a result, the freshman was unharmed???

Finally, the black light disappeared...

Shi Qiu, on the other hand, stood quietly in place.


Shi Qiu let out a turbid breath, raised his hand and wiped the blood stain that spilled from the corner of his mouth (Li Zhao) with the back of his hand.

In fact, he cannot be considered unharmed.

On the surface of his body, there were many places that showed traces as if he had been burned, and there was a faint black qi on it...

In some places, even the flesh and blood were completely charred, revealing the white bones below.

Fortunately, Shi Qiu's bones, after being alienated, did not seem to be so fragile, and were not crushed and crushed by that black soul power...

Shi Qiu can absorb most of the dark attribute energy, but the remaining 30% of the energy will still cause damage to him.

His current physical strength is still too weak, even that 30% of the energy almost compressed him to death!

Fortunately, I survived in the end...

Shi Qiu slowly opened his eyes.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the successful upgrade, the upgrade reward has been issued! "

"It has been upgraded to level 5!"

"Cheat code: magnet:?xturn:btih:377C0A80315F8F5E68BF24973B32E74598C6F121"


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