The car drove to a quadrangle compound.

Shi Qiu looked up at the building in front of him: "That's it?"

"Right. "

Shi Qiu could clearly sense ~ felt that there were strong soul power fluctuations hidden near this house!

At least they are all soul contractors above level 20, and the soul power is quite strong!

"It is worthy of the place where the city lord lives. Shi Qiu squinted.

All the way in, Shi Qiu saw no ~ young big guy.

They are all big people who can usually be seen on TV and newspapers, but today they actually saw them alive.

However, when these people saw Shi Qiu, they couldn't help but look sideways, and then cast envious eyes...

Soon, Sun took Shiqiu to a certain room.

"Elder Chen, people have brought. Sun said.

At the end of the room, behind an ordinary long table, a ~ half-haired old man smiled when he saw Shi Qiu: "Hehe, you are Shi Qiu? "

Shi Qiu didn't know what to say, so he found a place to sit.

It's not nervous...

It's not social terror either...

It's just that his mind is now full of nonsense for a while, how to make it up...

"Don't be nervous, there's nothing to be restrained in my ~24. Elder Chen smiled kindly: "I heard that the space gate mission the day before yesterday, you saved the entire transport convoy?"

Shi Qiu: "... It's just luck. "

Elder Chen squinted: "Hehe, classmate, you are too modest." "

"As a ~ freshman, he has only awakened the Soul Contract for more than a few weeks, and he has already risen to level 5, and even the strength of soul power has reached a level that ordinary Ten Soul Contractors cannot reach. "

"It can also control level 22 high-level alien beasts. "

"Even dare to jump directly into the chaotic battle ~ field with a ~ person. "

"Single-handedly kill more than a dozen middle-rank alien beasts..."

Chen Lao read those legendary deeds of Shi Qiu as he counted, smiled faintly, his tone was calm, but his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

"Do you know how many imperial records you've broken?"

"How can someone who can do this just be lucky?"

Shi Qiu: "..."

No wonder it's the city lord...

I'm afraid this old man is not good at fooling...

Elder Chen smiled and said, "Classmate Shi Qiu, you are a hero now. "

"The media of the entire empire are blowing about you, saying that we have a single city ~ small city, actually produced such a ~ super genius, in the future will definitely be the hope of our Terran race!"

"But in order to protect you, we deliberately let the media hide your name, you shouldn't blame us for being troublesome, right?"

"Of course. Shi Qiu said easily: "I don't like trouble in the first place, and I don't like to be famous. "

Elder Chen nodded appreciatively: "It is not simple to have such courage at a young age. "

"But I'm curious about your strength. "

"How exactly did you get to level 5 in a week?"

"And what about your outrageously exaggerated soul qi energy?"

Shi Qiu was silent for a moment: "Hmm... Actually, I don't know. "

Elder Chen frowned: "You don't know either?"

"yes. "

Shi Qiu said with a very natural face: "I am taught by the school teacher according to this ~ week, normal cultivation, normal tasks, at most, more drugs than ordinary class students... Then the level and soul power naturally went up. "

Shi Qiu looked up with an innocent face: "Upgrade, is it difficult?"

Elder Chen: "..."

General Sun: "..."

The corner of General Sun's mouth twitched: "Classmate Shiqiu... Do you know that your current level is the result that most students cultivate for one year and will only have in their sophomore year!"

"And your soul energy is even higher than most juniors!!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

General Sun's expression was complicated: "Do you think this is reasonable?

Shi Qiu scratched his head honestly: "Then, that might be talent... Actually, I originally thought that my talent was very poor..."

Elder Chen: "..."

General Sun: "..."

Elder Chen took a deep look at Shi Qiu.

It seems that this child is very defensive...

If it were an ordinary child, standing in front of such a big figure in the empire, I am afraid that he would not even be able to speak!

Even if there are a few people with a good mentality who can speak clearly, they simply can't withstand a few temptations, and they have to be fully out...

However, although this kid looks introverted, silent and honest.

But obviously the heart is strong!

You can do this at a young age, and in the future...

"Okay. Elder Chen helplessly changed the question: "The matter of level and soul power~ Let's not talk about it for the time being, Shi Qiu, can you tell me, how did you control that level 22 alien beast?"

Shi Qiu: "Uh..."

Elder Chen's gaze was solemn: "I know that the empire has a convention, and the personal ability of the soul contractor belongs to personal privacy completely, as long as he does not violate the law, no one is qualified to interrogate." "

"But this matter may be related to the success or failure of our Terran and alien battles!"

Elder Chen's eyes were bright: "This is a race dispute! Our single city, the confrontation with the alien race in the single city has always been at a disadvantage! and 403 They don't know when they will invade our world!"

"If we can master the method of controlling alien beasts, the odds of our Terran will definitely be greatly improved!"

Good guys ~ guys...

This directly pressed over such a big hat as "race fight"!

"This..." Shi Qiu was embarrassed.

"Classmate Shi Qiu, for the final victory of our Terrans, I hope you can tell me. Elder Chen said seriously, "Or, I ask you to tell me." "

"Not very well..." Shi Qiu: "I always feel a little ashamed to say it." "

"Nothing to be ashamed of. Seeing that Shi Qiu's mouth loosened, Elder Chen continued to agitate: "If you can help the empire defeat the alien race, then you are the hero of the entire human race!"

"But I said you can't learn either..."

"It's okay, but you say it's okay. Elder Chen continued to persuade: "Those who do not learn are handed over to those soul scientists to study. "

“...... Do you really want to listen?"

"Uh-huh. Elder Chen looked expectant.

Shi Qiu scratched his head: "... Well, actually, the alien beast I controlled that day..."

Elder Chen stretched out his ears.

Shi Qiu: "... I think it should be in love with me. "

Elder Chen: "..."

General Sun: "??"


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