Shi Qiu is gone.

The skinny youth returns to the bar.

Although Shi Qiu is gone, the induction with the chains of hell has not been broken for the time being, so these people in the bar have not been free from the chains for the time being.

"What about the kid?" asked a fat chaotic Kun who was tied up.

"Gone. The thin young man replied.

Fat man: "You took him into the warehouse?"

Thin Youth: "Hmm..."

The fat man said in annoyance: "This kid is too bold! even Shi Ye's frozen west dares to grab it! Look at it, Shi Ye will definitely not let him go! Dare to provoke Shi Ye, he won't want to mess around in Shan City in the future!"

Thin youth: "..."

Fat man: "By the way, why are you still stunned, and "one one zero" don't hurry up and untie us!"

The thin young man did not speak, and silently took out a steel knife.

"You..." the fat man showed a terrified expression: "What are you going to do?"

The thin young man said in a deep voice: "Shi Ye has a big temper, and when he comes back and finds that the warehouse has been ransacked, he will definitely be very angry, and if he doesn't do it, he will kill people to vent his anger... I, I can't let him know that I brought that kid into the warehouse. "

The fat man's pupils shrank suddenly, and he seemed to think of something: "You..."


Before the words were finished, the thin young man had already put the steel knife barrel into his heart!

The fat man looked at the thin young man blankly, and blood spurted out.

And then the rambling frightened ...

The rest of the people froze for a moment, and then they all screamed, and at the same time scolded the thin young man for having no conscience.

But the skinny youth ignored it.

He has decided not to do both.

So he killed all the rest.

There was a terrible cry in the bar again...

Blood flowed like rivers, and this mile has become a hell on earth...

Shi Zhen cracked and took people back to the bar in the middle of the night.

Seeing the blood stains in the bar and the corpses everywhere, Shi Zhen's eyes were completely red, and his body couldn't help but tremble...

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on!?"


The thin young man pretended to climb out from behind the bar, covering the wound on his shoulder: "Shi Ye..."

Shi Zhencrack strode over and tugged at his collar:

"What's going on!? say!"

Skinny Youth: "It's the kid in the day... After you chased him out, he killed a horse gun, not only smashed the field, killed people, but..."

"What else?"

"Also went into the warehouse... Ransacked our Shao Frozen West..."

The state of the stone crack at this moment can already be described as thunderous!

He threw the skinny young man away and ran wildly to the warehouse.

Sure enough, the warehouse was turned over in a mess, there were obvious traces of looting, and many high-value materials were all gone!

“...... Very well, boy, you have a kind!"

Shi Zhen cracked down at this time.

It's just that his face, gloomy and hideous, is chilling!

He has been on this black market for more than ten years, and it is the first time he has suffered such a big loss!

A lot of his men were killed, homes were stolen, yards were smashed, goods were washed ...

What's even more outrageous is that this was actually planted in the hands of a level 5 soul contractor!

What a humiliation this made him!!

"Inform your brothers not to do business these days!" said Shi Zhen through gritted his teeth fiercely and said gloomyly. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Actinium ?......"

The thin young man was stunned: "That... Then we..."

"Let everyone, let me squat at the gate of Shan Cheng University!" Shi Zhen's cracked iron fist clenched and made a "click" sound.

If this matter is just settled, then it is still a Mao business?

The face is lost!

How will you mess around in a single city in the future?

"I have to make that kid pay!"

"He has the ability, just don't go out of the gate of Shan City University for the rest of his life!!"

Shi Zhen cracked and roared...

And Shi Qiu, at this time, had leisurely returned to Shan Cheng University.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the school, Shi Qiu saw Yuli's figure.

After Yuli got out of the black market, he returned to school, but he never returned.

Mobile phones, I can't get through at all.

She was also not worried about going back to the apartment.

So I waited in front of the school.

As soon as he saw Shi Qiu, Yu Li immediately trotted all the way over.

"Shiqiu, you can be counted as back. "

Yu Li could see that he was really anxious, and even his eyes were red: "I... I couldn't contact you all the time, I thought you..."

"Think I died at the hands of those black marketeers?"

Shi Qiu smiled, reached out and touched Yu Li's hair comfortingly: "It's okay Sister Xiao Li, I said, I have a way to get out, I never lie to people." "

"Hmm..." Yu Li rubbed his head by Shi Qiu, his cheeks turned red, and he lowered his head and stopped talking.

3.5" amount... Ahem..." Shi Qiu dared to laugh that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and coughed lightly.

Just thinking about comforting people.

Subconsciously touched his head.

But thinking of Yu Li's personality, coupled with his identity as a junior, this action is slightly ambiguous...

"Then what..." Shi Qiu changed the topic: "Sister Xiao Li, let's go back." By the way, let's talk about refining the pearl please. "

Yu Li: "Hmm..."

The two returned to the apartment together.

Since she wanted to talk about Tong Mingzhu, Shi Qiu followed Yu Li to her room.

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