Time flies quickly.

October, the season of condensation into frost.

The schedule for this half month is almost the same as usual.

It's just one more, every night I have to sneak into Yuli's room to refine the pearl with her.

Each practice is 1 night.

After all, it was a little secret between the two of them.

So you can only secretly mold it.

Fortunately, the essence power of both of them is very strong, otherwise if you stay up late every day to refine pearls, your hair is estimated to fall out...

Yu Li and Shi Qiu also became more and more familiar.

Originally, every time I got along alone, Yu Li would always be embarrassed, and even seemed restrained when she spoke, not to mention that the two stayed in the same room and 1 night together.

But as he got along day and night, Yu Li gradually let go, and he could often make some jokes with Shi Qiu.


After Shi Qiu experienced another cultivation, Huan Huan opened her eyes.

"This pearl is truly magical. "

Shi Qiu picked up the pearl in his hand.

The originally black inky bead had turned into a faint transparent color.

This is because the energy in the Tong Ming Pearl has been sucked up by Shi Qiu.

When the energy of the bead is completely absorbed, it will complete to turn transparent, so that it looks no different from ordinary glass beads.

In the past few days, Shi Qiu has used up five Tong Ming Pearls.

He felt that his soul power growth value was almost exploded now!

Shi Qiu also received a subsidy for his second month of college.

As last month, the school still gave him two million in subsidies.

But Shi Qiu, who has been a soul contractor for 1 month, will no longer be amazed by these two million, and even feel a little less.

As his level increased, he found that the two million he originally thought was a lot, but now it was becoming more and more insufficient.

Shi Qiu, who did not join any forces, did not have any additional resource subsidies, and could only earn it through other ways on his own.

However, Shi Qiu recently felt that he had encountered a bottleneck in upgrading.

He hadn't been upgraded since he had been upgraded to level 5 since he returned from the last Space Gate mission.

The jump from level 3 to level 5 was because several "friends ~~ army" of the Black Soul Society poured energy into him.

However, Shi Qiu sadly discovered that this bell technique could only be used once.

After that, Shi Qiu actually tried to let Zhou Yanan come over a few dolls, or instilled dark attribute soul power in him in the way that day.

Although the temporary soul power will still increase, the experience points will not skyrocket like that night.

"The desire to brush the level in an opportunistic way was dashed actin..."

"It seems that we still have to think of other ways. "

Shi Qiu is an SSS-level soul contractor, and the experience bar from level 5 to level 6 is ridiculously long, and the more he reaches the second half, the slower he wants to cultivate in ordinary ways to increase his experience.

At this time, the easiest way is to take drugs.

Shi Qiu thought of Lai, among the treasures he had stolen from the Shizhen Crack warehouse that day, there were several bottles of frozen sea called "Experience Polymerization Liquid".

He used the system to check the attributes, and the grade was "precious" grade materials.

Should work well?

He opened the mall and took a look, almost frightening his wrist, almost not holding the frozen west steady!


"A bottle of this thing is worth five million!?"

Shi Qiu looked at the medicine bottle in his hand with a complicated expression.

"Just such a small bottle, just cover your own subsidy for two and a half months?"


"There is indeed a lot of frozen actinium hidden in this stone cracked warehouse..."

"It seems that if you have a chance, you have to go again." "

Shi Qiu unscrewed the bottle of medicinal liquid, raised his neck and drank it into his stomach.

If this scene is seen by General Sun, I don't know how he feels ...

Because this Zhong Experience Polymerization Liquid was originally intended for soul contractors above level ten.

Low-level soul contractors either say that they can't use it, or it's really a bit wasteful to use Qilai...

The higher the level of this frozen west, the better the effect of using Qilai. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And originally he drank it all at once, but Shi Qiu drank it like a coke in one breath...

However, Shi Qiu is not distressed.

Anyway, this frozen west was originally snatched.

Big deal, just go and grab it again when you run out ...

After a while, Shi Qiu felt a burst of energy circulating in his body.

Immediately afterwards, a certain energy in his body seemed to condense faster.

Shi Qiu took the bottle and continued to close his eyes and cultivate for a while.


The efficiency of cultivation was more than ten times stronger than before!

Feeling the continuous surge and beating of experience points, Shi Qiu dared to feel that he was finally on the verge of the bottleneck of upgrading...


A soul power explosion, violent energy spread out from the body.

Shi Qiu opened his eyes, and the whole person's momentum seemed to have changed!


Congratulations to the host for the successful upgrade, the upgrade reward has been issued!"

"~Cheat Code:magnet:?xturn:btih:C1115FCEEAB2C424B29FBFDFB29DC73A7ABDA22F"

"Host Open Upgrade Reward! Earn: 1,000,000 cash, Grim Reaper Puppet Contract Book *20, System Points *3, Advanced Doll Making and Repair Knowledge *1, Advanced Surgical Knowledge *1. "

"Knowledge of puppet making and repair?"

Shi Qiu was stunned.

I didn't expect that the cheater of the system could even send this bell frozen west?

Sure enough, soon, all kinds of knowledge and information about puppets and surgical medicine were constantly instilled into Shiqiu's brain...

And it's deeply engraved in memory.

The kind that you won't forget easily.

Shi Qiu thought that these two abilities should be able to be used in the ability of "puppets".

With these two skills, he should be able to transform the puppet even stronger!

Just like the last time (Nuo Zhao is good) each crooked head man, if Shi Qiu has these two abilities at that time, he should be able to help the crooked head man's head be connected.

Thinking of this, Shi Qiu immediately wanted to do an experimental look.

He spent 20 credits, rented a laboratory from 1 school, and then called Zhou Yanan over.

"Master, you look for me. "

Zhou Yanan sensed Shi Qiu's essence Sakaki summoning and rushed to the laboratory.

"Well, lie down. Shi Qiu pointed to the bed in the laboratory.

"Yes. Zhou Yanan didn't say a word, and went directly up to lie flat.

Shi Qiu put on a white coat, put on a mask, opened the box next to it, and took out the scalpel, saw, tool forceps, stitches and threads, ropes, lighters, candles that had been prepared long ago...

Zhou Yanan: "..."

“...... Master, what are you going to do?"

Shi Qiu: "Don't worry, I'll finish things as quickly as possible." "

Zhou Yanan: "...".

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