As expected, the box is specially prepared by Wanbao Pavilion for the Imperial Clan. It is extraordinarily luxurious and has a large space. The tables are filled with exotic fruits, wines and delicacies, and there is formation in the box, with a wide view. You can see the entire auction site when you sit in the box. !

People outside the box can't see inside, and there is a soundproof circle, which is in place.

"As expected, it is a private box of the emperor's brand, and it really lives up to its reputation!"

Zhou Zheng said that Wanbao Pavilion is spread all over the Immortal Domain, and there are also in his Great Zhou Imperial City, but his family power does not have such a good treatment.

Just as Wu Xian and the others entered the box, outside a quiet room on the top floor of Wanbao Building, a girl dressed as a maid knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

A pleasant female voice came out, and the maid pushed the door open and entered.

"I've seen Miss!"

I saw two beautiful figures in the room, one of them was sitting at the table, holding the list of auction personnel in his hand, frowning and meditating, looking 15 or 16 years old, wearing a red dress, with a delicate face, radiant expression, alive and well Take off a beauty embryo.

Another figure stood in front of the window, dressed in white, with a graceful back, slender legs, a tall and stunning figure, her soft hair was randomly tied with a silver Ribbon, hanging down from her shoulders until she was upright, she looked out of the window, as if I have something on my mind, and I don't seem to have heard the maid's words.

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter?"

The girl in red put down the list and raised her beautiful eyes to look at the maid, and asked aloud.

"Miss, the son of the Wu Family has come to my Wanbao Pavilion! Now he is in the imperial box!"

"Huh? What Wu Family Emperor?"

"It's Wu Xian, the son of the Wu Family who slayed the Flame Dragon and resisted the attack of the True God with the Divine Sea Realm!"

"What! He's here too!"

"Did he say anything?"


"I see, Xiaoqing, go down first, tell Uncle Fu, let him receive him in person! Report any changes to me as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Miss!"

The servant girl responded, closed the door and left.

"Emperor Wu Family is here..."

The girl in red muttered.

"Emperor Wu Family? Who is it?"

At this time, Qianying by the window asked, then turned around.

What a beauty this is!

She has a beautiful face, without makeup, her eyes are picturesque, with a trace of coldness that rejects others, and a mark of the moon between her eyebrows, like the goddess of the moon, independent of the world.

"Sister Nalan, you are so beautiful! Every time I see you, I feel amazing! I wish I could be half as beautiful as Sister Nalan!"

The girl got up and grabbed the sleeve of the woman in white, and said coquettishly.

"You're the one with the sweetest mouth, you! You will definitely be prettier than my sister in the future!"

The woman in white smiled, stretched out her crystal white hand, and tapped the forehead of the girl in red.

"You haven't said Wu Family emperor son yet!"

"Sister Nalan, you focus on cultivating and don't hear anything outside the window. Of course you don't know about this emperor!"

The girl in red gave a playful smile.

"Don't sell it!"

When the woman in white heard the words, she gave the young girl a blank look, full of flair.

"This emperor of the Wu Family is incredible. At the age of fifteen, he has broken the limit records of the physical realm and the Heavenly Cave Realm one after another. He also heard that he has opened up a divine sea that is unique in all ages. He just came to the Imperial City today. Killed a Tianjiao who was at the peak of the Taoist realm of the Yanmang Clan!"

"The most frightening thing is to resist the real god realm with one move and not die!"

"I do not believe!"

The woman in white said lightly,

"No one can fight the true god in the sea!"

"Hee hee, I also think it's exaggerated, but many people have witnessed it with their own eyes!"

"It's just grandstanding!"

"There's more! Sister Nalan, you are not the body of the moon god. Guess what's wrong with this emperor?"

"Why, could it be that he is the Sun God?"

The white-clothed woman frowned, with a special flair.

"Hahaha, then actually is not, if it's really the sun god body, wouldn't it be a perfect match with my sister? Besides, that one doesn't agree either!"

"Don't mention that guy, it's so annoying! I have nothing to do with him!"

"Hahaha, my sister is so beautiful when she is angry, I really don't know who will be cheaper!"

"Xiao Nizi, I think you are in a bad position!"

"Ah! Sister, I was wrong, I dare not do it again!"

The two women started fighting.

"Quickly tell me! What happened to the Wu Family emperor?"

"Sister, do you have any idea after inquiring about him like this? By the way, that emperor is the most beautiful man in the heaven realm, and has the talent of True Immortal! He is a perfect match for my sister!"

When the woman in white heard the words, she raised her hand to fight!

"Okay sister, let me tell you, this emperor is said to have three kinds of heaven-defying Constitution, and his aptitude can be said to be heaven-defying! Otherwise, with the character of the Wu Family, how could he be established as an emperor!"

"Three constitutions?"

"That's right! Who doesn't know the Immortal Domain! I think it's only my sister who doesn't know!"

"What Constitution?"

"Anyway, it's much more powerful than that Sun God Physique!"

"This emperor's son has Immortal Bone!"

"Immortal Bone? That's really heaven-defying, and it's definitely not weaker than the Sun God Body!"

"And Double Pupils!"

"Double Pupils? But the undefeated mythical Double Pupils?"

The woman in white was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Not only that! And Chaos Dao Physique!"


"How could there be such a person!"

The woman in white was completely surprised.


Absolutely impossible!

"It's true, sister, I was just like you when I heard it!"

"It actually exists!"

The woman in white was silent for a long time, she didn't think the girl in front of her would lie to her.


Just then, there was a knock on the door.

The maid Xiaoqing walked in.

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter?"

"Miss, it's about the son of Wu Family!"

"You just say it's okay!"

"Yes! Miss, this is the photo stone, which records the image of Wu Family's emperor resisting the blow of the true god!"

"give it to me!"

The servant girl put down a pitch-black stone, turned around and backed out.

"Sister Nalan, what a coincidence! Why don't you take a look!"

The girl in the red skirt picked up the stone and joked.


The woman in white obviously hasn't recovered yet.

The woman in the red dress injects Spirit Power, and a light and shadow rushes out of the stone, unfolding in front of the two of them in an instant!

The two looked up,

I saw several Daoist figures in the sky, among which two men and a woman were the most eye-catching. A woman in red was kneeling in front of a young man with white clothes and white hair. Beside him was a man with a collapsed chest, apparently dead. .

At this moment, there is a Gold palm print towards the white-haired young man at the end of the screen, which is undoubtedly a true god!

The white-haired young man turned around and used many methods. Surrounded by a ring of gods, there are phantoms of the Three Thousand Ways, and the center of the eyebrows is also glowing!

Then the white-haired youth pointed out a finger, and the light and rain danced, but he was still defeated and was slapped into the ground by the giant hand!

Then I saw a white-clothed and white-haired figure walking out of the smoke and dust, his arm was broken, and finally the left eye of the young man shone with a dazzling white light, and his arm recovered as before!

This is the end of the photoshoot!

The two women looked at each other silently,

"This emperor is really strong!"

The woman in white spoke.

"Sister, did you notice this?"

The woman in the red skirt blushed, obviously very excited!

"if not?"

"He's still very handsome! As expected of the most beautiful man in the Heaven Realm, he's so handsome!"

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