Awaken The Lord Of Fire And Build The Whitebeard Regiment

Chapter 35: Silver Axe, Ochoku, John, Alliance Of Three

Day two!

"It's open!"

"It's open!"


"Let's bet!"

Everyone was roaring loudly, and the entire Rocks Pirate came over.

Including Rocks, Shiki, Linlin, Balloric and others are all around.

Everyone stood with their hands behind their backs, quietly watching the situation in front of them.



The Black Pearl slowly docked, and Alan and Newgate jumped down and said casually, "If nothing else, Ochoku, John, Silver Axe, these three guys have formed an alliance."


Newgate nodded and said, "Brother, I didn't see these three guys on the boat, it should be like this."




Alan smiled interestingly; "If the number of people can really change everything, then! What's the point of wanting the strong? Exactly! Laozi is also known to everyone, and the price of provoking Laozi needs to be paid."

"Goo la la la~"

Newgate laughed and said, "It really is your character, eldest brother!"

Alan didn't say much.


"Big Brother Ochoku, Big Brother Silver Axe, Big Brother John, the three formed an alliance?"


"Alan and Newgate are sure to lose, right?"



After all the pirates discovered the situation, they started yelling almost instantly, and they were all very excited.


Although Rocks Pirate said that there are no cadres, but some people have different strengths.

The first echelon is naturally Captain Rocks, who is the strongest man in the world and can be called an invincible existence.

The second echelon is a new generation of monsters headed by Alan, Newgate, Balloric, Shiki, Linlin, John, Ochoku, Silver Axe, etc. Although they are all in their teens, their strength The aspect is absolutely terrifying.

The third echelon used to have captains and monsters, and the total number was around fifty.

The rest is the ordinary crew of 5,000 people.


Three vs two, who wins or loses in this battle? In fact, no more words are needed!

"I bet three big brothers!"

"That's right!"

"That's right!"

Everyone started laughing and betting one after another. I have to say, Rocks Pirate is really rich. In the past month or so since its establishment, it has been burned, killed, and robbed. Everyone has a lot of gold and silver treasures in their hands. .

"Big Brother Alan!"

"Brother Newgate!"

"A total of 3 billion Baileys were pressed!"


When everyone looked at the pirate who threw down a note, they raised their eyebrows, and the pirate hurriedly said: "This is what the two big brothers said, they said it! If you lose, you will definitely have money!"


"Oh hahaha~~~"

Seeing this funny scene, Rocks laughed and said, "Laozi is the guarantor, if anyone loses and doesn't give money, don't blame Laozi for being rude!"

"No problem!"



With Captain Rocks as a guarantee, of course it was no problem, and the crowd continued to wager in full swing.


To be honest, although Alan and Newgate are a strong pair of Edward brothers, the combined bounty is a monster that exceeds 2.5 billion Baileys.


With the formation of Rocks Pirate.

The two brothers now have bounties of 1.6 billion and 1.4 billion respectively, which add up to exactly 3 billion monsters.


It's a three-man alliance!

Could such a three-person alliance be defeated by these two people?

Pure nonsense.



Silver Axe!

The three-member alliance and the Edward brothers are also cadre-level figures in the second echelon. Do you still need nonsense? There is no need at all!


The Edward brothers' multipliers are really, really high.


These will not affect the battlefield at this moment.

On the Black Pearl, everyone is also observing.

"Jie ha ha ha ha~~~"

Shiki said very interestingly: "Alan! Newgate! You two bastards, it really hurts!"

Rubbing his chest, that blow was not fatal to him, but it was something he had never endured before!


Baloric was holding a bat umbrella, thinking about something.

PS: New book upload! Daily five! Second more! Ask the brothers for a wave of collections! ! !

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