Awaken The Lord Of Fire And Build The Whitebeard Regiment

Chapter 74: Buy One Get One Free! Woka Kingdom! Young Kaido!

"Bull rush!




Allen's punch hit John's chest directly, even if John's reaction speed was extremely fast, he had blocked Allen's terrifying punch, but! It was really too late, Allen's terrifying punch fell, The captain's knife that directly blocked John's chest was instantly smashed, and the punch still fell on John's chest.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and John knelt down on one knee, his face pale. The punch just wounded all his internal organs, and the blood he spat out was mixed with pieces of internal organs, and his face was very Ugly, he said in a low voice, "Damn it! In just over a month, is this guy Allen's strength increasing so terrifyingly?

"Cong Yunqi·Air Shock Cut! 99


On the other side, at the moment when Allen's punch fell, Newgate's knife also slashed, and the supremely fast sword Cong Yunqie, which blessed Shock Fruit and Armament Haki, directly cut off the epee in Ochoku's hand.

Stab it!

A knife fell, and in an instant! A terrifying wound appeared on Ochoku's chest. He also spurted blood from the whole person, and also stepped back, trying to support his body, but he still knelt a little uncontrollably. on the ground.



Panting slightly, Ochoku said softly: "Not only does this guy Allen become stronger, this guy Newgate has also become stronger, the power of Shock Fruit! Not only that, but also his own strength. It's an improvement!"

Both John and Ochoku suffered heavy losses in the short battle. Generally speaking, according to the strength of the two, even defeat should not be like this! But there is one thing that must be said.

Allen and Newgate have experienced battles again and again this month, and their strength has been improved again and again, but what about Ochoku, John, and Silver Axe? The three of them started to enjoy themselves, and their strength did not improve in the slightest.


The three of them will not be the opponents of the Edward brothers, not to mention that under the current situation of long and one disappearing, the gap will naturally appear.

"Bah! 35

A mouthful of blood spit out, Allen smiled grimly and said, "It's not bad! I think that your strength is not bad! You can even hurt me a little! Although such an injury is not worth it at all. Just mention it!

"All right!"

"Silver Axe!

"Next, it's time for you to pay the price! Remember, if you dare to provoke Lao Tzu, then the price you have to pay is the price of your life.

There was a terrifying gleam in his eyes, Allen's killing intent was very terrifying, today! If Silver Axe can't leave, then he is not welcome! And looking at Allen's killing intent, the three of them are It suddenly became serious, and they were keenly aware that Allen had no intention of showing mercy.

"Silver Axe!


Ochoku is a smart person, and the smarter the person, the more able to give up all that. He roared almost without hesitation, roaring: "Let your subordinates open the passage immediately, and we will leave immediately!

With the angry roar of the king, Silver Axe also shouted: "Open the passage now!

But at this moment, with the opening of the hole again, and the corners of Allen's mouth grinned, the figure has rushed over like an afterimage.

"Dragon Blast!

"Electric eye burst!"

With this terrifying blow, Allen burst out in an instant, and the three shock waves contained terrifying divine power, and even fully blessed the divine power of the Bull Talisman on it.

Silver Axe roared: "Block! Block everything, or else! It's going to happen! Ah~~~"


Silver Axe let out a terrifying roar, the arm he was struggling to block, and the only remaining arm was cut off in an instant, and this is not over yet, the next moment! Although the three of them joined forces to block Allen's attack, But Newgate on the side is not a dry eater!

"Cong Cloud Cut, Air Shock Cut!

A terrifying killing intent burst out, and at this moment, Ochoku and John had already rushed into the black hole, and only Silver Axe was left, but! This blow was still terrifying. of screams.


With this shrill scream, one of Silver Axe's legs was also left behind.


Looking at the gradually closing black hole, Allen threw a fire dragon into it, pouted his lips, and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, you said that you lost a hand and a leg this time, does this count as a buy-one-get-one-free deal? what?



The two brothers looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. It was so funny! To be honest, at the beginning, Allen and Newgate had no trouble or conflict with Silver Axe, they could only Said that on this sea, as long as there is conflict between the two sides, then there is no need for nonsense.


After laughing, Allen waved his hand and said, "But! Next time, I have to find a way to deal with this Devil Fruit, otherwise! It's very troublesome to let this guy Silver Axe run away again and again.

Nuggetmore rubbed his chin and thought: "Brother! Silver Axe is very good at hiding this guy! He didn't even notice where the power person was, and as a result, he directly expanded his power."

"Indeed. 35

"Next time pay attention. 99


"Forget it! 99

After thinking about it, Allen waved his hand and said, "It's a small problem, I'll study it later, it's not a big problem! By the way, the gold and silver treasures that people get these three guys will be brought back to Lao Tzu!"

"Did you hear that?""

"Yes! 35

Big Brother!"


The pirates immediately started to get busy. In fact, most of them were Rocks Pirate people. At first, they all followed two people. Now? They are willing to surrender! Just kidding! These two brothers are simply Just like the two monsters, following these two big brothers is definitely not a problem.

For a while!

They are all really obedient and very well-behaved, while Allen and Newgate returned to their pirate ship and watched boxes of treasures being moved over, but they were very calm.

Newgate thought about it and said: "Brother! If nothing else, how do I feel that the profit from robbery pirates is higher? 99


Allen shrugged and said casually: "This is not a strange thing! After all, everyone is a pirate, what would you do if you have money?"

Newgate was stunned for a moment, then said: "It's probably just eating, drinking, and having fun! If you don't build a pirate ship, as a pirate, it seems that you have nothing to do except eat, drink, and have fun! No wonder, the money is all left.

Allen nodded and said, "That's right! Isn't that money being kept? So! Basically, there's nothing wrong with that.

"Brother Allen!

"Brother Newgate!

At this moment, a pirate ran over quickly and said: "Two big brothers! All the treasures have been moved back! 99

"no problem!

Allen nodded, raised his hand, and threw a fire directly on the pirate ship on the opposite side. In an instant! The raging flames burned instantly. Under this monstrous flame, the entire pirate ship was gradually was incinerated.

Allen continued, "Right! Did you guys find the Vorka Kingdom you guys were looking for?"


Mentioning this matter, the pirates immediately nodded and said, "Brother Allen! We have found it, shall we go? 35


Allen was immediately interested, and the corners of his mouth grinned; "Have you found the Vorka Kingdom?"


The pirate nodded and said, "Big brother, the Vorka Kingdom is a very weak kingdom located in the New World. In terms of strength, it is poor, but it should be the country you are looking for, big brother."

Newgate asked, "Brother, shall we go directly to the Kingdom of Wall? Or shall we return to the Rocks Pirate first?"

Newgate knows that his eldest brother has always been in the Kingdom of Wall, it is said! There is a very good kid in this kingdom, and his strength is very terrifying. It is definitely very good to cultivate the future well. For such a person, Newgate Te also remembered.

Allen said unceremoniously: "Turn the bow of the boat for me to go to the Kingdom of Wall immediately, by the way! Speed ​​up, anyone who dares to stop along the way will be killed by Lao Tzu! Just kidding, you can return whenever you want, but Wo The affairs of the Er Kingdom must be dealt with first.

"Okay! Big brother!"

The pirates immediately started to get busy, while Allen narrowed his eyes and said secretly: "Kaido! This time is Kaido in his childhood, and! Kaido who has not experienced betrayal and has not so much ambition, at this time. Kaido, is a kid who likes to fight, if you can conquer Kaido!

Allen is interested. If the Whitebeard Pirates originally planned, if the future Marco had the opportunity to become an Admiral, then Kaido is a real monster! That is the Four Emperors! The future Four Emperors, After a series of wheel battles, he finally lost to Luffy, the five emperors' straw hat.

can only say!

It's just embarrassing, but! No matter how you discuss it, Kaido's strength is where it is, and! If it wasn't for Kaido who was sent to sea by the Woka Kingdom when he was 10 years old, it is estimated that Kaido is the Woka Kingdom. The first warrior, directly led the kingdom of Vorka to grow and develop!

So say it!

Sometimes, you really can't be too short-sighted! Otherwise, such a good seedling will have problems.


The corners of Allen's mouth grinned, feeling extremely excited, and said secretly: "If Kaido can be brought under his command! In the future, the three major disasters such as Jhin, Quinn, Jack, and the cadres of the Beasts Pirates are all included in the future. Among the thieves.

"Tsk tsk tsk~~~"

Allen smacked his lips and murmured excitedly: "This is very good! Such a result is quite a gathering of the combat power of the two Four Emperors regiments!

A smile appeared, Allen was very excited, and Newgate was rubbing his chin and thinking, if he could bring people who are really qualified Penultimate into his brothers' command, then the improvement brought about Also very huge!



The pirate ship headed straight for the Kingdom of Wall at a very fast speed, and along the way, all the guys who dared to make trouble?


I'm sorry! Newgate just stabbed it straight down, don't make trouble for Laozi, what's going on with Laozi is very important, do you know that? Because of this! This is definitely the most important thing!

Ten days later!

In the case of running all the way, I finally saw which island not far away, and on this island is the Kingdom of Wall.

"It's finally here!"

Allen looked at the island in the distance, with a hideous smile on the corner of his mouth, his expression was very sharp, a smile appeared, he jumped up, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. A voice came down.

"You guys just stay here! 39


Big Brother!"


"Goo la la la~"

Newgate sat cross-legged on the ground, also with an interesting smile, and said interestingly: "I'm looking forward to it more and more! What an excellent kid, how could he be so interested in Big Brother?



The little devil carrying a mace looks like he is four or five years old, but he has a pair of horns that are different from ordinary people. They look like horns like ghosts, and they don't look like human beings. Owned, same!

Carrying a mace, this little devil swept all the way, killing all those who dared to think about him in front of him.


A mace directly smashed the head of the person in front of him. Facing the blood splashed on his face, he did not change in any way, but was very calm. It is the direct beheading of an ordinary adult.

a very short time!

He has already cleaned the entire battlefield, very calmly, and said casually; "Is that such a strength? It's not worth mentioning at all! I haven't played enough yet!"

"Cut! 35

He curled his lips in disdain, the little boy with ghost horns didn't take these people seriously at all, he was just a bunch of rubbish, because he was young, he came here to bully himself and get more wealth from his own hands. ?

It's just a joke! For such garbage, he will never show mercy!





“Kaido, it was amazing!”

As Kaido disposes of these rubbish-like people, behind Kaido, in the house that seems to be in ruins, little ghosts come out one by one. They are all big and small, and the older ones are three Five years old, and the younger one is the baby being held, they are all too small.

Wall Kingdom!

This is a country that has experienced war all the year round. In this country, when there is almost no peace and stability, it has always been suffering from such chaos and war! Because of this, this country has always been in such a situation.

Over time, a large number of orphans were born, and these hundreds of orphans and Kaido, they all came from this orphanage, it's just! The orphanage has been destroyed, if it wasn't for Kaido to stand up, these own Playmates from childhood to adulthood, those who are regarded as older brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters, I am afraid that they will all die.

"Are you all okay?"

Turning his head, Kaido still looked at his companions very seriously.



"Kaido, you are too strong!


"Yes! 35

Everyone was very happy, and everyone ran over with a chirp, so I said! Children's feelings are always the most real, they are always like this, and they are very concerned and caring for their companions.

Looking at everyone, Kaido couldn't help but smile. He suppressed his happiness and said, "Let's go and bring these people's supplies back, it should be enough for us to live for a while! 35



At this moment, the cry of the baby came, and a group of children hurriedly came over, Kaido also asked: "What's wrong?"


"This child is sick, if I can't get treatment as soon as possible..."

A little girl is very nervous holding a baby in her arms. She knows very well that if there is no money, then the baby girl is almost dead. When it comes to this matter, all the children are sad and low. head.

Kaido gritted his teeth involuntarily!

PS: 5000-character chapter! 20 updates on the first day of release! Fourth update! Please subscribe! Please customize!

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