Awaken The Lord Of Fire And Build The Whitebeard Regiment

Chapter 94: Make half the world's best pirate ship!

After comforting these little devils, they became honest one by one. At this time, Neil walked over with a woman with a big belly, and Neil carefully walked over with someone.

"Brother Allen!"

"Big Brother Newgate! 99

“Big Brother Kaido!”

Neil looks a lot older, after all, Neil is just an ordinary person, he does not have any great strength, under such circumstances, this is very normal, and at this moment, Neil smiled and looked at He is also very happy. Although he is old, his spirit is very good, after all! Although there are some gold and silver treasures and these things that need to be handled by Neil, for Neil, he enjoys life and marrying Isn't that enough for the wife you have always loved?


Neil's wife is also pregnant. If nothing else, the child will be born next year. This is too much joy for Neil, he knows! He has done so much, and the three eldest brothers are absolutely They won't abandon themselves, they will let themselves go through this life unharmed, which is enough for Neil, and he is already very happy.


Allen strode over and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to have children? Really! When did it happen? You guy! But really, this kind of thing, Didn't even tell us!

Allen smiled at Neil. For this two or three brothers who have been followers since 20 or 30 years ago, they have been very loyal people all the way, and he is also very recognized by himself. It can be said! Later, there were three Kaido brothers, and it was Neil who had been handling the logistics.

Because of this, these little devils, including Marko, Tiger, Bagley, etc., and even Gion, all call Neil uncle.


"Just three months pregnant, will be born next year, just..."

Neil seemed to be in a kind of hesitation at this moment, he didn't know what to say, and he seemed to want to say something.

Allen said casually; "Neil, is there anything I need to keep secret from Lao Tzu? As a big brother! Don't Lao Tzu know what you think? I know! Do you want to retire?"

"Big brother!"

Neil nodded silently and said, "Brother! I'm already very old, according to my age, although I don't have any injuries, but! If I continue like this, I'm no longer suitable to deal with these things. ,and……"

Neil fell into silence for a while, he was not afraid, but! He didn't want his wife and son to be unable to see him one day, although he said! The three eldest brothers showed their invincible strength, They are like monsters, but Neil hopes that the three eldest brothers will always win like this, but! Neil knows that no one can always win.

Allen looked at Neil, and a smile appeared. It was not dangerous, but shook his head quietly. Back then! Neil was a gambler, and the gambler himself came to his brother, hoping to follow Those who go to sea with their own brothers are willing to follow their two brothers.


Allen waved his hand and said: "Neil! I know what you think, that's good! After your son is born, if you are willing to follow us, then continue to follow. You also know that the pirate ship that is being built is exactly what What kind of thing, at that time, you will retire honestly and it will be over, as for your son? If you want to follow us, follow us, if you don't, it doesn't matter!"

Allen wasn't annoyed at all, Neil had followed his brothers for so many years and now wanted to retire! Want to enjoy a quiet life! That's not surprising.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Thank you bro!

Neil lowered his head hurriedly, while Allen said casually: "Okay! You guy, you really are talking so much nonsense, I think it's something! But, it's coming soon, I guess there are more In four years, after four years, if you want to retire, you will retire.


There was a sharp light in Allen's eyes, and he wasn't joking with a flag! If Neil had a problem, would he still be alive? It's like a joke!

Neil smiled and said: "Okay! Big brother, of course there is no problem, by the way, this time I asked the three big brothers to come back, mainly because of the problem of the pirate ship!

Allen asked curiously, "What's wrong with the keel?"


Neil shook his head and said, "Three eldest brothers, let's go and have a look! It's probably because I don't quite understand it!"


Allen didn't have any opinion either, he raised it with one hand, the next moment! The island under him just floated up, and the pirate ship also floated, that's right! The place where Allen built the pirate ship was in the high ( agfj) the position of 10,000 meters in the sky, which is the position of Sky Island.

As for why?

It's actually very simple! One of the fundamental reasons why Allen let these little guys stay on the sea surface is to give them a sense of crisis. Only in this way can they continue to become stronger, and the construction of the pirate ship, It is still very important, and naturally it must be placed in safety.

Sky Island!

In fact, it is not just an island, the Kingdom of God is just one of the Sky Island, and Sky Island has a lot of islands, located in the sky, with Allen taking the whole island up into the sky, and soon, an island Super-giant islands and platforms made of massive clouds have already appeared.

Allen was directly transformed through the magical power of the chicken charm! It is too suitable to use it as a platform to build a pirate ship belonging to his brother.


"This is in the sky!

"It's so beautiful!

"Yes! 35

Bagley, Tiger, Gion, etc. these little guys are here for the first time, four years ago! Allen, Newgate, Kaido, Neil recruited a very large group of boaters, craftsmen and designers Teachers, architects and a large number of workers came here just to build their own pirate ships, and four years have passed, only Neil is responsible for these, and now there should be some problems.


Allen wasn't going to come back in person.


The island stayed on the edge of the clouds, and Allen said: "You little guys, pay attention to Lao Tzu, don't fall! Today is a holiday, go have a good time!




The happy little guys ran away immediately, and they all ran happily to play. In front of Allen's eyes was a huge island, it should be said to be two huge islands, and one of the islands, If you look closely, you will find that this is actually a built pirate ship?

In the original!

What is the largest pirate ship? Gekko Moria's Thriller barque, this is a pirate ship belonging to Moria, an island-sized pirate ship, this is Allen's idea, Allen wants to form the world's most powerful pirate Ship, then! First of all, the pirate ship will be the largest pirate ship in the world.


It is to create a pirate ship that is the size of an island, like an island, and this pirate ship! In terms of size, it can accommodate almost 500,000 people, and it is a very luxurious accommodation! In addition, In addition, various facilities exist, which is not so much a pirate ship as it is an island.

Of course!

Allen's idea was just started. In recent years, the Edward brothers have been making money like crazy, and you can give money obediently! Then of course there is no problem, and the materials consumed by the entire pirate ship are from various precious materials. The problems of wood, steel, metal, and even energy can be said to have cost a lot of effort, among them! All the outer hulls are made of the strongest iron tree in the world.

Iron tree!

As the name suggests, the world's hardest wood, comparable to steel, is completely beyond steel, if the hull is made of such a huge iron tree, even if it is replaced by a Shock Fruit like Newgate, it will be dozens of times. Broken, coupled with other precautions, it can be said that it is absolutely solid and abnormal.

And this is only part of it, the whole pirate ship is built, it's so easy there! Ah! You ask where all these materials come from? Five years ago! Allen brought Newgate, Kaido, and brothers together. , Directly took away the ten countries that North Blue produced iron trees in one breath, and all the iron trees were taken away.

"Mr. Allen!"

over here!"


"This way! 95

The captain of the boatman came over, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said helplessly: "Mr. Allen, if there is no huge problem! I won't contact you, there is indeed. A little problem, which we didn't even think of.

Allen waved his hand indifferently and said, "Don't be too nervous! Just tell me what's going on. After all, it's the first time you've built such a pirate ship, so it's normal to have problems."

The boatmaker also shook his head and said helplessly: "Mr. Allen, we initially thought that casting steel and other materials would be enough! In this way, the most perfect keel can be created! It's just..."


The boatman shook his head helplessly and said: "I can't do it! Other materials don't have any ductility at all. The keel made in this way can sail, but if there is a huge collision, it will only break directly, so This pirate ship just can't sail perfectly!

"Hmm!" 9

"Hmm! 39

The three brothers Allen, Newgate, and Kaido all nodded, and Kaido asked directly: "Speak directly! What kind of materials do you need to build the most perfect pirate ship? 35

"Treasure tree Adam!

The boatmaker said very seriously: "The whole treasure tree Adam, only the whole treasure tree Adam, then! It is the most suitable as a keel, as long as there is a treasure tree Adam, then! The whole pirate ship can be real Perfectly presented, other materials are absolutely adequate!""

The boatman has absolute confidence, what is missing now is the treasure tree Adam, and! It's not the kind of fallen branches sold in the black market, that kind! Basically, it's basically useless for eggs, the treasure tree that is really needed Adam is the whole tree Adam.

In the legend of Baoshu Adam, Baoshu Adam experienced hundreds of years of war without any damage, and such an effect! It has been proved how good the effect of Baoshu Adam is! And in such a situation Under the circumstances, naturally! Treasure tree Adam is the most suitable as a keel.

"No problem! 35

Allen nodded directly and said: "Okay! You need the whole treasure tree Adam, right? There is no problem! I remember this, by the way! Do you need anything else? If there is any , I can solve it in one go!

The boatman shook his head and said, "Mr. Allen, except for the treasure tree Adam, everything else is fine!"

"That's it!"

Allen also nodded, as long as there is no problem, it is not the lack of something! No matter what is lacking, even if you lack the blood of Celestial Dragons, Allen can get it back for you, but if there is a lack of technology, there is no way !

The boatman smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Allen!"

Compared with the three brothers Allen, Newgate, Kaido, etc., the boatman is actually equally excited! It is even said! The boatman is even more excited, perhaps it is simply incomprehensible, but for the boatman, this is his own It may be the most perfect boat that can be truly made after working hard all your life!

Such a perfect, huge, and precious material, this is simply something that cannot be met, even if he spends all his life, he will not hesitate.


"Tell me!

Naturally, Allen saw it, and waved his hand casually: "If there is something, say it, Laozi said it! For those who do things for Laozi, you only need to say your problems, and if you can solve them, Laozi will give them to you. You solved it!"


"Yes! 99

The boatman said seriously: "Mr. Allen, with your strength, you should feel that my life has actually reached its limit, right?"

Allen looked at the boatman and nodded. "You can see! Your life should have reached its limit four years ago."

"That's right!"

The boatman nodded and said, "I am the builder of the most perfect pirate ship, so I insisted on my will and survived, but I know! I also felt it! In fact, I will die soon, and so am I. I can't last any longer! When the construction of the pirate ship is completed, I will also lose my life, just

Allen said casually: "Tell me! There is nothing to worry about! As long as I can handle it for you, it will not be a problem."

"Thank you Mr Allen!

"My son, called Brahmanke, is only four years old now, and I hope that in the future, he can follow you and wait for the three gentlemen!


Allen was a little taken aback when he heard the name, but he didn't expect it! In the original book, the captain of the sixth division of the Whitebeard Pirates turned out to be the son of the shipmaker, but! After knowing this, Allen nodded and said: " No problem! That's it, I promise you that your son Brahmanke is the tenth adopted son of my second child!""

"it is good!

"Good! 95

The boatman immediately nodded excitedly. Of course he knew what the tenth adopted son of Newgate meant, even more so! What did this mean? A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily. too happy.

For him, when his son was born, his wife had already died. In fact, his life had reached the limit, but! He was invited to build such a perfect pirate ship, and his own will insisted on his own life. Down, now! This perfect pirate ship already has hope for itself.

Under such circumstances, the only thing I worry about the most is my son, now! I have already arranged everything for my son, and I have enough for my life.



Everything has been arranged! The boatman thinks that he is completely enough in this life and does not need anything else at all. With a smile on his face, he is ready for everything. The next four Year! He will try his best to create, that belongs to himself, the highest masterpiece of his life!!!

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