Awaken The Lord Of Fire And Build The Whitebeard Regiment

Chapter 97: Kaido: Siege? You little trash! You are incompetent!



"Wow! 35

A mouthful of blood spit out, Adam's strength is very strong, and he is a top-level phantom beast Demon fruit power, but unfortunately! Although his strength is strong, he is far worse than the three Edward brothers.

No kidding!

Newgate and Kaido were just having fun, and Allen beat Adam into that.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

He coughed slightly, but wisps of white light flickered, and Adam's injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. He murmured: "It's really a terrifying force! Brother Edward, devil! Edward Allen, Really terrifying power! You are like a terrifying monster, and the power radiating from this sea is the most frightening."

Wiping the Bloodline at the corner of his mouth a little, Adam's injury has recovered. This is the terrible thing about the angel fruit! The most special thing about the angel fruit is not the many abilities of the Master, but the power of light, and this is the The most special part of the angel fruit, the power of this part can be perfectly displayed, then! This power is very terrifying.


Adam's expression was calm, and he said lightly: "Brother Edward, you know what you shouldn't know, then! Just stay here forever.



Following Adam's voice, one after another silhouettes rose into the sky in an instant. They had completely surrounded the three Edward brothers in all directions. The seven figures on the left had pure white wings, and the seven figures on the right had jet black. Winged figure.


Fourteen of them, wearing white medieval knight armor on one side and jet black medieval knight armor on the other, just like fourteen gorgeous knights, the thick knight helmets blocked everything, and nothing could be seen. , can feel only the endless cold and killing intent.

And under such terrifying power, what will happen next! This is the most terrifying thing, for a while, everything seems to fall into silence.


Newgate looked around and thought a little: "Big brother! The situation is not right! Are they all angel fruit?"


Allen complained directly: "Their wings are connected by the day after tomorrow, to put it bluntly! They are transformed people, and they have been transformed by scientific means! Moreover, their souls have been transformed, and they have no human beings at all. Feelings, all there is is loyalty and what is added to it."


Allen looked down at the Adam Kingdom below, then raised his head and said interestingly: "Adam, it is really getting more and more interesting! I really think it is very interesting, the whole Adam Kingdom, no wonder! What is it called New World? The most powerful country, your country is really very interesting. Isn't this a country transformed by soul-like abilities?

Adam did not answer Allen's words, but said indifferently; "Something! The moment you know, all you need to pay is the price of your life, to deal with the three Edward brothers and leave no one behind!


As the indifferent voice sounded, the fourteen knights had already launched an attack, seven white and seven black, holding a sharp blade in their hands, and a terrifying light flashed in their eyes, the next moment! The person has turned into an afterimage Instantly disappeared in place, and under such a terrifying speed, what emerged was amazing power.


Kaido's figure instantly turned into a human-beast form, stepping on the flame cloud, directly blocking the attack of the fourteen knights, but under the powerful offensive, Kaido's body was directly cut open wounds.

Say a digression! Don't think that Kaido can only use the flame cloud in the form of a blue dragon. This is the person with the ability of the blue dragon fruit. Kaido can use it anytime, anywhere, even in the form of a beast, or even in the form of a human.

Look at the Onishima War, Kaido directly created a large number of flame clouds with his own strength, and then whether it was a human form, a human beast form or a blue dragon form, until he lost consciousness, the flame cloud is not that. Did it just dissipate? That's why! This thing! It's Kaido's ability, and of course human form is not a problem.


Now Newgate is floating in the air, and is also relying on the flame cloud. The flame cloud created by Kaido is actually a good thing, and it can form an aerial battle.

Although it is not a problem to rely on the supernatural power of the eldest brother's chicken charm, but in that case, the control is always the eldest brother, not himself, and there is a problem with the strength he exerts!


"You guys actually besieged?

"It's really shameless! 35

Kaido looked at the shameless fourteen knights and scolded directly: "Is this the spirit of chivalry? You guys! Can you point your face? Even if it's a pirate! The three brothers are not besieged! You guys! Really shameless!

Allen and Newgate were stunned when they saw this scene. They really didn't expect that Kaido opened his mouth and sprayed people like this. It's almost like a spray!


The corners of Newgate's mouth twitched, and he complained: "The third child, what's your situation?

"Huh?! 39

Kaido was stunned for a moment, and then said directly: "Second brother, I have always dreamed of being besieged by people recently. This scene happened today, I just feel very uncomfortable!"

Allen blinked, and always felt that something was not right, but how do you say it! Kaido was really besieged by people, don't say this! It's really not wrong, when Kaido was in the Onishima battle, It was really because he was besieged from the beginning to the end, and finally encountered a bug, and was defeated by people in a situation where the seeds exploded one after another.

In this case, do you say Kaido is a shame to lose? It is a shame! But do you want to say that Kaido is very shameful? In fact, you can't say that! Kaido is not a very shameful thing!


That's the thing, and there's no need to say more. Allen shrugged and said casually: "Third, pay attention! Just try to see what the strength of these knights is, I also think it's quite interesting!

"no problem!"

"Big brother!"

Kaido carried the mace, stepped on the flame cloud under his feet, and said hideously; "Come on! A bunch of rubbish, let me see your strength.



There is no nonsense at all, these knights have already rushed up, fourteen knights, seven white knights! Seven black knights! They have launched an attack, holding huge swords, and the cooperation is too tacit. , as if! They had already guessed it all.

The perfect cooperation actually suppressed Kaido directly, but! It can also be seen from this that the strength of these fourteen generals is actually the same thing. In the case of Rocks Pirate, it is a weaker captain level. Strength!

Newgate rubbed his chin and thought: "Brother! These are the fourteen generals of Adam Kingdom, right? That's all the strength? Feeling! That's probably the case! Fourteen generals are weaker. The rank of the captain of the attached pirate ship, even the two Admiral troops are probably the rank of cadre!"5

Newgate really thought that was the case, Allen shrugged and said: "Otherwise? How strong do you think Adam Kingdom can be?! All fourteen generals are Admiral level? Isn't that nonsense! If that's the case , Lao Tzu thinks, the Kingdom of Adam can begin to conquer the world!"9


Listening to his eldest brother's complaints, Newgate nodded too, don't say it! That's true, if you really have such a powerful force, then you can start conquering the world directly! These are simply irrelevant things.


Allen rubbed his chin and said casually: "No matter what it is! It doesn't matter anyway, hey! Hey! This guy called Adam, if you can't continue to show some strength! Victory in this battle , is our brother's!"

The corners of his mouth grinned, Allen didn't take the initiative to attack, not for any other reason! It was...

I know that some people are still here with the peeps, and these people are still very strong, not only that! The strength of Adam Kingdom is very strong! Is this the strength that a country should have?


From the beginning to the end, the entire Kingdom of Adam is revealed from the bottom of my heart. There is a huge problem, the problem of this country! It is definitely not as simple as it seems, even to say! Allen did not enter the Kingdom of Adam from beginning to end.

the reason is simple!

My own instinct is telling myself that it is very dangerous! It is very dangerous. If I casually step into the Kingdom of Adam, I will die!

This is also why, Allen has always been the fundamental reason for not setting foot in Adam's kingdom, death? This is not the result he wanted! As for Allen's situation, Adam said very calmly: "Your instinct, very Keen, seems to sense the danger coming. 99


Allen laughed casually and said, "I did notice it! It's a very terrifying danger, and the entire Adam Kingdom is really terrifying. That terrifying feeling is no worse than that of Captain Rocks. I didn't think so!

"Huh?! 99

"Huh?! 39


Newgate and Kaido were both stunned. Although Kaido was slashed seven or eight times in a row and flew out, he was still shocked: "Brother! Do you feel wrong?"


Allen shook his head and said, "My instinct tells me that the hidden danger of Adam's Kingdom is no worse than that of Captain Rocks, and this is the real reason why Adam's Kingdom is so dangerous!


Listening to Allen's words, the Newgate and Kaido brothers never imagined that this would be the case!


Afterwards, Allen said sharply: "But ah! This Adam Kingdom is not the same, this country is not so much a country, but a whole feeling, under my Observation Haki, I can't see any deeper Hierarchical stuff, but! I can sense that there is something wrong with the soul of the whole country, so say! It's just too dangerous to step into it.""



At this moment, two afterimages emerged. They have three pairs of wings respectively. In the wings! Armor! Knight sword! In all aspects, they are more gorgeous, one black and one white. They are obviously from Adam Kingdom. The Admiral Army is gone.

Adam said calmly: "Edward Allen! You know too much, you know things you shouldn't know, and there is no way to live on this sea! Then, just stay here forever. .

With Adam's indifferent and indifferent voice, Allen laughed arrogantly.


"With your power?"

"Exactly! 35

"I would like to see what the root of Adam's kingdom is, and whether that guy will come out on his own initiative. 35


Licking the corner of his mouth slightly, Allen's eyes flashed with a terrifying and crazy smile, just kidding! Since he's already standing here, then! Of course, we have to take a good look at it all, how could it end like this!

Squinting slightly, Allen's eyes became sharp at the next moment, and the whole person seemed to be an afterimage, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


"Dragon Fist!"

This punch burst out, and Allen turned into a roaring fire dragon and directly enveloped Adam in it.

"Congyun Cut·Air Shock Cut! 35

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!

Newgate and Kaido are also facing their opponents at the same time, although they say! This time the opponents are very strange, even giving people a weird feeling! But! It doesn't matter, they Edward three brothers All this is insignificant.

877 crackling!

The battle ended in an instant, and Adam, who faced Allen, didn't say anything from the beginning to the end.

Adam is very clear, Allen is very strong, this man is very terrifying, just relying on his own strength, not an opponent!

There is a clear gap in the strength of the three Edward brothers.

Allen is stronger than Newgate.

Newgate is stronger than Kaido.

And what about Adam?


It's about the same level as Newgate. Although this gap seems to be only a little bit! But compared to Allen, who can perfectly exert his divine power and magic power, he has a horse spell injury that is almost useless. Strength, under such circumstances! How much do you think Allen's original strength of 100 can be used?

Among the strong, the strength displayed is completely different. The strong can use 100 strength to 120, or even 150 strength.


The weak can only exert 70 or even 50 strength. This is the strong and the weak. It is also a Gatling. Do you think the strong and the weak feel exactly the same?


This is the fundamental reason, but other than that! Everything else has many problems, but as long as you understand a little, you can see it. Because of this, Adam is completely under siege at this moment. in the state.


With the terrifying power of Allen, Adam seems to gradually have only defensive power!


Allen said frantically: "It's really interesting! Interesting! I think it's very interesting! Come on Adam! Let me see your strength, yes! If you think you are not an opponent! You can put Find that old guy! Let me see what that old guy is like!"


Allen's madness has reached a terrifying level, and such terrifying madness has completely suppressed Adam for a while! The battle in the mid-air of Adam's kingdom has become more and more intense.

For this battle, the people who originally did business in the Kingdom of Adam have already discovered it, and they have naturally seen what it is. It's human instinct.

It's like the situation in front of you. Although I don't know what's going on, what's wrong with watching the fun? Is there a problem with watching the fun? Just kidding! We just want to watch the fun and see what's going on!

As more and more people find out about this situation, they are all spectators of this battle, the war between the three Edward brothers and the kingdom of Adam!!!

"Edward Allen!"

Adam's eyes were sharp, and he, a person who was so indifferent to no emotion, had the murderous intention to kill for the first time.

PS: 5000 word chapter! Daily six updates! First update! Please subscribe! Please customize! Please collect!

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