Nearly 200 18-year-old beast masters gathered in Jiang Cheng, and almost 400 people from the other two base cities gathered in front of the ancient ruins.

"Su Ming, let me introduce you. This is Qi Wan'er, and this is Lan Bao. They are my big sisters in the Beastmaster Association."

"This is Su Ming."

Xu Lang gave Su Ming and Qi Wan'er, Lan Bao officially introduced Su Ming, and Su Ming also officially met them.

"Su Ming, I need to take care of you in the ruins." Qi Wan'er smiled slightly, her intuition let her know that Su Ming's combat power is definitely not bad.

"Yes, yes, Su Ming, we have seen your strength, and we can take care of each other at that time." Lan Bao is a weird type, and said carelessly.

"Definitely." Su Ming smiled awkwardly.

A team of 600 people is not too much, and it is not too little. The ancient ruins in front of me don't know how big the interior is, so six hundred people may be considered a gap between their teeth.

And at the front, the city lords of the three cities were also standing there. Everyone has a lord-level royal beast beside them, exuding terrifying power.

"Lao Qin, Lao Sun, let's start."

"it is good."

"it is good."

The three lord-level beast masters shot with all their strength, and a crack opened the gate of the ruins in an instant.

"Go in!"

With the roar of the city lord, a large army of nearly 600 people entered the ruins in an orderly manner.

After a while, the foreheads of the three city lords were dripping with sweat. Obviously, it was not easy to open the energy barrier outside the ruins.

After everyone entered, the three of them withdrew their forces. Looking at the ruins in front of them, the three of them were also very disturbed. This is the reserve force of the new generation of the three cities. If the entire army is wiped out, what will happen to the three cities? Call it a devastating blow.

Su Ming opened his eyes in a daze, and in the process of rushing into the ruins, a thing like a teleportation array disappeared in place when everyone stepped in.

Su Ming looked around, but didn't find anyone. Su Ming guessed that the ruins were not small, and none of the six hundred people came across them.

Su Ming turned on the illuminator he carried with him, which was uniformly issued by the school, because there is no light in the ruins, and it is almost impossible to walk without lighting equipment.

Su Ming summoned Hanhan and Nightmare to strengthen himself, and Hanhan and Nightmare had a much stronger perception of danger than Su Ming.

The illuminators are specially made and can last for a day without running out of power, and Su Ming and the others each carry batteries just in case.

On the wall, the history of the Age of Apocalypse is depicted, and Su Ming quickly took out his mobile phone to take a picture. This is a very important document for the study of the Age of Apocalypse.

Su Ming found that the mural engraved on it seemed to be a group of beast masters fighting. There were a lot of beast masters participating in the battle, and the battle was very tragic. Looking down, Su Ming found that there seemed to be a group of beast masters in the middle of the battle. An egg with a very beautiful pattern on it.

It seemed that the start of their fight was because of this egg.

Just when Su Ming was fascinated by watching, Hanhan who was already beside him on his shoulder let out a continuous low growl thinking about the front. Having fought with the two of them dozens of times, Su Ming knew that there must be danger ahead, otherwise Hanhan and the others would not have raised the alarm.

Su Ming pointed the illuminator forward, and a huge animal-shaped skeleton appeared in front of Su Ming's eyes.

Bone Tiger

Level Ordinary Level 5

attribute undead

no skill

The fierce beasts in the ruins are almost all of the undead family. They used to be beast masters, because they died inside, and because of some kind of power in the ruins, they became fierce beasts with undead attributes. Didn't find out why.

"Hanhan, solve it!"


The first level of Hanhan Elite can directly take the life of this skull tiger without using skills. With one palm, the bone tiger will be killed directly, and the bones will be broken to the ground.

Looking at the bottomless tunnel in front of him, Su Ming could only pretend to be brave and move forward.

At the same time, the others, like Su Ming, were exploring in this dark tunnel. Xu Lang, who was of ordinary strength at the sixth level, was a little tired from fighting, so he chose to stand back and stand where he was.

According to research, as long as someone passes through the ruins, they will be teleported by the ruins. There is basically no danger in standing.

"Oh, it's too embarrassing." Xu Lang sat where he was, leaning against the rockhorn beside him, waiting to be teleported out.

The low-level beast masters all chose to retreat instead of moving forward. The undead monsters that Su Ming encountered along the way seemed a little fragile in front of Hanhan.

As long as the level is not higher than Hanhan's, Hanhan basically doesn't need to use skills, and many undead monsters have no skills, so it will be easier to deal with.

"When will this be the end?" Su Ming looked at the dark tunnel in front of him, not knowing how long it was.

"Thanks for your hard work." Su Ming patted Hanhan, now Su Ming is not good enough around Hanhan, he is almost not as thick as Hanhan's leg.

But Hanhan was still clinging to Su Ming, facing Su Ming's compliment, he leaned against Su Ming happily and rubbed against him.

"Okay, okay, keep going." Su Ming illuminated Hanhan by his side, and continued to hit the beast that appeared in the tunnel in front of him.

Outside, there are constantly strong people rushing to the vicinity of the ancient ruins, including Situ Nan, the city lord of the largest base city of this generation, and an extraordinary beast master.

"Old Qin, what's the situation now." Situ Nan looked at Qin Qing, the lord of Linjiang Cheng, and asked.

"It's been half a day, and no one has come out."

"This relic is not small. How long it will take to end depends on the strength of your city lord, the Beastmaster." Situ Nan looked at the ancient relics that were only the tip of the iceberg in front of him, and was also a little worried.

The ancient ruins may lead to a different space, which was created by powerful beast masters in the apocalypse era by using their space attribute beast masters, so even if you dig thousands of meters, you may not be able to find the end of this ancient ruins.

At this time, Su Ming found that he had come to the end of the tunnel, and there was a blue light on the ground, like a magic circle. Su Ming took the illuminator and looked around the surrounding walls, but found nothing like the one on the wall at the beginning. murals.

With doubts, Su Ming and the two imperial beasts around him stood in the blue magic circle, a huge bright light shot straight into the sky, and everyone outside looked at the soaring blue light that suddenly appeared from the ruins in doubt.

"Master Situ, what's going on?"

Situ Nan looked at the blue beam of light, but didn't understand what happened.

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