"You dare to faint casually in Alcatraz Island. If I hadn't arrived in time, your little life would have been lost." Wu Daoji glanced at Su Ming. It was really too dangerous. This little guy Su Ming dared to faint casually here. , if he hadn't summoned a royal beast, he might really be dead without a place to die.

"Teacher, how long have I been dizzy?" Su Ming only felt that his brain hurt badly, and he didn't know whether what he saw just now was real or not.

"I don't know, you were already fainted when I saw you. If it wasn't for your imperial beast protecting you, you would have been in the belly of some fierce beast." Wu Daoji handed Su Ming a piece of barbecue.

Su Ming took over the Nightmare holding his own, but for some reason, he suddenly wanted to read the information about the Nightmare, it was really unusual!

"Su Ming, did you kill a silver-backed King Kong?" Wu Daoji asked seemingly unintentionally, because the silver-backed King Kong has been transformed into a strengthening point by himself, and if he refuses to admit it, Wu Daoji can't take what he has Method.


"Sure enough!" Wu Daoji was horrified, when he came, he saw the blood all over the ground, which even dyed the whole land red.

"That's a lord-level ferocious beast, how did you kill it?"

"Teacher, my Hanhan has already evolved once, and his combat power is relatively strong." My Hanhan's strength has been exposed to the outside, and I can still confess directly, so that I don't have to worry about my secret being exposed in the future.

"Do you still have talent?" Wu Daoji looked at Su Ming. If Su Ming didn't have talent, Su Ming's strength really didn't make sense.

"Teacher, how did you find out?" Su Ming hadn't turned the corner yet. With his strength and the fact that he had contracted so many beasts, how could it not arouse others' suspicion.

"You little guy, it's a good thing to want to hide your talent, but you who hide your head and don't hide your tail, no one will doubt it. Your strength and that unexplainable beast master, no matter how brainless you are, You have to figure it out." Wu Daoji looked at Su Ming, his student was indeed hiding something.

"Is it a nine-star talent?"

"Yeah." Su Ming nodded, since he was found out about his sexuality, he should expose it, but the role of his talent must not be said.

Wu Daoji stood up straight away, nine-star talent, I haven't heard of it for so many years, since it's a nine-star talent, everything can be explained.

"What is the effect?"

"Strengthening skills can increase the power of skills." Su Ming directly changed the statement, but still made Wu Daoji stunned.

"As expected of a nine-star talent, with enhanced skills, it's no wonder your iron-eating beast is so powerful."

"Haha, I found a treasure, Su Ming, does anyone know about your nine-star talent?" Wu Daoji immediately reacted and looked at Su Ming and asked.

"No, what's the problem, teacher?"

"No problem, Su Ming, you must keep the matter of your nine-star talent a secret. Stop at my side. Later, I will unintentionally reveal that your talent is an eight-star talent. The effect of your talent is also a skill enhancement, but you must not expose your nine-star talent. Do you understand the secret?"

Seeing Wu Daoji's serious expression, Su Ming also nodded and asked, "Teacher, why is this?"

Wu Daoji regained his composure, sat across from Su Ming, looked at the fire in front of him and said slowly, "Su Ming, you haven't entered university yet, and you still don't understand the dangers of the other world. They blocked the earth to prevent the battlefield from being moved to the earth. But the earth is not a single iron bucket, and many people have taken refuge in other races. If your nine-star talent is exposed, you will definitely be assassinated by them with all their strength. "

"Teacher, what's going on with the aliens in this world?" Su Ming looked at Wu Daoji and asked.

"The alien races in another world are precisely the races in a different world from ours, and for some reason their world collided with ours, forming a space crack. In their eyes, we are also their alien races. "

Wu Daoji went on to say, "The alien races are different from us. Some alien races are beasts similar to our earth, and some alien races are humanoid beasts. Their combat power is comparable to our beast masters. They are extremely powerful and can fight our beast masters hard. Some are like immortal cultivators, using flying swords, in short, all kinds of alien races, we don't know how many kinds there are in this world."

"But, why did they invade our world?" Su Ming looked at Wu Daoji, and it would be good if the two sides lived in peace. Wouldn't such a conflict just increase casualties?

"As long as they are thoughtful, they will not be satisfied with the status quo. They will want your resources, your territory, and the law of the jungle. This is the law of survival. You should know the degree to which we divide the alien world, the higher the level In the world, the levels of strong people they can breed are different, the strongest people that our earth can breed are myths, but let me tell you, kid, myths are not the end."

"Teacher, do you mean that if two worlds of the same level are fused together, you can be promoted to a higher world, practice will be easier, and the most powerful person that can be bred will be higher, is that true? " Su Ming looked at Wu Daoji, and those eyes looked at himself, as if he was saying boy, when did I say this.

"Hmm." Surprised, Wu Daoji didn't refute, which is why the battlefield was so tragic, although I don't know how Su Ming thought of it.

In fact, Su Ming didn't know why such words popped up in his mind, as if he said them subconsciously.

Afterwards, Wu Daoji told Su Ming a lot, and it can be summed up in one sentence. The alien battlefield is a meat grinder, and there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides. This is a battle for the survival of the race.

"Let's go boy, these things are not too close to you. Your freshman school still mainly trains you. If you are not a lord, you can't go to the battlefield." Wu Daoji stood up, and Su Ming's strength will be able to go up soon. The battlefield is over, but according to the system, the freshman cannot enter the high-level alien world, where the extraordinary have the ability to protect themselves.

Su Ming has been here on this small island for almost half a month, and there is only half a month left before the start of school. Wu Daoji also gave Su Ming the last two weeks of vacation. carnival.

Su Ming, who returned to Linjiang Cheng, not only received the admission letter from Su Bei University, but also a 30 million scholarship awarded to him by Linjiang No. 1 Middle School.

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