Awaken The Nine-Star Talent At The Beginning Of The Global Beast Royale

Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Freshman Competition Wasn't Just Going Through The Motion Picture

"That is Su Ming. It is said that the record in the Tower of Trials directly surpassed Jun Wuhui. I don't know how the real combat power is."

"You'll find out later, Su Ming's reputation is not small, and the group of students below all want to confront him."

"Haha, how can there be progress without competition, that's all it takes."

"I've heard from the guy from Wu Daoji that Su Ming still has an eight-star talent, but the previous talent is a bit mediocre."

The instructors in the stands also found out about Su Ming and started talking about it. It is impossible for them not to know about Su Ming's existence. After all, Su Ming has caused a small wave of sensation in the whole country.

Su Ming didn't show politeness to the people below, and strode directly to one of the battlefields. The best way to face doubts is to directly subdue these people.

"Which one of you will go first?"

Su Ming looked at all the people in the audience. These people were all looking at him like an enemy, but no one came forward for a long time.

"I'll come first."

The other battlefields are already fierce, and it is not a good idea for them to surround Su Ming. If they don't make it to the end of the exhibition game for freshmen, and there is no mentor who likes them, then they are really waiting to be assigned. .

"My name is Zhao Fuxin. I ranked forty in the college entrance examination, which is higher than you."

Su Ming looked at Zhao Fuxin in front of him, and understood what he meant. He was indeed very dissatisfied with the reward Su Ming got.

"Then let's stop talking nonsense and fight directly." Su Ming didn't talk nonsense, and directly summoned his own Hanhan. Now Hanhan is only one step away from breaking through the leadership.


There was a crisp swallowing sound from the audience. What is this monster? With a size of more than ten meters, is this an elite beast.

"What level is your beast master?"

"Elite, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

Seeing Su Ming's look of needing a beating, Zhao Fuxin wanted to go up and give him a few slaps, you call this an elite level.

"Student, hurry up and summon your imperial beast, there are still many people queuing up behind."

At this time, Su Ming shifted his gaze to the people below, and the people who were going to challenge Su Ming all scattered away in an instant. As soon as Hanhan came out, they knew the gap. The guy looks like a toy in front of him, so how can he fight?

"Student, classmate."

Listening to Su Ming's constant urging, and there are so many instructors watching from above, Zhao Fuxin is now ready to go.

A mottled giant tiger appeared on the field. Most of the opponents Su Ming met now were of the pure strength type like Hanhan himself, but Zhao Fuxin's Iceborne Tiger was a royal beast that combined strength and magic attacks. A rare top-quality imperial beast.

"Hanhan, brute force."

"The giant tiger of the ice field is frozen for thousands of miles."

In an instant, it spread from the soles of the giant ice tiger's feet to Hanhan's side, and Hanhan's legs were directly fixed in place by the thick ice layer, and the ice layer continued to spread upwards.

"Ice Giant Tiger, Claw."

Seeing that Hanhan was restrained from moving, Zhao Fuxin also knew that it would not be a good thing if he dragged on. After all, Su Ming's Hanhan had the advantage of size and strength.

The giant ice tiger leaped high, and if its sharp claws with a slightly cold glow attacked Hanhan, then this match would be really hard to say.


With a clear and crisp sound, Hanhan saw the giant ice-field tiger being captured by Hanhan's hand. If the powerful imperial beast is not comparable in size, it will still suffer a lot.

It is true that he was only restricted from moving, but Hanhan's fighting power was still not weakened, and the ice seal on his feet was easily broken by Hanhan. Only after seeing this scene did Zhao Fuxin know that the giant tiger in the ice field The ice power can't restrain the actions of Su Ming's beast at all.

The disparity in power is so great that they have no chance of winning at all.

And in the stands, the instructors with sharp eyes also saw Hanhan's extraordinary at a glance.

"This imperial beast should have evolved once, but even with such power, it's still too terrifying."

"Yeah, it's really rare to have such combat effectiveness at the elite level."

The elite has just completed an evolution of the Beast Familiar, which is really extremely rare, unless the evolution crystal is used. Otherwise it is difficult to achieve.

The giant ice tiger was grasped tightly by Hanhan, and its limbs kept flapping in the air. If Hanhan used more force, the giant ice tiger might be directly crushed to death by him.

"Let go, Hanhan."

The only one who could bring Hanhan back to his senses was Su Ming. Hearing his master's order, Hanhan also let go of his hand, allowing the giant ice tiger to fall powerlessly.

Taking Hanhan back into his beast-controlling space, Su Ming knew that Hanhan's performance was enough to demonstrate his strength and talent, and for those who questioned him, he probably didn't even dare to fart.

Walking out of the battlefield, I didn't need to participate in this competition, just to silence them, but when Su Ming wanted to go to Qi Wan'er and the others, he found that his mentor, Wu Daoji, was already standing at the door waiting own up.

"Teacher, why are you here?" Su Ming was a little puzzled, shouldn't all the tutors be in the stands.

"Come and take you away. It's a waste of time to bring your strength here. I'll take you to where you should go."

Seeing Wu Daoji's appearance, Su Ming felt like a glow on his back for a moment, and a very good feeling arose spontaneously.

"Teacher, I'm going to say goodbye to my friends and them." Su Ming knew that he was gone, and he didn't know how long it would take.

"No need, hurry up and leave, you just need to notify them with your mobile phone." Without giving Su Ming a chance to say more, Su Ming was directly carried away by Wu Daoji.

And the other three on the battlefield also realized that Su Ming's side was already empty.

"Where's Su Ming?"

Just when the three of them were wondering, Su Ming also took the time to send a message to Qi Wan'er.

"Su Ming was taken away by his teacher, he will not continue to participate in the next competition, and entered the alien world to fight in advance."

"Hey, the donkeys in the production team don't dare to do this. You really deserve to be the martial arts master, the devil instructor of Su Bei University, has no one reminded Su Ming?" Qian Duoduo also trembled, this is too cruel, Only three days into the university, Su Ming is about to be thrown into the battlefield of the alien world.

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