The requirement of the task is to have three Ironwood Heart Trees, so there is basically no possibility of stealing them. Four Ironwood Rhinos have been surrounding the Ironwood Heart Trees.

The growth of the iron wood heart tree is harsh, and the iron wood rhinoceros, a ferocious beast that feeds on this kind of plant, basically will not leave half a step.

Outsmarting is basically hopeless, and only a strong attack is possible.

However, they can't move yet. The four Ironwood Rhinoceros are in a state of excitement. It will definitely be more difficult to fight them now. A sneak attack is a good strategy.

Su Ming retracted the small fire, summoned the nightmare to monitor the surroundings, and turned over to a tree to wait for the tiredness of the iron wood rhinoceros.

From the first day to the second day, Su Ming finally caught two iron wood rhinos and left, as if they were going to find water to drink, just when Su Ming was about to strike. The nightmare that had been lying on Su Ming's head suddenly moved, and such a behavior meant that a creature was approaching.

Su Ming quickly gave up and continued to climb up, looking down at the situation underground. Not long after, a girl carefully approached the edge of the tree where Su Ming was hiding with her royal beast, and she seemed to be looking for Ironwood Rhino as well.

Unlike Su Ming who waited like this, when she found that there were only two iron wood rhinoceros on the opposite side, she rushed out with her own beast master. A beast master who commanded the first level should be a magician.

Su Ming stood on the top of the tree and looked at the girl in front of him with interest. The four beasts were all of the light attribute. Among all attributes, beast masters with two attributes of light and darkness are stronger than beast masters with basic attributes such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Of course, this is in most cases, and there are accidents.

The imperial beast with all bright attributes directly attacked the iron wood rhinoceros. However, the girl didn't seem to have studied well. Iron Wood Rhino's strongest defense was to resist the attacks of the girl's four bright beasts and rush towards her.

It was said to be four, but in fact one was in charge of auxiliary treatment, and only three were attacking. Seeing the iron wood rhinoceros girl rushing towards her, she also became flustered.

"This woman has never fought before, how can she fight like this, no matter how good the beast master is, she can't play like this, not to mention the difference in level."

At this time, the two iron wood rhinoceros who had just gone to drink water also spotted the girl, and rushed towards the girl in an instant.

"Alas." Su Ming shook his head, and leaped to the ground. Xiaohuo and Hanhan rushed out behind him in an instant, while Mengyan was using his mental shock to knock the four iron woods into the ground in an instant. The rhinoceros was so shocked that it stayed where it was, and didn't recover from it for a long time.


Hanhan jumped up high, flew over the girl's head, and directly punched the iron wood rhinoceros on the head. The entry-level armament was hardened, and Hanhan's fist was covered with a layer of steel fists. The set is so-so, and with the blessing of all the skills at level 5, the iron wood rhinoceros was half-dead with a punch of almost a million catties.

Xiaohuo is not to be outdone, although there is a big difference in level, but the ability to fly and the magic attack make the two beasts unable to touch Xiaohuo at all, and after Xiaohuo has learned the shield of runes, every time he releases Fire skills will add a layer of magic shield to oneself.

As long as enough skills are released, the spell shield on the body will be thicker.

On Hanhan's side, the situation was almost one-sided, the two iron wood rhinoceros didn't have time to react at all, and the mental shock of Nightmare had been affecting their concentration.

At this time, the girl slowly opened her eyes after hearing the roar of the beast bursting.

"Miss, you dare to come to Tianjie Mountain to fight monsters like you. Do you think you have lived too long?" Su Ming braved the nightmare and walked to the girl. Her four imperial beasts Su Ming looked at them as extremely strong existences, but he really followed the wrong master, and his fighting style was too bad.

The monsters that attack with spells naturally have to use their own advantages to attack these bulky power-type monsters.

Still lined up like this, it is really the fastest way to find death.

The girl slowly opened her eyes. The two big flickering eyes seemed to be full of doubts. She was also a little confused that she was still alive, and this boy who suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?" The girl's first words were looking at Su Ming and asking.

"Your savior."

At this time the battle was over, Su Ming walked slowly to the four dead Ironwood Rhinos, stretched out his hand and took the Ironwood Rhinos back into his own space ring, and converted them to strengthening points when no one was around.

Then he took Hanhan to the side of the ironwood trees and asked Hanhan to break them off, and the task of the three ironwood hearts was considered completed.

Finished work, but Su Ming has no intention of going back for the time being. He managed to come out. The disciples of Tianxingzong can't just come out if they don't have a mission or a warrant to go back. Point, I don't know when the next time I come out.

"Well, can I ask you the way?"

The girl stood behind Su Ming and asked in a low voice.

"Huh? Where are you going?" Su Ming didn't know where his self-confidence came from. He had only been in this world for a few days, and he still responded to others asking for directions.

The girl looked at Su Ming shyly. Su Ming looked at the girl, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. Although the practice has indeed improved the appearance of both men and women, most of the people on the earth have been raised to the average level, like Qi Wan'er. The level is still a minority.

But when I came to this world, I saw more than one girl who was comparable to Qi Wan'er, Bai Ling, then the dean of the Tianyuan, and then this one in front of me.

Not only the eyes are big, but the place that should be big is not small at all. I resisted to look at the majestic figure, which may really confirm that sentence, big breasts and no brains.

"I want to ask, where is Tianxingzong, I'm lost."

"Huh? Are you going to Tianxingzong? I am a disciple of Tianxingzong. What are you going to do?"

"Study in the sect, isn't the time for Tianxingzong to open the sect and accept disciples once every three years?"

"Uh." Does this guy know the exact time? He looked at the girl and said, "It's over. I'm a new disciple. Don't you even know the time?"

The girl was obviously shocked by Su Ming's message, but she recovered immediately, looked at Su Ming and said, "It's okay, someone recommended me to go, it's okay if it's over, you are a disciple of Tianxingzong, can you take me there? "

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