Seeing the supernatural powers in Ji Xuanqi's hands, everyone in the Wraith Sect looked pale. And Ji Xuanwei below was even more panicked, if what Ji Xuanqi held was real, then what was it that Su Ming burned just now.

"Elders of the Tianxingzong, Su Ming handed over the supernatural powers to me. What he burned was Li Luming's own supernatural powers." Ji Xuanqi was so excited that he finally said it. Just to not let Su Ming's sacrifice be in vain.

"Ji Xuanqi, you lied, it's impossible, absolutely impossible." Ji Xuanwei panicked, he couldn't believe it, the Frost Purple Emperor Dragon in the sky was still eyeing him covetously, in the current situation, he didn't have any legitimacy The reason is to kill Su Ming.


Shi Tinghe's faint words exuded endless killing intent, and everyone didn't even have time to react. Ji Xuanwei and his subordinates and the Wraith Sect who started to instigate him to kill Su Ming The believers were frozen into ice sculptures by the Frost Purple Emperor Dragon.

"Master Tinghe, you!" Ming Jiuyou looked at Shi Tinghe, she not only killed the people of Xieyue Empire, but also killed the people of their Wraith Sect.

"What? You want to stand out?" Shi Tinghe looked at Ming Jiuyou coldly, not paying attention to him at all.

And after a while, a few people flew from the direction of Wraith Sect, Ming Jiuyou was overjoyed, thinking that reinforcements had arrived, but he didn't expect that person to whisper a few words in his ear, with disbelief written on his face Ming Jiuyou's face.

He took a deep look at Master Ting He, then looked at the disciples of the Wraith Sect who had been frozen into ice sculptures, and said, "Take their bodies back, let's go."

Shi Tinghe didn't stop her. She knew that her senior brother had gone to the Wraith Sect. Without the help of the Wraith Sect, how could an empire resist an overlord sect.

"Dean, you have already killed the man, your anger should be gone."

"The task is complete, you should take the reward Su Ming deserves." Shi Tinghe didn't want to go on a killing spree. Although Su Ming's life and death are unpredictable now, she can only believe that Su Ming can survive with his strength.

"Master Master, I promised Su Ming to allow him to choose two treasures in the imperial treasury to take away, but he is not here, but I promise that as long as Su Ming comes to pick it up, the Xieyue Empire welcomes it at any time, or Master Master represents Su Ming. Go to the treasury to get two treasures."

At this moment, Ji Xuanqi stood up. He possessed the power of inheritance in his hands. According to the imperial decree, he was the crown prince.

And the eldest prince, who had been watching, could only stare blankly at the inherited magical power in Ji Xuanqi's hands. As long as the people of Tianxingzong are here, it is impossible to get it from Ji Xuanqi's hands.

Moreover, the three mythical beast masters in the capital of Xieyue Emperor are all here now, and they all saw it, so they meant that it would be useless to snatch it.

"it is good."

The escaped Su Ming is now flying in the direction of Tianxingzong. As for the injury mentioned by Ji Xuanwei's subordinates, it is purely fabricated, and Su Ming actually did this to return to the earth.

After leaving for so long, he needs to go back to report his safety before continuing to practice here.

Compared to cultivating on earth, this place is more suitable. Xiaohuo's speed was extremely fast, and it took three days to return to the location where the teleportation array was. Nightmare's mental detection was fully activated, and after confirming that no one was there, Su Ming stepped into the teleportation array and gave himself the martial arts pole. The spar is driven into the groove.

The next moment, when Su Ming opened his eyes again, he was already in the teleportation array of Su Bei University, but now it was winter vacation, and most of the students had gone back to celebrate the New Year. Su Ming walked out of the teleportation array and directly He took out the communicator hidden in his space ring, and first dialed Wu Daoji's phone number.

At this time, Wu Daoji was sitting in his office, Su Ming's matter had really messed him up, Su Ming's parents had not called to inquire about Su Ming's situation once.

Almost everyone in the academy knew that Martial Arts had lost Su Ming.

When Su Ming called, Wu Daoji looked at the phone in his hand, his hands trembling a little, he was a little afraid that it wasn't Su Ming himself who called.


"Hi, teacher, I'm back."

As soon as I came back, I couldn't hold it anymore. No one knew how much pressure he withstood.

"Good, good, good."

Su Ming could hear Wu Dao's excitement even with the three friends in a row. He came back this time to report their safety. Besides, it was the Chinese New Year, and he could stay on Earth for about a week.

Not long after, Su Ming was already standing in front of Wu Daoji.

At the moment when he saw Wu Daoji, Su Ming also saw some vicissitudes of life in Wu Daoji, but now Wu Daoji's face is full of happiness.

"Su Ming, are you coming back this time?"

"Teacher, I took some time to come back. Please give me a few more crystals. I will go back in a few days. The practice there has greatly improved me. I will go again this time. It may take a long time to come back.”

"Okay, it's okay, it's okay, just be safe, just be safe." Wu Daoji also cried with joy, Su Ming's safety is the most important.

And at this moment, the door of Wu Daoji's office opened, and it was Ning Beixuan.

Su Ming had never met Ning Beixuan before, so Wu Daoji introduced him to Su Ming.

"Su Ming has met the principal, and I thank the principal for giving Su Ming the imperial beast." Su Ming said and took out a book of magical powers and secrets from the space ring. If Ji Xuanqi and the others meet again, they will definitely be surprised. This is not because of Li Luming. Magic Cannon?

In fact, Su Ming didn't burn it, but kept him here. He couldn't bring nothing with him when he came back this time. At present, he can only bring back this magical power and secret technique.

"This is, Su Ming, how did you steal the magical powers and secrets unique to the beast masters of the Tianhua Great World?" Ning Beixuan and Wu Daoji looked at the magical secrets in their hands and trembled. The magical secrets can only be passed through Such strange books as Tianhua Great World have been preserved.

What is copied is useless at all, and what is learned cannot be taught to others. It is not that the earth has secretly sent people to the Tianhua Great World to seek this kind of supernatural power these years.

But ordinary people have no inheritance of supernatural powers and secret arts at all, and the great sects have restrictions on supernatural powers and secret arts, so it is impossible to bring them out of the sect, so there are very few supernatural powers and secret arts on earth.

"Principal, teacher, I killed a man on his body. I can't bring out the sect's supernatural powers now. According to their level, this supernatural powers and secrets are suitable for beasts with spiritual attributes at the elementary level. Use, I have learned it, principal, you can learn it if you have a spiritual beast master, I will stay here for seven days, this magical power is only suitable for spiritual beast masters, I can’t bring more magical powers and secrets when I come back in a hurry , I will bring it back next time I come back.”

Su Ming was actually a little embarrassed, after all, he was only at the elementary level of the Xuan level, and he was a little bit helpless, but he didn't notice the eyes of the principal and Wu Daoji.

"Su Ming, are you saying that this supernatural power is at the elementary level of the Xuan class?" Ning Beixuan's voice trembled a little.

"Well, although it's not very good, it's still usable." Su Ming nodded and said.


"Su Ming, how many supernatural powers have you learned?"

"Five, I'm learning supernatural powers relatively quickly, so I'm doing pretty well in Tianxingzong now." Su Ming grinned, showing no modesty at all.

Wu Daoji laughed loudly when he heard this, and said, "Haha, Lao Ning, I'm right, I'm right to send Su Ming there."

"Su Ming, this value is far more precious than the royal beast that our school gave you. On behalf of Su Bei University, I would like to express my gratitude."

"Principal, don't say that. I'm embarrassed to say that. I'm a student of Su Bei University. I only have a few days here, and that's all I can do." Su Ming touched his head , I also feel a little embarrassed.

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