Awaken The Nine-Star Talent At The Beginning Of The Global Beast Royale

Chapter Eight Hanhan's Powerful Combat Power

"Wait a minute, I'll ask the principal." Huang Heming paused, turned around and called the principal. In fact, compared to Su Ming, the principal cared more about his nightmare.

After a while.

"Okay, this is proof, you must protect yourself, and be careful when you go out of the city for the first time." Huang Heming looked at Su Ming, the world outside the city is unfamiliar to these children now.

"Okay, teacher, I regret my life." Su Ming grinned, proving that he could leave the city if he got it.

In the vicinity of Jiang Cheng, the pressure is much lower compared to the coastal cities. In recent years, human beast masters have become more powerful, and the inland areas are much less threatened by ferocious beasts. At least the areas near the base city are not as strong. the beast.

After successfully leaving the city, Su Ming ran directly towards the forest.

Because of the revival of spiritual energy, the topography of Huaxia has undergone earth-shaking changes from before, and tall trees several meters thick can be seen everywhere.

The current outside the city is really a paradise for ferocious beasts, and of course it is the same for powerful beast masters. Any ferocious beast is a valuable existence.

With the development of science and technology in these years, humans have also invented a different space storage technology similar to storage rings, which facilitates various logistical supplies for beast masters when they hunt wild beasts in the wild and brings them back in large quantities. way.

Su Ming's father has one, which is now owned by Su Ming. The space is not too big, only about 20 cubic meters, but it can catch a lot of ordinary beasts below the third level.

Nightmare lay on Su Ming's shoulders, and beside Su Ming was Hanhan, who was close to three meters in size. Standing up, he was already a small giant beast.

With red eyes and extremely sharp teeth, the Jiuli blood in Hanhan's body has been completely stimulated by the bloody smell in the wild air at this time.

Sand, sand, sand.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the grass in front of Su Ming. Su Ming, who was out of the city for the first time, did not dare to take it lightly, but Han Han had already stood in front of Su Ming and formed a guarding posture.

Su Ming looked vigilantly at the bushes in front of him, and the nightmare on his shoulders had already made a fighting stance. Su Ming's two royal beasts also showed their strong fighting talent in the early stage of the first battle.

A ferocious wild boar-like beast came out slowly, bigger than Hanhan. According to Su Ming's visual inspection, it was nearly four meters long, and the two fangs beside its mouth were almost fifty centimeters thick.

ferocious pig strong

Level Ordinary Tier 4


Skill collision, fangs falling

The fourth-level Zhu Ganglie was seen by Su Ming in the illustration class. Human beings now have a collection of tens of thousands of mutant beasts in the beast illustration book. The prototype of Zhu Ganglie is the former wild boar. It has a single skill but is very powerful. In the Fierce Beast Illustrated Book, it is also specially noted that the meat of pig Ganglie is plump, and eating it can increase a little spiritual energy.

The meat of fierce beasts contains spiritual energy, which is why fierce beasts are valuable. Because any ferocious beast is huge in size, like the one in front of it, it weighs one or two tons.

"Hanhan, let's go." Facing Zhu Ganglie, Su Ming believed that Hanhan could still be dealt with easily.


The two giant beasts charged at each other, and when they were about to get close, Su Ming shouted directly at Hanhan, "Hanhan, use brute force, giant elephant!"

Hearing Su Ming's command, Hanhan's body size suddenly became larger in the process of running, and the loose muscles on his body suddenly swelled. This is the effect of a giant elephant, which improves defense.

"Hanhan, use fury!" Su Ming continued to command.

Suddenly, Hanhan's eyes became even more red, and with a roar that shook the sky, Hanhan stood up directly, raised his front paws high, and slapped Zhu Ganglie directly.

Zhu Ganglie is also known for his bravery, he takes life and death lightly, and does whatever he refuses to accept.

He stabbed it up with his two fangs.


The loud sound made Su Ming, who was ten meters away, feel the ground shaking.

Zhu Ganglie's fangs were interrupted abruptly by Hanhan, and Hanhan's bear paw slapped right on his spirit cover, killing him with one blow, even the ground collapsed under Hanhan's powerful force an area.

Su Ming roughly estimated that Hanhan's burst had a force of nearly 10,000 jin, and it might be even higher.

Seeing the tragic death of Zhu Ganglie, Su Ming took a knife to deal with it briefly and put it into his storage ring.

"Good job." Su Ming stroked Hanhan lightly. At this time, Hanhan had returned to a normal state. The blood of Jiuli allowed Hanhan to use fury without any worries. This is the most perverted part.

Next, Su Ming chose to keep hunting ferocious beasts in the outskirts of the forest. An ordinary Tier 4 pig Ganglie can be sold for more than 50,000 because of its meat quality.

Among the jungle.

The roaring sound continued, causing the surrounding flowers, plants and trees to tremble crazily. On the ground, one after another huge cave-in is a simple rhythm.

Among the constant roars, there were Hanhan's bloodthirsty roar after being furious, and there were also small protests from the trembling little beast on the other side defending its last bit of dignity.

"You're good, Hanhan, and you're also good." Su Ming dealt with the beast briefly, then went to rest under a big tree.

The cooperation between Hanhan and Nightmare is simply incomprehensible. Nightmare uses mental attacks to slow down or even stun the beasts to create space and opportunities for Hanhan to attack. After a day of fighting, the two royal beasts have already established a preliminary tacit understanding of cooperation. .

"It's very late, let's go back." Su Ming looked at the sky, the red glow in the evening was like fire, and tomorrow will be another fine day.

Today's harvest is slow, and the little monsters on the periphery are almost solved by Su Ming. Su Ming conservatively estimates that his income is about 400,000 to 500,000 yuan, but Su Ming will not be able to come out tomorrow. Hanhan is also very tired today. Let him fight like this for another day, although the Jiuli bloodline will not make him mentally tired, but it will still be physically exhausting.

Han Han was only born not long ago, Su Ming was also reluctant.

Back to the city safely, at this time Lin Jiang Cheng has already turned on the street lights. Slowly, night fell quietly, and Lin Jiang Cheng was instantly illuminated by lights.

Using the light, Su Ming took a taxi and headed to the Beast Masters Association.

The beasts I hunted today need to be sold. Although it is already late, I heard from Xu Lang that the Beast Masters Association usually doesn't close until twelve o'clock in the evening.

Originally, Su Ming wanted Xu Lang to bring him, but they were going to have a dinner party tonight, so Su Ming had to go alone.

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