Arriving at the Zhang Bang of Tianbang and Dibang, Su Ming already found many acquaintances, including Mu Yitong.

"Is Junior Brother Su Ming coming to see the Tianbang too?" Mu Yitong also spotted Su Ming and beckoned him to come.

"Senior Sister Yitong, I've also heard about the two rankings of heaven and earth, so I'll take a look." Su Ming took advantage of the opportunity to come to Mu Yitong, and saw the list of personnel on the heaven and earth rankings. The cultivation base at the time of listing.

"Junior brother, do you need senior sister to talk to you?"

Su Ming raised his eyebrows, and asked curiously, "Senior sister, do you know, didn't you also enter the inner door with me?"

"Junior brother, your senior sister, I have started before you anyway, how could I know less than you?"

"Then please ask the senior sister to clarify."

Mu Yitong walked to the same position as Su Ming, pointed to the two rankings above and said, "I don't need to tell you more about the heaven and earth rankings, you should come here to see the earth and sky rankings." The strength of the brothers and sisters must be."

Su Ming didn't deny it, but nodded.

Mu Yitong smiled slightly, almost all the disciples who just entered the school wanted to do something to the people on the two lists of heaven and earth, after all, who would not want to be famous.

"Currently the lowest strength in the Tianbang is Senior Brother Ruan Fei, who is at the first rank of Transcendence. Although he is the last one, Senior Brother Ruan Fei's strength is also the one hundredth existence among the disciples in the whole school. His level is not very high. But he masters His supernatural powers are very strong, and the two earth-level supernatural powers make him like a fish in water in the inner sect."

"What about the land list, what is the strongest strength in the land list?"

Mu Yitong looked at the ground list and said, "Most of the strengths in the ground list are of extraordinary level, and the difference in strength is mainly in supernatural powers."

Su Ming nodded, his goal is still the sky list, and he doesn't like the ground list.

Mu Yitong looked around and whispered into Su Ming's ear, "Su Ming, there is one thing you might not know."

Su Ming glanced at Mu Yitong suspiciously, this guy hasn't come in for a year, he must have used it all for gossip.

"What's the matter."

Seeing Su Ming asking her, she said arrogantly again, "Call Senior Sister to listen."

Rolling his eyes at her, Su Ming turned around and was about to leave. His target for the first battle was basically determined. He just looked at the list, and the eighty-eighth senior sister named Yang Leng'an should be an easy target after all.

Because she majored in power attack, the person she wanted to fight the most was the beast master who majored in strength. After all, Su Ming still had a lot of confidence in her power to master the beast.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you, I really can't take a joke, Su Ming."

Su Ming was pulled aside by Mu Yitong and whispered, "Do you know who is number one on the list now, Lu Zining?"

"What kind of news is that?"

"Oh, don't worry, wait until I finish telling you."

Mu Yitong stroked his train of thought and continued, "Do you know who Lu Zining's teacher is? She is the same as you, Dean Shi Tinghe. At that time, she spent a year studying the mirror image and did not learn it, so she gave up later. After entering the inner sect, I taught myself the supernatural powers that our suzerain majored in, and now her strength is already the number one elder sister of our Tianxing sect, and this year's Nanzhou competition will all depend on her."

Su Ming then ran to the Tianbang and looked at the name of Lu Zining at the top, the cultivation level behind it was actually the seventh level of Transcendent.

For some reason, the woman he saw when he came back from Jieshan appeared in Su Ming's mind, and he had a strong feeling that the woman was Lu Zining.

Su Ming shook his head, and continued to look at Yang Leng'an, who he wanted to challenge. Her cultivation base is the third level of extraordinary, and it shouldn't be too difficult for her to compete in strength, but she didn't expect a girl to choose such a violent way. rare.

One must know that the Academy of Strength is a well-known monastery, there are more men than women, and very few girls are willing to take the route of power and beast control.

After making up his mind, Su Ming bid farewell to Mu Yitong and left quickly.

He doesn't have many enhancement points now, and the total is about one million. He wants to raise the metal hardening of his Hanhan and Tuntian clam to the highest level, but that will cost nearly three million enhancement points. There is only one month, and the time left for myself is really a bit of storage.

Anxiously, he flew out of the sect and headed towards the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Basically, the lord's strength point was 50,000 on average. Forty of them would need to be killed in a month. Time, I have to stay for ten days, so two lords in one day are the least.

Calculated in this way, Su Ming doesn't seem to be in a hurry, but Su Ming still wants to end it sooner, and he needs to keep some strengthening points as cards in case of accidents.

And not long after Su Ming left, two girls came to Su Ming's residence in the inner courtyard. They knocked on the door for a long time but got no response.

"Leng An, could it be that Su Ming isn't here?" Lu Zining still couldn't hold back her curiosity, but Yang Leng'an saw through and was pulled here directly.

Yang Leng'an also said with some doubts, "Probably not, what will happen to him who just entered the inner sect."

At this moment, Mu Yitong happened to be passing by, because the new students from the inner sect were all arranged to live in this area.

"Are the two senior sisters looking for Su Ming? He left the sect. I don't know what to do. Anyway, he left very early."

Lu Zining and Yang Leng'an looked at each other, nodded and said, "Oh, yes, thank you, junior sister."

"It's okay, you're welcome."

Looking at the backs of the two, Mu Yitong only felt that he seemed to have known each other before, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Oh, forget it. Inner sect disciples can learn mysterious supernatural powers for free. This guy Su Ming doesn't learn supernatural powers. I really don't know what this guy is going out to do."

Mu Yitong is also very envious of Su Ming's talent in learning supernatural powers. He has so many supernatural powers that he almost can't count them. The key point is that Su Ming has only been a student for less than a year.

"Hey, people are more popular than others, maybe this guy is holding back his big move and wants to compete for the world list." Mu Yitong shook his head, and walked towards Zongmen's Zangshu Pavilion.

At this time, Su Ming was in a bloody battle with those lord-level beasts in the 100,000 mountains. In order to save more reinforcement points, Su Ming basically took the fifth-level lord beasts to kill.

As Su Ming gradually entered, even he himself did not realize that he had already penetrated into the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

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