
"Although he could clearly feel the improvement of the Sharingan, it seemed that it was still far from evolving into a two-magatama."

Uchiha Isha felt a little regretful.

But soon, his regret disappeared, and he looked at the remaining four ghosts in front of him with a fiery gaze.

"After killing the remaining four ghosts, it should be enough, right?"

Uchiha Isha grinned a slightly cruel smile.

The next moment, he held the Sun Blade and charged towards the ghost closest to him, ready to kill it.

""Human, die!"

The ghost who was targeted by Uchiha Isha roared fiercely.

Although he was frightened by Uchiha Isha's fierce attack just now, his desire for blood food still overwhelmed his fear.

He wanted to tear Uchiha Isha into pieces and eat him bite by bite.


"Die, damn human!"

"Let me eat you in one bite!"


Several more roars were heard.

The ghosts from the other three directions left their swordsmen behind and came towards Uchiha Isha.

They naturally saw that Uchiha Isha was a very difficult person.

They wanted to kill Uchiha Isha first, and then deal with the other little Karami swordsmen and enjoy them slowly.


""Watch out behind you!"

Seeing all the demons leaving them behind and heading towards Uchiha Isha, the four Demon Slayers were shocked and then they all stepped forward to help Uchiha Isha.

They certainly couldn't just sit back and watch Uchiha Isha being killed by four demons.

If Uchiha Isha died in battle, they would surely follow and be killed together.


"Can't catch up"

"It’s too late!"


Although they wanted to help Uchiha Isha, the four swordsmen, who had consumed a lot of energy, could not catch up with the four ghosts at their swift speed.

Uchiha Isha was thus trapped in the encirclement of the four ghosts.

Just when the four swordsmen felt desperate, as if they had seen the end of Uchiha Isha and their own end, the next moment, they saw sharp blades flashing before their eyes.

Accompanied by this, there appeared a huge water dragon phantom that kept flowing.

"That is……"

The four swordsmen looked shocked.

""Full Concentration Breathing·Water Breathing Type 10·Life Flowing!"

Uchiha Isha instantly entered the state of full concentration breathing and used the strongest attack of water breathing. Full concentration breathing is a certain advanced state of breathing.

By speeding up the blood circulation and heartbeat in the body, the lungs are expanded, so that a large amount of air can be input into the blood.

The blood under such stimulation will make the bones and muscles of the human body tense, and the body temperature will also rise.

In such a state, the power of the swordsman of the breathing method will be greatly increased, so that he can compete with the powerful evil spirits and kill them.

Now Uchiha Isha is going to... That's what he did.

Although his full concentration breathing was only in the primary state. He could only enter full concentration breathing for a short period of time, and could not maintain full concentration breathing all day long, thus reaching the"constant" state.

Even so.

At present, relying on the temporary increase in strength from full concentration breathing, it was enough to deal with the four ghosts.

Under this powerful blow.

The evil ghost targeted by Uchiha Isha was beheaded first.

And the three evil ghosts who attacked Uchiha Isha were also beheaded one after another under Uchiha Isha's whirlwind attack.

From then on, all six evil ghosts in this wave were wiped out.


After completing the killing, Uchiha Isha breathed a sigh of relief and released the state of full concentration.

It took a lot of effort for him to launch this attack.

Fortunately, he had absorbed the power of three ghosts before, which improved his physical fitness and strength.

Otherwise, the effect of this attack, which was also the strongest attack that could be launched in the state of full concentration , might not be as good as it is now. It is estimated that he would be injured to a certain extent.

"Here it comes!"

When Uchiha Isha thought so, a sudden feeling made him look happy.

The ashes transformed by the four ghosts emerged with corresponding energy, entered his body, and were absorbed by his Sharingan. With the simultaneous influx of four energies, his Sharingan soon reached a saturation point.

The one magatama in his eyes was spinning rapidly, and was about to evolve.

In the end, there was one more magatama in his right eye.

His one magatama Sharingan also became a two magatama Sharingan.

However, his left eye, due to"lack of stamina", finally stagnated at the level of a one magatama Sharingan.

"Two magatama in the right eye and one magatama in the left eye?"

"How is this different from the two pillars!"

After feeling the condition of his Sharingan, Uchiha Isha secretly complained in his heart.

Originally, he thought that both of his eyes could usher in evolution.

Now it seems that it is still a little short.

He is still some distance away from completing the double magatama Sharingan.

Fortunately, this part of the gap will be filled soon.

As long as he kills all the remaining evil spirits on Fujixi Mountain.

By then, let alone the double magatama, he may even achieve the three magatama Sharingan.

As for the Mangekyō Sharingan?

He didn't think that he would be able to usher in the opening after killing hundreds of ghosts on Fujixi Mountain.

The ghosts on Fujixi Mountain are still too low-level.

If there are a few twelve demons mixed in, it's almost the same.

But with his current Sharingan and strength, it is still unknown whether he can kill the twelve demons.

"Are you okay?"

At this time, four swordsmen came up to Uchiha Isha and showed concern for his condition.

Due to the angle, they did not notice the abnormality in Uchiha Isha's eyes.

In addition, Uchiha Isha had closed his Sharingan, which made it even more difficult for them to find out.

Instead, they were quite impressed and unbelievable that Uchiha Isha could kill four ghosts instantly.

This time, there is such a master among the new swordsmen?

They said that Uchiha Isha is very close to being a pillar-level swordsman, and they did not doubt the possibility.

"It's okay!"

Uchiha Ixia shook his head.

After looking at the four swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps in front of him with surprise and admiration on their faces, he said,"Then I will leave first and continue to kill demons!"

After that, Uchiha Ixia disappeared directly in front of the swordsmen.

Rather than continuing to greet them, he wanted to search for the whereabouts of other demons and kill them.

"have they gone?"

"It's like coming and going in a hurry!"

"We haven't even thanked him for saving our lives yet!"


Looking at Uchiha Isha's back as he quickly left, the four swordsmen sighed.

If Uchiha Isha hadn't appeared, perhaps they would have all died at the hands of the demon.

"I have a feeling that he will become a Pillar in the future, and the strongest Pillar!"

After a moment of silence, the swordsman who used the Breath of Wind suddenly said

"The strongest pillar?"

"Perhaps, it is possible!"

The other three swordsmen looked at each other and did not refute.

In some way, they also felt this way.


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