Xiao Se listened to the notification sound echoing in his mind, and finally couldn't hold back his excitement. His trembling hand, the golden finger he had been thinking about day and night, was long overdue.

System name: "The strongest blessing system."

In view of the fact that the host's qualifications are too mediocre, and he has failed 99 times in a row, he will be automatically matched with the corresponding system: the blessing of the strongest decrepit god, which can randomly generate negative buffs for any object by consuming energy.

Host Name: Xiao Se.

Xiao Se studied and read the name of the system repeatedly, and after confirming that what he saw was correct, tens of thousands of grass mud horses rushed in his heart. Secretly began to greet the eighteen generations of ancestors of this cheating system, and dare to call themselves the strongest blessing system, and it is clearly the strongest curse system.

However, the system seems to have heard Chen Bei's complaint: "Warning the host, please don't continue to insult the system, otherwise the system will choose a new host again.

As an affirmation to the host, the system has decided to adopt the opinion of the host, and this system was immediately renamed the strongest curse system. "

"Damn, this rebellious boy with two or five eyes, why don't you do something so terrific." Xiao Se clearly felt the system's deep malice.

"Attention the host, it is detected that you have a time-limited advanced lottery reward, do you want to draw it?""

"The system, please explain to me why it's not ten consecutive draws? In every YY novel, the protagonist will get ten consecutive draws at the beginning, isn't it?" He even suspected that the system was secretly deducting the rewards he deserved. It is the beginning of hell difficulty.

"Please be sure to give up all doubts about this system, otherwise this system will fight you to the death even if you start the self-destruct program at risk. As for why it is not ten consecutive draws, it is not because you have failed ninety-nine times in a row. There are only so many benefits that are squeezed out.”

"Ask again if you want to do a premium draw?"

"No response within ten seconds will be considered a waiver."

"7, 6, 5..."

As for the 8, 9, and 10 agreed upon, Xiao Se had no choice but to continue the lottery draw seeing the system's bachelor temperament.

【Super big turntable, choose 1 out of 99】.

"Fucking shit, this is blatant discrimination. As soon as the system goes online, the lottery is a special code of 1 out of 99." Pen Fun Library

The turntable ignored Xiao Se's hoarse cry, and the pointer began to spin rapidly.

Xiao Se's eyes widened, and he stared at the turntable fiercely, for fear of missing the reward if he was not paying attention.

The more you see clearly, the more frustrated you become.

What kind of reward is this.

Nail clippers, key chains, and even used toilet paper are all listed.

Didn't he just get this special code from the silly boy?

Could it be that the system is with that kid? This is a new popular reality show recently.

But when I looked around, I didn't see any hidden cameras or anything like that.

Could it be that the system is trying to pull out the sores for that kid, and it won't work to get him back.

"This two-and-five-eyed system is really a joke." Xiao Se complained secretly.

"Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Sunflower Collection, the little inner that Mrs. Chen wore yesterday." What a strange thing.

Xiao Se was feeling, feeling, but the roulette stopped abruptly without warning.

"Fuck, it's not getting slower and slower, stopping slowly, why did you play the brakes suddenly, I'm afraid I don't know there are ghosts in it, are you a sports lottery?"

The arrogant and ignorant voice of the system ignored Xiao Se's wild thoughts, and said in a playful tone: "Congratulations to the host: the reward for the super big carousel has been issued, please click to view the properties."

"Sharp Spear-Red Halberd" features: must hit.

Concise and concise introduction without dragging the water.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special reward: a seven-layer condensed body pill."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully activating the curse talent: For anything, at the cost of consuming 1000 energy points, a curse is randomly generated, and the cursed party must be lower than your own level to take effect.】

"Friendly reminder: Energy value can be obtained and accumulated through seven different emotions: joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock."

A series of reminders were like thunderstorms in Xiao Se's heart.

Without giving Xiao Se the slightest respite, the system launched another attack: "May I ask the host whether to take the Seven-fold Consolidated Pill immediately."

After all, under such circumstances, no one would refuse the system's friendly reminder.

Xiao Se tidied up the divination booth in a hurry, and for the first time ignored Uncle Wen who was lying under the big rocking chair and was concentrating on divination. She ran back to her room in three steps at a time, and locked the door behind her.

After endless calls, the damn system finally responded to Xiao Se again.

"Yes, take the Seventh Layer Consolidated Concrete Pill immediately." Xiao Se was unequivocal and decisive.

In an instant, a crystal-clear, crystal-like elixir appeared in Xiao Se's palm, still feeling warm.

It melts in the mouth, and goes straight to the dantian along the throat.

In an instant, the stinging pain hit the whole body.

Muscles, bones, meridians, even every drop of blood and every cell are decomposing, reorganizing, and renewing.

Xiao Se only feels that the whole body is full of energy

The holes were opened one after another, and streams of filthy matter spewed out along these pores one after another.

It lasted for half an hour, Xiao Se took a cold shower contentedly, a piece of soap finally washed his body, but now he only feels refreshed.

"System, the protagonists of other novels all have panel attributes, won't it be difficult for you?"

"Stop looking down on people, soeasy."

Host Name: Xiao Se.

Ability: fusion (primary: transgender.)

Realm: Pioneer one star.

Host energy value: 139 (from Mo Yunxin).

The panel properties are concise and clear, which is indeed a simple-minded system. Xiao Se once again praised his wit.

The only thing that puzzled him was his own ability: sex change? Women's clothing boss? Thinking of the consequences, Xiao Se instantly felt the chill in his crotch, so he stretched out his hand to grab it, but fortunately, his little friend was still there.

"Degeneration refers to changing the properties of objects, such as iron becoming very soft and cotton becoming heavy."

"This is the first step of fusion. Objects of different attributes can gradually assimilate without repulsion. There is me in you, and you in me. In the words of you humans, this is called cheating."

"Those who pull out a series bigger than you and question themselves every day that they are actually girls have already achieved integration" Biquku

"It can't be said to be exactly the same, it's simply irrelevant." The voice of the system appeared in Xiao Se's mind at the right time, as if it was already a roundworm in his stomach.

Fortunately, this explanation finally completely dispelled his worries. He was really afraid that he would become an old monster like Dongfang Bubai and Yue Buqun in the end.

Xiao Se was sitting on the bed with a bath towel around his waist and half-naked upper body. With a thought in his mind, a handsome red revolver suddenly appeared in his hand.

He has never been in contact with firearms, let alone a military enthusiast. The gun in front of him doesn't know the model, caliber, or even how to load the bullets, or how many bullets it can hold.

His deepest impression of the revolver is the one from Yayu Liao in City Hunter when he was a teenager.

After turning the left wheel and pulling the trigger, Xiao Se found out that the chamber was empty.

"It's not infinite bullets." Xiao Se couldn't hide her disappointment, and complained weakly.

Weighing and playing with the revolver in his hands, Xiao Se only felt that this gun was just like a normal gun except that it was very heavy and the barrel was slightly longer than a normal pistol.

It was already very late at night, but Xiao Se was tossing and turning, not knowing how long it took before falling asleep soundly.

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