The whole team walked with difficulty for more than ten minutes.

Only came to a semi-enclosed, natural platform that is not too open.

It is said that he is half-closed because there is a row of half-person-high stone pillars on the top and bottom of the stone platform.

They are arranged in sevens and eights, with one side recessed and the other protruding.

It can be as irregular as it needs to be.

It would be nice to be able to shelter from the wind and rain.

On the stone pillar above, there are many bushes, which look more and more like a mustache.

"Brother Xiao, this side is gentle, come and sit here."

The group of four was very close to Xiao Se, and Wu An immediately pulled Xiao Se over.

"It's getting late, maybe it's raining harder and harder." Pen Fun Library

Crashing, the heavy rain suddenly became like pouring, mixed with lightning and thunder, and the momentum grew a lot at once.

"Look at what I said, it will be big in a while, and there may be hailstorms in a while."

"Crackling, fist-sized hailstones, straightly hitting the stone pillar."

The hailstone hit the stone pillar overhead, and the two bushes twitched just looking at it.

Immediately afterwards, a bright red liquid flowed out, which seemed to be blood.

Xiao Se rubbed her eyes, and when she looked again, everything was calm again.

"Look up, is there a nosebleed in that bush?"

What greeted us was naturally a burst of blank eyes.

"If you want me to say, I will definitely..."

Xiao Se was so frightened that she quickly covered Xiao Tang's mouth.

This guy is like no one else, they all say that he is a crow's mouth. Compared with Xiao Tang, he is not a rank.

Xiao Tang had no choice but to confess his supernatural ability: "writing".

At first glance, it doesn't sound outstanding, but also confusing.

The actual ability is indeed extremely terrifying.

As long as you have enough strength and do what you say, it's no problem to make your words come true.

It is precisely because of this abnormal ability.

Xiao Tang easily ranked ninth among the 200 people.

"If you don't let me come, this guy is really annoying. I'll put a zipper on his mouth."

It was Booger who spoke.

The ability "zipper" ranks 135th in strength.

It is such an unremarkable ability that is the perfect nemesis of Xiao Tang's ability.

Order tofu in brine, one thing drops one thing.

Booger can make any zipper on the surface of an object or human body as long as he touches it with both hands.

"This ability is simply a weakened version of the steel finger."

This is the official complaint from Xiao Se.

Xiao Se still remembers that when he was a child, various Disney cartoons were played on the TV, and he could always see zippers on his mouth.

Is there such a showy operation in reality?

Bujie is also a born bad boy, full of viciousness.

With Wu An controlling Xiao Tang, Bu Jie stepped forward and put his hands on Xiao Tang's mouth, Tang Songming's mouth was completely closed, his cheeks were bulging, but he couldn't speak a word.

"Sorry, I forgot to bring paper to the toilet just now, and I haven't washed my hands yet."

As he spoke, he put his right index finger in front of Xiao Tang's nose and asked him to smell it.


"I don't know that Mr. Chen and Mr. Shu

What happened to the teacher? Have you encountered any danger. "

"I think we should worry more about ourselves."

After all, Xiao Se's team is absolutely at the bottom of the three groups.

"I seem to hear the sound of gurgling, puffing, puffing."

"What about you? Can you hear me?"

It was Liu Piaopiao who spoke, with a special ability: super hearing.

It is no exaggeration, when a mosquito farts quietly in front of her, she can tell whether it is bel canto, pop, or rock.

Everyone shook their heads.

He can hear it, but it doesn't mean that others can too.

Swallow? Pharynx?

The voice was a bit familiar, but Liu Piaopiao couldn't remember it for a while.

"Let me see."

"Xiao Liu's old habit of losing the chain at a critical moment has happened again."

"Every time the chain is broken, I have to fix it. I haven't learned anything else in the past three years. I'm done with bicycle repair."

Tao Zhengzheng poked his head out to look while joking.

"Nothing, did you forget to bring the hearing aid I bought for you last time?"

Tao Zhengzheng never forgot to joke about Liu Piaopiao.

The two of them have been childhood sweethearts since childhood.

Even the rankings are 105th and 106th, which cannot be more coincidental.

If not childhood sweethearts, the abilities of these two people complement each other.

Tao Zhengzheng's special ability: super vision.

Similarly, mosquitoes flew past his eyes again, and this time it was not simply a matter of distinguishing between male and female.

If conditions permit, Yao Zhengzheng can completely circumcise male mosquitoes and sterilize female mosquitoes.

Liu Piaopiao pinched Yao Zhengzheng's waist so fast that no one was aware of it.

"Aw", the scream of killing a pig resounded through the valley.

Xiao Se has inherited and carried forward the fine tradition of sentry and duty.

Start a bonfire.

Xiao Se looked at Tang Songming again.

What the hell, the dead energy value has reached: 89.

Wouldn't it be about to hang up?

Looking at Tang Yao, the death value: 15.

Can go wrong.

"Fuck, there is a situation, is there an enemy attack?"

But I can't see anything, where is the enemy?

Don't think about it if you can't figure it out, and evacuate urgently.

Xiao Se yelled, "Get up".

With a single voice, everyone woke up.

To say that after entering the star platform, the biggest change for everyone is that they no longer have the bad habit of staying in bed.

Without exception, getting out of bed leaves you feeling refreshed.

Xiao Se finally found Tang Songming.

His belly was completely clamped by the stone wall.

Due to the effect of Bujie's supernatural power, Tang, Song and Ming couldn't make a single movement, and were ruthlessly swallowed by the stone wall.

Bujie, unlock your abilities and take everyone outside.

I have to admire Xiao Se's judgment.

It's just that there is one person whose judgment is more timely than Xiao Se's.

When Xiao Se told everyone to run, Han Miao was halfway out of the platform.

"Damn it, the fairy banban of Rita's family."

Han Miao is usually greedy for life and afraid of death.

But always maintain a full gentleman style.

There are not many situations that can make him swear.

The moment everyone ran out, Xiao Se and

The Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties were swallowed together.

End scattered flowers, the end of the whole play.

This is a general book routine, not applicable to this book.

Tang Yao is confident enough to activate the teleportation ability before devouring it.

In a moment of daze, she lost her dearest brother.

There is only endless self-blame left in my heart.

Tang Yao activated the teleportation ability again and again, but was mercilessly bounced back by Shibi time and time again.

After a while, the blood on her forehead stained her handsome face.

My silly brother is gone, who should I tell her to bully in the future.

The life and death of Xiao Se and Xiao Tang inside is uncertain.

The situation outside is also not optimistic.

Everyone who saw the whole picture of the platform, without exception, froze for a second.

It turns out that this mountain has also become "spiritual" because of the recovery of spiritual energy.

That platform is the mouth of the mountain.

Stone pillars are the fangs of the mountain.

The key point is that this guy is a goddamn genius, really talented.

Liu Piaopiao heard it right, puff puff puff, the sound of gurgling is really swallowing saliva.

For a moment of stupefaction, hundreds of huge white worms crawled out from between the mountain spirit's teeth.


The people who escaped from birth were the ones who truly experienced what it means to leave the tiger's den and enter the wolf's den again.

Shan Jing doesn't pay attention to personal hygiene at ordinary times.

Of course, he didn't have a chance to brush his teeth or rinse his mouth.

I can't find a toothbrush that big either.

People with fighting ability consciously stand at the forefront and take the lead.

Lu Meng's Frostbolt condensed, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped by a few degrees. Immediately, a round of Ice Lost Salvo was fired.

Wu An and Chu Xiong turned into beasts at the same time, and their sharp claws tore apart four or five toothworms in an instant.

Toothworms are superior in numbers and surprisingly low in IQ, but they are not afraid of death at all.

As soon as one was killed, seven or eight came in front of them in an instant, encircling the crowd.

"This thing can't be killed."

Lu Chengfeng's wind blade is like a meat grinder, instantly smashing the toothworms in front of him to pieces.

"Don't be so inked, let's run away, there are too many of these guys, and we can't kill them all."

There was a shout from the crowd, and it was no surprise that it was Han Miao, who was most greedy for life and afraid of death.

In a panic, he has already rushed more than ten meters in a row and a crawl.

Wu An grabbed Tang Yao who still refused to leave,

Without any explanation, he carried it on his shoulders again.

Han Miao rushed forward like a wild bull.

Use life to explain what it means to be brave and not afraid of difficulties.

The most miraculous scene appeared at this moment.

Wherever this guy went, it turned out to be a smooth road.

Occasionally, a big toothworm with no eyes popped out and was either hit by the corpse of his companion and rolled down the cliff; , turned a corner, and headshot another toothworm that was blocking Han Miao's eyes.

"This shit is so simple."

"Invincible Lucky Star."

"It's a bug."

The biggest loophole among the 200 people turned out.

The key to this bug is that the kind of anti-virus software can't find it at all.

Han Miao, special ability: lucky.

Ranked 11th.

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