Xiao Tang, who had become a skeleton in the past few days, quickly regained the skill of speaking under the guidance of Wang Desheng and others.

It's only been used for a few days, and now that lip service is a slippery one.

"eat grape but do not spit out grape skin, do not eat grape but spit out grape skin."

"The shoulder pole is long and the bench is wide."

What the tongue twister said didn't give the professional academy a way out.

Doesn't change the context except for the time being.

At any time, it is a cold and stubborn tone.

It is simply impeccable.

Xiao Se couldn't figure out how to pronounce it as she became a skeleton without vocal cords.

Speaking of ventriloquism, he doesn't even have a belly button.

In fact, Xiao Se is not the only one who doesn't understand.

Xiao Tang, who had turned into a skeleton, didn't understand either.

He just knows.

Now I just need to concentrate on thinking.

Slowly, the words in the mind can be automatically transformed into language.

Not just Mandarin.

The local dialects are also intelligible.

Xiao Tang's English test is a single-digit scum every time.

He even learned eight foreign languages.

That kind of old London accent that sounds like the eight generations of ancestors are authentic nobles.

English, French, Spanish are all handy.

Various small languages ​​are also at your fingertips.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Xiao Tang is now asked to sit and quarrel with the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, Xiao Tang's winning rate is absolutely 100%.

Xiao Se fantasized for a while.

It would be great if I could master this ability myself.

When I watch foreign "literary and artistic films" in the future. Biqu library

No longer have to worry about subtitles that are impossible to hit.

No more scratching your head for not understanding the plot.

without any exaggeration.

Even if Xiao Tang doesn't have any special abilities now.

Opening an educational institution, running remedial classes during winter and summer vacations, can also make a lot of money.

But now for Xiao Se who has not closed her eyes for several days.

There is nothing more important than a good night's sleep.

Xiao Mo opened his mouth but couldn't control it anymore.

Chatteringly pulled Xiao Se and said.

"Brother Xiao, where are the rest of Class Seven? Are they all killed?"

Xiao Se shook his head helplessly: "That's not true, it's just that Xiao Tang and I got lost with the army, and the situation of the others should be better than ours."

Xiao Mo was not surprised by Xiao Se's answer.

Because since entering the star station.

Every day, the team encounters students who lost contact with the original team.

The night before yesterday, he also picked up a female classmate who was almost bubbled by the river.

After the little girl was saved, she was so grateful.

With a snot and a tear, I kept thanking him.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many people around, it is estimated that they would have agreed with each other on the spot.

"Mo big brother, you are here, I haven't seen you after dark, are you avoiding me?"

A sweet-looking little girl ran towards Mo Yunxin excitedly.

He is not very tall, about 1.55 meters.

Standing next to Xiao Mo is the cutest height difference.

A real-life version of Beauty and the Beast.

The ratio of the little girl's body development to her height, not to mention the exact same, can only be said to be irrelevant.

The developed one is called lordosis and back warping, which should be big or small.

The little girl held Xiao Mo's arm, and whispered sweetly as if there was no one else around.


A scream.

It was only then that Xiao Se realized that this little girl was not acting like no one else was around.

It's true that he didn't see the two big living people beside Xiao Mo at all.


When you see clearly.

The little girl felt shy again.

I just called Mo big brother delicately, so these two people must have heard me.

Unconsciously flushed cheeks.

"Xiao Mo, I can't tell. Do you have a special liking for glasses girls?"

After all, no one can resist the glasses girl.

Xiao Mo frantically denied it.

"Brother Xiao, don't make fun of me."

"This is Yuan Mei."

"This is Xiao Se, this is Tang Song

Bright. "

Yuan Mei was picked up.

To be precise, it was picked up by Xiao Mo from the river.

Ever since Xiao Mo saved her life.

Yuan Mei fell in love with Xiao Mo.

Follow Xiao Mo's ass all day long.

Mo big brother is long, Mo big brother is short.

Looks like a little follower.

To say that Yuan Mei's talent is not inferior to B-level qualifications.

Ability is also good: plants.

But it is different from traditional abilities, fighting by manipulating plant vines, needles, and leaves.

Her ability is to breed different plant seeds.

Because the time is too short.

The cycle of cultivating seeds is too long.

Her strength was unsurprisingly at the bottom.

Rao is like this, and it is 194 places higher than Xiao Se.

Xiao Se once again felt the endless resentment churning in his body.

It's a pity that you can't convert your own resentment to generate energy value.

Otherwise, the number generated in such a short time may exceed 100,000.

Xiao Se has a good idea.

Isn't there a fountain of life in my magic lamp?

Use a drop on Yuan Mei's seeds, what unexpected results will appear.

Xiao Se has always been a guy who dares to think and do things.

With a cheeky face, he asked for a seed from Yuan Mei.

Dig a hole and bury some soil.

Count again one two three four five.

One minute.

three minutes.

five minutes.

No response.

Wait until the armpits are covered with cobwebs.

The four of them said good night to each other and went back to the tent to rest.

Xiao Se felt that Yuan Mei's seeds had germinated.

Yuan Mei thinks Xiao Se is crazy.

This night Xiao Se kept receiving energy values ​​from Yuan Mei,

+34. +53. +122.


Why is this girl so vengeful?

Isn't it just a pea?

Xiao Se thought and thought.

Also fell asleep.

He has not dreamed of Tang Yao for three days.

During the day, I wondered if I was a scumbag.

Falling in love so quickly.

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