"Come on." Headmaster Yan raised his arms and shouted, and jumped straight down from the crypt, using the word "reckless" to its fullest.

Originally, a person like him was definitely not suitable to be a marshal who commanded the entire army.

It would be better to call him a general who charges into battle.

Principal Yan was born with a single mind, "no brain" is probably the best evaluation of his life.

He is very talented, but he is not scheming.

In the past few years, he has gained a foothold in No. 1 Middle School based on his cultivation, realm, and his team of iron fists.

Initiating a battle declaration for no reason, and then rushing to the crypt first, is indeed in line with his style.

Naturally, everyone froze in place.

What is going on with this.

Is it so difficult to discuss in advance?

Shouldn't we hold on to the waves now and wait patiently for reinforcements? Didn't you just say that there are some ban breakers coming to help? Now start to break through head-on alone.

It was so exciting that everyone didn't know whether to follow along or wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Xiaopingtou Lu Badger is indeed a die-hard fan of Principal Yan. The reason why he and Principal Yan became friends is because the two people are so right-tempered.

Can pee in a jug.

Principal Yan just doesn't have a daughter, otherwise he would have accepted Lu Badger as a cheap son-in-law.

With Lu Badger's "Chong", several teachers jumped down the crypt one after another.

"Don't these guys have brains as big as pine nuts? They're really so reckless, there won't be any fools jumping after them."

But Xiao Se obviously underestimated the instigating ability of several teachers.

With teachers who lead by example, students who are eager to try are naturally unwilling to be left behind.

No need to organize, and started to jump down one by one.

People still have a rope in their bungee jumping waist, these guys are completely desperate death squads.

In the crowd, except for the cowardly Han Miao who belonged to the yellow croaker, he slipped away ahead of time.

Only because he was worried about his sister's safety, Xiao Tang was not involved.

There are fools who are willing to dance, and there are smart people who are not willing to dance.

Luo Qingyang was indeed unexpected, and volunteered to be the supervisor of the army. Biqu library


"no, I do not."

Bang, kicked down by him.


"No, I won't jump even if I'm killed."

Bang, another one was kicked down.

The rest of the people did not dare to resist due to his despotic power, and one by one put on a heroic sacrifice.


Some danced alone, some hugged and danced together, and some danced hand in hand and sang a big windmill.

Now Luo Qingyang, Mo Yunxi, and Xiao Se were left in front of the big pit.

Luo Qingyang and Mo Yunxi, who are also A-level qualified, were obviously more polite.

"How about together? Form a group?"

"You're welcome, you jump first? I'm afraid of heights."

"Let's go, you."

Xiao Se and Xiao Mo didn't wait for Luo Qingyang's answer, they attacked at the same time with a tacit understanding, and kicked Luo Qingyang down the dungeon, this was the retribution he deserved.

"The energy value from Luo Qingyang is +335."

"Brother Xiao, do we really not want to go down?"

Xiao Mo plays the role of super thug more often, and Xiao Se continues to play his dog-headed army division.

"Jumping is a must, but are these people stupid? They don't know how deep the crypt is, and they jumped one after another like dumplings."

"Alright, I have to find a rope and a parachute. Bungee jumping doesn't even bring this kind of fun. I have to throw myself out. Isn't free fall so fun?"

For those who jumped down just now, Xiao Se has already sentenced them all to death.

He died before leaving the teacher.

It must be the kind that is broken into meatloaf and cannot be buckled.

Xiao Se and Xiao Mo's hands and feet were very nimble, they cut down a vine and slipped into the depths of the crypt with their strength.

As soon as he landed, another visual feast shocked him.

The originally imagined scene of corpses strewn all over the field did not appear.

It seems that Yan Ying and Chen Xing, who went down first, used their flying abilities to provide air rescue.

But Xiao Se was shocked for another reason. Biqu library

After the Blue Flame Snake, the second monster that shouldn't appear here appeared in front of him.

It was the "Three-winged Fire Dragon Lizard" that should have appeared in the Baili Red Sand Field before.

As the name suggests, this guy has three wings, and his body size can usually exceed two meters. His whole body is covered with hard scale armor, and he also has two attributes of fire and poison.

The flying speed of this kind of monster is really not enough. The three wings did not give it a perverted moving speed, but it greatly increased its maneuverability, and it can even change directions and fly backwards at will.

The three-winged fire dragon lizard is obviously much more difficult to deal with than the previous blue flame snake.

"Lichang, hurry up and rescue the wounded, try not to cause any more casualties, Pingtou, Chen Xing and I rush, Shu Ting pay attention to protect other students."

Principal Yan rushed up again after giving the order.

Decisive and reckless are the best evaluations of this old man.

But the fate of this group of naive students is really not optimistic.

There are not a few who have completely lost their fighting ability.

There are too many people with broken legs and broken arms.

In the previous life, Xiao Se had to struggle without sleep for three days and three nights when encountering such a large amount of surgery.

Xiao Se and Xiao Mo also quickly realized what to do.

Xiao Se took out the red halberd, and Xiao Mo held up the shield.

The students from the Enhancement Department and the Animalization Department have already completed their transformations.

Xiao Se finally had time to look carefully at the scene in the crypt.

The inside of this crypt is unexpectedly wide, and the most surprising thing is that it is not completely dark inside.

Hundreds of large and small energy crystal blocks are inlaid irregularly on the mountain, and under their illumination, the underground cave is already like daytime.

One by one, the three-winged dragon lizards swooped down with their fleshy wings flashing.

Yan and Lu were the first to collide and stand in the front.

Both of them are fierce and indomitable.

One punch was faster than one punch, and one punch was stronger than one punch. The sandbag-sized fist hit the three-winged dragon lizard like a pouring rain.

With three punches, a three-winged fire dragon lizard twisted and flew upside down four or five meters, hitting the stone wall behind fiercely.

The three-winged salamander was quickly dealt with by two people.

But the most terrible thing is that these guys seem to be unable to kill them all.

Slowly, fish that slipped through the net began to appear.

At first it was one, then two.

Until the end, countless fire dragon lizards had already broken through the defense line of Yan and Lu, forming a siege.

Everyone stopped watching and waved their weapons one by one, desperately resisting and slashing.

Soon everyone discovered that these guys were only a little stronger than the previous Green Flame Snakes, and they were still relying on crowd tactics.

Although his own attack is not like Principal Yan's, four or five punches can kill a dragon lizard, but within ten strokes there is still hope.

People are not afraid in an instant, and they can't wait to take the lead and kill the enemy bravely.

Thousands of dragon lizards poured out from the stone gate behind them, as if they were in a steady stream, and could never be killed.

Xiao Se saw it most clearly, if it wasn't for the magical power behind the Shimen driving this group of lizards away, with the IQ of these guys, I'm afraid they would have dispersed like birds and beasts.

So what is hidden behind the stone gate?

How did Xiao Se discover the mystery and end his journey to the star station.

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