"I said that I now know why I have to save 50 people to enter, do you believe it?"

"You don't need to say it now, I know it too. I just saw you old man, and I was very anxious. Looking at it this way, it seems that I am a few years older than me. Why don't you please first, respecting the old and loving the young has never been our best Traditional virtues."

"Don't talk nonsense, how dare you act like this, I'm an old man, and when I walked on the street a few years ago, someone called Uncle, in fact, I should have my nineteenth birthday on the seventh day of next month, or else You are advanced."

"I have an eighty-year-old mother and a one-year-old child in my family."

"I seem to have forgotten to turn off the lights when I came out yesterday."

"Yes, the gas stove in my house is still burning water."

"My mother told me to go home for dinner."

What I saw with my own eyes just now, many people were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were torn apart, and they immediately retreated.

No one knows what monster is behind the wall.

The unknown is always scary.

But one thing is certain, the cotton on the wall must not be an ordinary person, after all, it is impossible for an ordinary person to eat three people in three minutes.

"The energy value from Jia Junpeng is +667."

The old man knocked on the stone wall to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Okay, okay, don't make noise, listen to me, I just say it once, don't remember to bother me, this is related to your life and death."

As soon as the old man opened his mouth, the noisy crowd fell silent instantly. After all, they had just seen the horror of the old man, and no one wanted to provoke this monstrous monster.

"Look carefully, right in front of you is the stone gate leading to your destination. As you can see, there are six stone gates in total. The bigger the gate, the heavier the weight will be."

The old man himself pushed the stone door in front of him, without moving a bit, and continued: "Listen to my advice, you must use your own strength when pushing the stone door, the more doors you open, the better it will be for you." Big." The old man no longer introduced Shimen's information, but his eyes suddenly burst out, and he looked at them with expectant eyes: "If anyone here can't open a door, I will think he is If there is no respect here, then there is no need to continue."

"See this?"

The old man knocked on the iron door hard, and there was a lot of people inside.

It quickly responded to two barks.

"I'll throw him in the dog hole and feed the ball."

There turned out to be a dog hole.

There is a vicious dog inside, no wonder, but the hole is more than three meters long, the dog is so big, no wonder it can eat people alive.

"You understand everything I said, even if you don't understand, you can't ask questions."

"Then why do you ask?"

Facing the old man's murderous eyes, the whining boy covered his mouth with his hands.

"Don't squeeze now, line up and come one by one in order, don't worry, everyone will have a share."

"I want to quit, is it possible?"

A trembling, timid voice came.

The old man responded with practical actions.

The guy who asked the question had already been thrown into the small door by the old man's neck, and he had no power to resist.

The watchdog named Qiuqiu had a mouthful of greasy food today, and had another extra meal.

"Isn't it illegal to kill people here?"

Many people had such thoughts in their minds, but none dared to ask. They closed their mouths, for fear of making a sound and being fed to the dog by the old man again.

The old man has already told them with practical actions that it is really not illegal to kill people here.

"Come on, you push the door first, who are you looking at? It's you, you are the first."

The old man pointed to a tall and thin man in front of him in an irrefutable tone.

This person is none other than Yuan Hua, the younger brother of Chong Chuang.

His appearance of bean sprouts doesn't look like he can push Shimen.

Many people have covered their faces and sighed for him, praying for salvation.

The reason why everyone disliked him was entirely because the stone gate was not too heavy, and the smallest stone gate required at least three to four hundred catties of strength to push it.

And Yuan Hua's bean sprouts, which were in perfect shape, became fine.

Hollowed out by alcohol, he looked severely malnourished.

The swollen head is more like drug aftereffects, or hydrocephalus.

"Push it, 20 seconds."

"20, 19, 18..." The old man has already started the countdown.

When there is no way to retreat, people can always burst out with unlimited potential.

Yuan Hua is such a person.

He murmured, "I'm really unlucky, really, I haven't had a good thing these few days, if I die, brother, I will take care of the seven

a little wife. "

At the same time, he began to recall the secrets that the boss taught him in his mind.

Watching Yuan Hua's veins and muscles bursting, large areas of animal hair began to grow wildly.

"Is this guy a supernatural power? Beastization?"

"But it's a little different, but I can't tell where it is."

"You can see that only the muscles of his arms exploded. Could it be part of the animalization? I don't think I've seen it before."

"As far as his sick body is concerned, it doesn't look like he can wake up. I don't believe it."

But Yuan Hua really pushed Shimen.

"Stop shouting, the door is moving, do you see it?"

Yuan Hua's pig-headed face turned red, and blood began to ooze from his nose and ears, but the door opened when the old man counted down to 1.

Yuan Hua fainted the moment he pushed the door open, and Chong Chuang quickly sent someone to help him down.

"Okay, it's done, I can't see it, it's quite useful, next one."

The old man said calmly.

Maybe it was the sick Yuan Hua who encouraged everyone, and the atmosphere was not so depressing for a while.

Naturally, Chongchuang and the others followed.

Unexpectedly, all of them are people with supernatural powers.

Or it should be said that they are sharers, Xiao Se named them "pseudo-powers".

Yuan Hua is obviously the weaker one in the group.

The rest of the guys have a relatively easier process.

Especially when Chen Chuan pushed open the two doors directly, Xiao Se was even more impressed.

But the rest of the sharers can only push open one door without exception.

The first one to open the three doors was none other than their boss, Chong Chuang.

Sure enough, even if they are both sharers, the gap in strength is not small.

A few guys who failed to open the door were sent into the dog hole by the old man.

"This old man is so fucking arrogant. If I can't beat him, I must make him look good."

"Don't be so bragging, look at the way he slaps one by one, more than ten people are not enough for him to slap."

"Hey, hello, hello, isn't it?"

"Look over there."

"Strange girl?"

"Fuck, hell, the third door was pushed open so lightly? Faster than the guy just now."

The strange girl who pushed open the third door was Tang Yao.

Chong Chuang took 17 seconds, but she only took 15 seconds.

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