Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 122 Auction, I got the fragment of the Red Barbarian Shield! Meet an old friend again! [Plea

The next day.

Wanbao Tower.

At the entrance of the first floor is a square with a radius of several miles. The square is filled with sect monks in the late stage of Qi refining, as well as casual cultivators.

"This fellow Taoist needs to pay 30 spiritual stones to participate in the auction of my Wanbao Tower. After the auction ends, you can redeem 15 spiritual stones with the admission card."

Qin Wang squeezed forward, and a slim female cultivator who was about twenty-five or six years old came forward enthusiastically and introduced.

"Refunding 15 spiritual stones is equivalent to the admission fee of 15 yuan."

When Qin Wang heard this, he secretly clicked his tongue and frowned slightly.

This Wanbao Tower is really dark.

"Fellow Taoist, there is a Foundation Establishment Pill for sale in our auction this time!"

Seeing Qin Wang frowning, the female cultivator quickly spoke seductive words.

"I can't afford the Foundation Establishment Pill"

Qin Wang shook his head.

"Fellow Taoist, you are joking. Even if you don't want the Foundation Establishment Pill, you will definitely be satisfied with the other treasures! It's a good idea to spend a dozen spiritual stones to go in and have a look!"

Shu Yan said in an urgent voice.

You know, she can get a 10% commission by redeeming an admission ticket to an auction house. She can't let the commission go away.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look."

Qin Wang nodded, waved his hand and took out 30 spiritual stones, and got a round wooden auction admission sign from Shu Yan.

On the wooden sign, one side is engraved with 'five hundred and thirty-nine', and the other side is engraved with a '' logo.

He figured out the auction rules and date, then turned and left.


"Fellow Daoist Li Li?"

As Qin Wang was walking forward, suddenly, he saw a familiar figure. It was Li Qiye who had joined the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect!

at this time.

Li Qiye followed two graceful and beautiful women with a respectful expression. The two women were both in their twenties and exuded the spiritual pressure of the Foundation Establishment stage. They were both in the Foundation Establishment stage!

"Fellow Daoist Qin! You also came to Wanlingfang City? What a coincidence!"

When Qin Wang saw Li Qiye, Li Qiye also saw him, with a look of surprise and surprise on his face.

"Yes, we are indeed destined!"

Qin Wang also lamented what a coincidence.

It's a full 40,000 to 50,000 miles from Qingyun Immortal City to Wanlingfang City, but we can actually meet him in Fang City.

At this time, the two female foundation-building cultivators looked at Qin Wang.

"Junior Qin Tiedan has met two seniors!"

When Qin Wang saw the two female cultivators looking over, he quickly clasped his fists and saluted respectfully. The two foundation-building seniors nodded to Qin Wang.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, I still have something to do. Come to the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect to see me when you have time!"

When Li Qiye saw this, he quickly said something to Qin Wang and hurriedly caught up with the two female cultivators.

"Okay! Come by if you have time!"

Qin Wang nodded.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was five days later.

Wanbao Tower is about three stories high and covers an extremely large area. The auction house is in the shape of a pot. In the middle of the bottom of the pot is a wooden platform three feet high and three feet wide.

Around the wooden platform, there are seats ascending in layers.

At this time, the entire auction house was packed.

Qin Wang was sitting in an ordinary seat in the fifth row at the east end. There was half a foot between each seat. Every monk wore an identical bronze mask on his face.

"Fellow Taoists, I am Lin Luan of Wanbao Tower, and I am responsible for hosting this auction!"

"I have kept you fellow Taoists waiting for a long time, the auction starts now!"

Suddenly, a female cultivator about thirty years old, wearing a purple fairy dress with a charming body, came in the wind, landed on the wooden platform, and bowed gracefully to the monks around her.

"The first auction item in our Wanbao Tower is a top-quality magical weapon, the Fire Cloud Sword. The starting price is 200 spirit stones. Each increase in price will not be less than 30 spirit stones. Start now!"

After Lin Luan finished speaking, he waved his hand and a magic sword as red as fire appeared on the wooden stand.

The moment this magical sword appeared, it exuded a fierce and hot aura!

This high-grade magic sword is naturally worth more than 200 spirit stones. This is the usual practice. First, mobilize the enthusiasm of the fellow Taoists participating in the auction as an introduction, and then the big deal will come from behind!

"230 yuan!"

"260 yuan!"



After a round of fierce bidding, it was bought by a sturdy monk for 790 spiritual stones.

Qin Wang has the Broken Sword in his hand, as well as Master Zixia's spiritual sword Ziyang Sword, so naturally he doesn't like the Fire Cloud Sword.

Next, top-quality magic weapons such as the Ghost Shield, Ice Mysterious Spear, and Cloud-Stepping Boots were auctioned, as well as a foundation-building technique called Yanyang Kung, and a foundation-building technique called Flame Explosion, which pushed the auction to another level. A wave of orgasm.

"The next auction item is a piece of broken iron. This piece of iron is quite heavy. After being identified by my Wanbao Tower refiner, it is a fragment of a mysterious magic weapon. The starting price is now 600 spirit stones. Each time The price increase is no less than 100 spirit stones!”

Lin Luan waved his hand and took out a piece of broken iron as big as a sea bowl from the storage bag and placed it on the wooden platform, making a dull sound.

"A fragment of a mysterious magic weapon? This one is of little use and will soon enter the Blessed Land of All Souls."

"I also want to take a photo and see, but there are good things I need more behind!"


Just after Lin Luan said the starting price, the auction house went cold for a while.

"700 yuan."

At this moment, a monk in gray clothes in the fifth row spoke in a deep voice.

It was Qin Wang.

Qin Wang's bid immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding monks, who all wanted to see who was being taken advantage of.

"This Taoist friend is offering 700 spiritual stones. Are there any other Taoist friends who are interested?"

When Lin Luan saw this, his crisp voice slowly spread throughout the auction house.

"700 yuan a time!"

"700 yuan twice!"

There was a look of helplessness in Lin Luan's beautiful eyes, and she raised the centering hammer in Yu's hand. If there were fewer bidders, the profit would be less.

"1,000 yuan!"

At this moment, a lazy voice suddenly sounded.

Qin Wang frowned and looked at the first row. He was a thin monk at the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage. He was wearing a mask and couldn't see clearly. Beside him, there was another figure sitting. A graceful female cultivator at the tenth level of Qi refining stage.

"1,100 yuan!"

This scrap of iron was Qin Wang's goal this time. He couldn't give up easily and immediately made a bid.

"1,500 yuan!"

What Qin Wang didn't expect was that the monk spoke immediately without saying anything.

"1,600 yuan!"

Qin Wang frowned and added 100 spirit stones again.

"2,000 yuan!"

The monk seemed angry when he saw Qin Wang continuing to increase the price, and turned to look at him, with a cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"This man is so persistent. Could it be that he knows this red barbarian shield fragment?"

Qin Wang glanced at the male cultivator and frowned deeply. Judging from the male cultivator's appearance, he was determined to get it. If he raised the price again, he might not be able to get it even if he didn't have 3,000 spiritual stones.


I came here just for this fragment. This red barbarian shield is related to defense and the safety of entering the Blessed Land of All Souls, so I must get it.


Qin Wang spoke again. This was his bottom line. If there was more, he would have to give it to this male cultivator, and then use the intelligence to get information about this person, and slowly figure it out.

"I let you."

The male cultivator took a deep look at Qin Wang and seemed very depressed.

"2100 yuan a time!"

"Twice for 2,100 yuan!"

"2100 yuan, deal!"

Lin Luan shouted three times in a row and struck the tuning hammer in his hand. The next moment, a slim female cultivator wearing a pink fairy skirt came to Qin Wang's side and said respectfully. "Congratulations to fellow Taoist for the treasure, please come with me!"

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