Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 124 The mysterious bones are in hand! Ye Qian's 'passionate' hunter and prey!

"The Red Barbarian Shield was broken into eighteen pieces?"

"Gathering the pieces, there will be unexpected gains?"

"The person who bid with me yesterday was Murong Chenggao from the Murong family of the Immortal Cultivation Family? He has three pieces of the Red Barbarian Shield in his hand?"

The information of the first and second intelligence made Qin Wang look expectant.

The shield supported by four pieces is so strong. If the three pieces of Murong Chenggao who bid were taken, wouldn't the seven pieces be stronger together?

What if eighteen pieces were gathered?

If Murong Chenggao wanted to kill him, he must first get his information and solve it in advance.

"A couple next door are robbery cultivators?"

"There are ten of them together?"

Qin Wang looked at the third and fifth intelligence, and a murderous intent suddenly rose in his chest.

People have no intention of harming tigers, but tigers have the intention of hurting people!

This pair of dogs and bitches, who look honest, are so vicious!

"The young female cultivator yesterday was Master Qingyao's beloved Zhang Panpan?"

"I can only give the letter to Zhang Panpan later."

Qin Wang looked at the 7th and 9th pieces of information and was immediately surprised.

Qin Wang still remembered that Master Qingyao was his guide to the immortal path, so he had to help him pass on his message and fulfill his last wish.

As for the old parchment scroll in Zhang Panpan's hand, he had to get it later.

"Dirty white bones? Extraordinary origin?"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information and immediately decided to go to the casual cultivator market tomorrow.

This is a good opportunity to find treasures.

"Tomorrow Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing invited me to Tianhu Mountain. There must be many accomplices waiting for me there"

"You bastards, I'll kill you first!"

Qin Wang's eyes showed murderous intent.

Lin Shengbing and Ye Qian, one is at the tenth level of Qi Refining Stage, and the other is at the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage. Their accomplices are definitely at this level. Although he has Mu Hun Er, who is at the Foundation Establishment Stage, it is still not safe for the other party to have 10 people at the tenth level of Qi Refining Stage.

Qin Wang came to Wanlingfang City.

He did not live with Mu Hun Er, Zhao Hun Yi, and Shi Hun San, but let them rent three shanties a hundred feet away from the shantytown.

Qin Wang did not approach them, but controlled them with his spiritual sense.

Since Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing are going to plot against him during the day today, he will take advantage of their tricks and lead them to a deserted place to solve the problem. It just so happens that I spent 2,100 spirit stones to buy the Chiman Shield. Let's see if I can make up for it here!

The next day.

The morning sun shines down, and Wanlingfang City is covered with a layer of gold!

"Go to the casual cultivator market first and get the white bone!"

Qin Wang packed up everything and just walked out of the door, he saw Ye Qian, who was dressed in green and had a slim figure, standing three feet away from the door. Seeing Qin Wang coming out, she immediately said. "Fellow Daoist Mei, you should confirm it as soon as possible. If you can't get the formation guide, I will say hello to that fellow Daoist and get you one."

"Okay, thank you, fellow Daoist Ye, for your trouble."

"I'll go to that acquaintance now. If I can't get it, I'll look for you again!"

Qin Wang waved to Ye Qian and walked towards the casual cultivator market.

Ye Qian looked at Qin Wang's back as he left, her eyes narrowed slightly, turned around and went into the house, closing the door.

"Qian'er, this matter cannot be rushed. Even if he gets the array, we can still think of other ways to lure him out!"

"What we need to do first is to get familiar with him, wait for his vigilance to relax, and then it will be done!"

In the room, a sturdy, silly-looking middle-aged cultivator looked at Ye Qian and slowly comforted her.

"You are right, I am still too anxious."

Ye Qian nodded and said. "I will make some spiritual rabbit meat soup and bring him a bowl later."

Next to the nearest casual cultivator market to the shed, there is a square covering an area of ​​5 or 6 miles.

Many casual cultivators from the southern region spread a piece of animal skin here, set up stalls, sell their unused things, and exchange what they have.

"My fellow Daoist, I have Xuanbing Talisman, Tujia Talisman, Jinzhong Talisman, Huolei Talisman. The price is very reasonable, take a look!"

"My fellow Daoist, my monster egg has a different bloodline. It only costs thirty spirit stones!"

"My fellow Daoist, this top-grade magic sword"

Qin Wang walked slowly through the stalls, and heard bursts of hawking.

He found that the things sold in the stalls were strange and bizarre, including skills, magic tools, talismans, pills, monster materials, refining materials, spiritual medicines, monster eggs and other treasures.

"My fellow Daoist, take a look at this. These things all come from an ancient tomb!"

At this moment, a skinny, short-bearded, wretched man squatted in front of the stall, looked at him mysteriously and said.

"Ancient tomb?"

Qin Wang heard this and immediately had an idea in his mind. He squatted down in front of the wretched man's stall. "Fellow Daoist, is your treasure really dug out from an ancient tomb?"

In front of this man, there was a pile of rags, covered with mud. It looked like it was just dug out from a tomb.

"Yes, I have another bag here, take a look!"

The wretched man waved his hand again, and immediately took out a bunch of rusty, mud-covered bowls, pottery jars, small swords, gold hairpins, long knives and other things from the storage bag.


Suddenly, Qin Wang saw that among the things the man poured out, there was a palm-sized white bone covered with mud.

Qin Wang immediately reached out and rummaged around in it. He first picked up the bowl and looked at it, and then explored it with his spiritual sense, but found no clues. Finally, he picked up the palm-sized white bone and looked at it.

The moment he picked up the bone, he felt his hand sink. It probably weighed no less than a hundred pounds, and a look of shock suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Fellow Taoist, this is a bit like a white bone. It's relatively heavy. I don't know what it is. It should be used to refine weapons. If you want it, I'll give you 50 spiritual stones."

When the wretched man saw Qin Wang holding the white bones, he immediately grinned, showing his yellow teeth.

From the ancient tomb, he saw that the bone was not heavy like bones, so he immediately took it out.

It's also good to be able to exchange for dozens of spiritual stones.

"Does this thing cost 50 spiritual stones?"

Qin Wang took the bone, shook his head and put it down. "I'm just curious, up to 10 spirit stones."


Huang Sanqi scratched his head and said. "Fellow Taoist, please give me 30 yuan. I got it by robbing a tomb. It's not an easy journey!"

"No, 20 yuan, plus these two!"

When Qin Wang heard this, his heart moved, and he picked up two small pieces of palm-sized iron from the stall. After learning from the Red Man Shield and the mysterious fragments, Qin Wang was very concerned when he saw the unknown fragments.

"Okay, deal."

Huang Sanqi nodded helplessly.

Qin Wang put away the whitened bones and two pieces of iron, paid 20 spirit stones, turned around and continued shopping for a while, but found nothing similar to bones. He bought a few protective talismans and returned to the shack.

"Fellow Daoist Mei, this is the spiritual rabbit soup I made today, so I gave you a bowl!"

Qin Wang had just sat down when he heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw Ye Qian standing at the door holding a big bowl.

"Oh, thank you Daoist Ye, you are thoughtful."

Qin Wang couldn't help but brushed Ye Qian's face, took the soup and put it aside.

"Drink it while it's hot, Fellow Taoist Mei!"

Before Ye Qian left, she did not forget to give her a warning.

"OK, all right!"

Qin Wang promised that if he didn't get the information about this snake and scorpion couple, Qin Wang would still be grateful to Ye Qian, but now, he only felt sick, but he didn't show it.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Mei, have you got your formation guide?"

Ye Qian walked to the door, turned around and asked enthusiastically.

"Not yet, I have to trouble you and fellow Daoist Lin tomorrow!"

Qin Wang shook his head and said.

This snake-scorpion couple wanted to plot against him, and he was just in time to kill them too!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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