Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 136 Tracking! The Millennium Spiritual Essence is in hand! Great harvest! [Please subscribe!

"Got it!"

Qin Wang controlled Zhao Hun to put away the thousand-year-old spiritual essence in the stone recess, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.


Currently, we have obtained the thousand-year soul essence and the Azure Fruit, but ‘Zhao Hunyi’ cannot come out. There are nearly a thousand pairs of eyes outside staring at him. If he wants to get the storage bag, he has to find another way.

"There is also a spirit-gathering array below that can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and run automatically!"

Qin Wang’s spiritual consciousness controlled ‘Zhao Hunyi’, making secret calculations in his heart.

This spirit gathering array is a good thing. Although it has gone through a long period of time, its effect is only 10% of its peak period. However, intelligence shows that it can still be restored if it is refined and repaired.


At this time, when the Earth Dragon Beast King saw "Zhao Hunyi" putting away the thousand-year-old spiritual essence, he immediately made a chirping sound. He seemed to be very unwilling to do so and wanted to pounce on Zhao Hunyi.


It was also very afraid of Zhao Hunyi's aura and just kept wandering around Zhao Hunyi. Its powerful body swept away countless cave stalactites.

"It seems that the only way to control Zhao Hun is to use the magic sword to dig a passage and deliver the storage bag to me!"

Qin Wang stood on the mountain next to the depression, making secret calculations in his heart.

at present.

The monks were waiting around the mountain valley. It was impossible for Zhao Hunyi to escape from the Dilong Cave. Once he got out, he would be beaten to pieces by the monks around him.

The only way out was to take advantage of these monks' attention to Dilong Cave, while he controlled Zhao Hun to dig the hole diagonally and deliver the storage bag to his hands from the other side.

Zhao Hunyi had two storage bags in his hands.

You can put the excavated stones into a storage bag, wait for someone to pass by, and then throw some of the stones behind you.

Think of this.

Qin Wang immediately controlled 'Zhao Hunyi' to dig a hole slowly in his direction.

There is a third-level Earth Dragon Beast King in the Earth Dragon Cave. The monks outside dare not come in, but they are not worried.

"Zhao Hun slowly digs a hole, and I can place the Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Incense on that Shi Zhongyu!"

After Qin Wang gave Zhao Hun the order, he looked at the monks outside the mountain valley and made secret calculations.

The intelligence shows this morning.

[Shi Zhongyu, an inner disciple from the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect, saw his three fellow disciples in such miserable condition and prepared to leave at dawn. 】

To know.

The copper piece of the foundation scroll of the Soul-Securing Breathing Technique is on Shi Zhongyu's body. If he is allowed to leave, where will he be found?

If you plant the scent of Chasing Souls A Thousand Miles in his body, you won't be afraid of him running away.

To know.

This kind of soul-chasing incense cannot be removed during the Qi refining period!

Disciples of the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect have the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect's logo on their clothes, which is easy to find.

"Elixir Immortal Sect has three disciples here. I wonder which one is Shi Zhongyu?"

Qin Wang came to the many monks who were talking about the mountain depression and approached the disciples of the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect without leaving a trace. He saw that there were three young people from the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect.

He immediately stepped forward, clasped his fists at the leader, a long-faced young man at the twelfth level of Qi refining stage, and asked. "I dare to ask, brother, are you a fellow Taoist from the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect?"

"Exactly, I wonder if you have any advice?"

The long-faced young man glanced at Qin Wang and raised his fist slightly.

"I have two friends, one named Li Qiye and the other named Zhang Panpan. They are both in the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect. Do you know them?"

Qin Wang smiled slightly and cupped his fists.

"Fellow Taoist, do you know our Uncle Zhang?"

After hearing Qin Wang's words, the long-faced young man suddenly became enthusiastic and clasped his fists deeply. "I don't know how to call you a friend?"

The other four fellow Taoists heard that Qin Wang knew Zhang Panpan, the master of foundation building in the sect, and they immediately looked at Qin Wang with enthusiasm.

"My name is Jiang Fan, and I have been separated from Zhang Panpan for more than ten years. I wonder if you can help me bring a letter to her?"

Qin Wang looked at the three disciples of the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect and also clasped his fists. "I wonder what you call me, senior brothers?"

"Brother Jiang, my name is Liu Cheng and I ask Brother Jiang to support me in the future!"

When the long-faced young man saw that Qin Wang was actually an old friend of the sect's foundation-building master Zhang Panpan and Uncle Zhang, his name immediately changed and he became very enthusiastic and introduced the two junior brothers behind him to Qin Wang.

They are, Shizhongyu and Jinlan.

Among them, Shi Zhongyu is a rather handsome and thin young man with an eleventh level of cultivation in Qi refining stage, and he is also very enthusiastic about Qin Wang.

Qin Wang handed a letter he had prepared long ago to Liu Cheng and said. "Senior Brother Liu, if you return to the clan, please help me deliver this letter to Zhang Panpan."

Qin Wang also thought about it.

I am currently at the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage. When I get out of the Blessed Land of All Spirits, I should be able to almost build the foundation. At that time, I will use my cultivation level in the foundation building stage to meet Zhang Panpan and fulfill Master Qing Yao's last wish.

There is nothing else in this letter, only what I wrote, "Love rises with the wind, but it is difficult to calm down when the wind stops."


As long as Zhang Panpan sees it, he will definitely come looking for him.

"Brother Liu, all of you are too polite."

Qin Wang clasped his fists at the three of them, shook hands one by one, sprinkled the incense of Chasing Souls from Thousand Miles, and then left.

"I didn't expect that Brother Jiang is actually familiar with Junior Uncle Zhang and Junior Brother Shit Luck Li!"

"I will send this letter to Master Zhang. When the time comes, I can ask her for some advice on cultivation experience!"

Liu Cheng put the letter away carefully, with anticipation in his eyes.

Shi Zhongyu and Jin Lan looked at the letter with envy.

Qin Wang handed the letter to Liu Cheng, and after laying out the Thousand Miles Soul Chasing Incense, he avoided many onlookers of monks and returned to the mountain valley to watch.

at this time.

Many monks used fire spells and bombarded by Tianleizi. The outside of the mountain valley became a huge crater of fire. The earth dragon beasts no longer came out of the earth dragon cave, but seemed to have shrunk into the ground.

"Zhao Hun is indeed digging caves all the time, and he's pretty fast."

Qin Wang came to the foot of the mountain peak next to the valley without a trace, and galloped upwards. His spiritual consciousness communicated with Zhao Hunyi, and found that Zhao Hunyi was already only more than thirty feet away from the place he designated.

Qin Wang pretended to be looking for the elixir and wandered around the mountain.

In the dark, it was his spiritual consciousness that communicated with Zhao Hunyi as he dug a hole.

Inside the mountain.

A four-foot-wide stone path sloped upward. The magic sword in Zhao Hun's hand was inserted into the rock in front of him like cutting tofu. With a forceful turn, he cut off a round stone, and then waved his hand to collect it. Storage bag.

An hour and a half later.

Qin Wang stood in front of a mountain wall that was about ten feet tall and covered with vines. He watched with hot eyes as the tip of a sword broke through the wall and stabbed out. Immediately, the tip of the sword turned, and a hole as big as a bowl of ocean appeared.

A gray storage bag appeared at the entrance of the hole.

"Got it!"

Qin Wang took a deep breath, with a burning look in his eyes. He reached into the storage bag with his spiritual consciousness and saw sixteen azure fruits and a large stone concave lying inside. Inside was a thousand-year-old spiritual essence with rich aura!

Qin Wang put Zhao Hun into his storage bag and turned around to leave.

"These monks really won't die until they reach the Yellow River!"

Qin Wang walked down the mountain peak and saw that the monks were still waiting outside the mountain valley, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve.

These people are still here to guard.

Little did he know that the treasure had already fallen into his bag.


I feel relieved when I think about it. Sixteen Azure Fruits are the main medicine for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill. How could these people give up?

"It's time to look for opportunities elsewhere."

Qin Wang had a look of thought in his eyes. He had obtained the azure fruit, the main elixir for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, as well as a small half-concave milky white thing. This time, it was a great harvest!

There is no use staying any longer.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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