Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 138 The Earth Dragon Beast King refines his soul and blood! The formation plate is obtained!

Qin Wang followed the stone path that Zhao Hun entered and slowly went downwards.

In order to be on the safe side, he recruited Zhao Hunyi, Shi Hunsan, Ye Qian, etc., and asked them to smear their bodies with spiritual salt and garlic smoke powder.

Once you see a bad situation, you can get out faster.

Not long after.

Zhao Hunyi, Shi Hunsan, Ye Qian and other soul-seed puppets entered the cave on the mountainside. Through their sight, Qin Wang saw that in an empty cave farther away, where the stone was originally recessed, there was a The five-foot long, blood-red earth dragon beast lay there motionless.

It is the Earth Dragon Beast King!

Surrounding it are a bunch of earth dragon beasts!

It seems to be protecting the Earth Dragon Beast King.

"Intelligence shows that at noon today, the mutated earth dragon beast king was in a weak stage, and his soul was extremely weak. He first used spiritual salt and garlic smoke powder, and then used soul seeds to seize control of his body!"

Qin Wang remembered that the intelligence showed that this was feasible.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang immediately took out all the remaining spiritual salt and garlic powder in the storage bag and asked Shi Hunsan to lead him towards the motionless Earth Dragon Beast King.



The moment Shi Hun San was five feet away from the Earth Dragon Beast King, the Earth Dragon Beast King suddenly raised his head and made a hissing sound. His body kept twisting, as if he was very afraid of Shi Hun San.

However, its body twisted a few times, then hung down powerlessly, making no more movement.

"It seems that the soul is really weak!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he immediately controlled Stone Soul Three and sprinkled the spiritual salt and garlic smoke powder around the Earth Dragon Beast King to form a frame. Qin Wang waited for a while and felt that the time was almost up, so he immediately took out The Soul Gathering Bowl summoned a faint translucent human silhouette soul seed from it.

Under the control of Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness, the soul seed floated towards the Earth Dragon Beast King.

The moment he approached the Earth Dragon Beast King, Qin Wang controlled the soul seed and got in.




The moment Qin Wang controlled the soul seed to get in, the mutant earth dragon beast king struggled desperately, and his body hit the cave wall, causing a large piece to collapse!

The surrounding earth dragon beasts also screamed crazily.

Qin Wang passed the soul seed and found that in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Earth Dragon Beast King, there was also a three-foot-sized soul of the Earth Dragon Beast King, rushing towards the soul seed. However, this beast soul was very light and looked very weak. It was just a bluff. .

On the other hand, the Soul Seed is too solidified.

Qin Wang controlled the soul seed and rushed towards the beast soul, smashing it into pieces.


The earth dragon beast soul neighed silently in the sea of ​​consciousness, baring its teeth and claws at the soul seed. However, it is now in the weak stage of the spirit soul. It is extremely weak and is no match for this soul seed. After several rounds, the soul shadow becomes weaker and weaker. .

to the end.

The earth dragon beast soul kept retreating in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the soul seeds pursued it.

"Why don't I let Xiaobai communicate with it?"

Qin Wang remembered that mice can communicate with people spiritually.

Thinking of this, he immediately withdrew his spiritual consciousness and took out the invisible soul-seeking rat. His spiritual consciousness communicated with it and let it communicate with the Earth Dragon Beast King. As long as he donated his soul blood, his life would be spared. Otherwise, his soul would be destroyed.

Qin Wang also thought about it.

If the soul blood of the earth dragon beast is refined, it will be much easier to control than the soul seed.

Under Qin Wang's instruction.

Xiaobai's consciousness immediately communicated with the Earth Dragon Beast.

About half an hour later.

In the sea of ​​consciousness of the earth dragon beast, the soul shadow of the earth dragon beast was once again knocked away by the soul seed. After it condensed and formed again, it crawled in front of the soul seed, and a faint blood flew out from the head of the soul shadow. The soul blood, about the size of a pigeon egg, floats in front of the soul seed.

"It seems that Xiaobai's communication is still useful!"

Qin Wang looked at the earth dragon beast's soul blood with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

This earth dragon beast king had to give in. It was in the weak stage of its soul. If it didn't give in, it would only die, its soul would be destroyed, and its body would be occupied by the soul seed.

Qin Wang immediately took a roll of the earth dragon beast's soul blood and refined it.

A quarter of an hour later.

Qin Wang refined the soul blood of the mutated earth dragon beast. He felt that his soul was connected with the mutated earth dragon beast. As long as he had a thought, he could make the earth dragon beast's soul fly away!

Qin Wang looked at the languid earth dragon beast lying on the ground, and his spiritual consciousness issued an order. "Earth Dragon Beast, I will put you in the spirit beast bag first! You can recover in the spirit beast bag!"

Qin Wang said.

Just when he saw the five-foot-long body of the Earth Dragon Beast King rolled up, Qin Wang's consciousness enveloped the Earth Dragon Beast, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately put it into his storage bag.

"Now, it's time to close the formation."

Qin Wang put away the Earth Dragon Beast King and immediately looked at the stone recess not far away. There was the spirit gathering array. This was the spirit gathering array of the Holy Land of All Spirits back then. Although it was much older, if it could be taken back and repaired , can still reproduce the glory of the past.

"Stone Hun Three, Zhao Hun One, Lin Shengbing, and Ye Qian, dig out the array disk inside the stone recess!"

Qin Wang waved his hand, and immediately, all four soul-seed puppets were summoned, appeared next to the stone concave, and began to dig.

The four people started digging from the side of the stone pit. All four of them were high-grade magic swords. Digging the stone pit was like cutting tofu. After a while, they dug down to a hard stone slab three feet below. They dug out the stone slab and found the bottom. It is a stone chamber three feet square.

In the middle of the stone chamber, there is a hexagonal array disk as big as a millstone.

The formation plate was covered with mysterious black formation patterns, and there was faint aura surrounding it, forming a whirlpool visible to the naked eye. There were eighteen pitch-black formation flags planted around the stone chamber.

Qin Wang immediately cast a spell and immediately lifted up the array. The moment he picked up the array, the vortex in the stone chamber immediately dissipated.

"Is this the Spirit Gathering Formation Disk?"

Qin Wang looked at the formation disk in his hand and felt that it exuded a heavy feeling of vicissitudes of life.


Qin Wang put it into his storage bag, fired the magic formula again, and put away the eighteen-pole formation flag in the stone room.


At this moment, a rumble sounded outside, and the cave collapsed instantly.

"Huh? Someone came in?"

When Qin Wang heard the voice, his expression suddenly changed. He put away Stone Soul Three, Zhao Soul One, Lin Shengbing, Ye Qian and other puppets, and prepared to leave through the dug stone path. At this moment, at the entrance of the cave on one side, Three monks appeared. When the three monks saw Qin Wang, the one on the left suddenly exclaimed. "Sir, there is someone inside!"

Qin Wang ignored the three people and immediately got into the stone path and went up.

Not long after.

He walked out of the stone path and galloped away.

After Qin Wang left.

Three monks, two men and one woman, appeared at the location of the Spirit Gathering Array, all with extremely ugly expressions.

"Sir, there should be a spirit gathering array here, but that person just got on it first!"

A thin old man who was at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage frowned deeply, looked around and said again. "There should be an Earth Dragon Beast King here, but I haven't seen him yet."

"This man stole sixteen Azure Fruits and dug up the underground Spirit Gathering Formation. We must stop him!"

The leading young monk narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice. "Mr. Chu, track this person!"

"Yes, sir!"

The thin old man Chu Zhang bowed in response and reached out to touch the storage bag. Suddenly, a fiery red bird appeared in the cave and flew outward along the stone path.

"Chase him out!"

Chu Ping glanced at the entire cave, with a gloomy expression, and rushed out of the cave, followed closely by the stunningly beautiful young woman in yellow.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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