Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 142 Big harvest! Layered layout! Kill! [Please subscribe! ]

Qin Wang galloped all the way.

At the same time.

Let Situ Yunfei open his storage bag and take out everything inside.

"Oh my God!"

"Situ Yunfei is worthy of being the ancestor of the family! He is wealthy!"

Qin Wang looked at the things in Situ Yunfei's storage bag and couldn't help but widen his eyes. He felt that he was a frog in the well before!

Poor guy!

As a Jindan-stage cultivator, Situ Yunfei's storage bag is five times larger than Qin Wang's current storage bag. The spiritual stones inside almost fill the storage bag space, at least 100,000 or more!

There are forty or fifty bottles of elixirs, and they are all elixirs taken by Jindan-stage cultivators!

There is even a knife-shaped magic weapon inside!

There are more than ten spiritual tools used by foundation-building cultivators!

Spiritual herbs and a lot of materials!

Qin Wang didn't have time to take a closer look at some other sundries. With excitement, he and Zhang Fujiang galloped forward.

"Master, the red bird is still flying in the sky!"

At this moment, Zhang Fujiang came to Qin Wang and said respectfully.

"It doesn't matter. Tomorrow is their death date!"

Qin Wang looked at the sky behind him, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.


Early morning.

It is the time for the mutant earth dragon beast king to recover. At that time, it is time to wait quietly for Chu Ping!

At this time.

A hundred miles away from Qin Wang.

Chu Ping, the Eighteenth King of Tianchu, dressed in an exquisite black robe, spread his body and rushed forward. On both sides of him were eight powerful cultivators, seven men and one woman, and their cultivation was above the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage!

At this moment, in the distant sky, a red bird flew quickly!

The bird landed on a green-robed cultivator about fifty years old. The cultivator grabbed the red bird, closed his eyes slightly, and opened them after a moment. He respectfully clasped his fists to the Eighteenth King Chu Ping beside him and said. "Sir, that man fled to the southeast, a hundred miles away from us!"

"Very good!"

"As far as I know, the stone chamber in the belly of the mountain once placed the array plate of the spirit gathering array. This spirit gathering array plate was once the array plate of the Holy Land of All Spirits. This thing is extraordinary and must be obtained!"

"Leave a mark and let them catch up. We will speed up and catch up!"

Chu Ping looked at the mountains in the distance and spoke in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir!"

Chu Zhang and others clasped their fists respectfully.

Three hundred miles away from Baishi Lake.

This is a dense forest with thick rotten leaves on the ground, exuding the smell of rotten leaves.

Qin Wang stood under a tree that could be hugged by two people. He walked forward and suddenly felt that the light curtain in front of him changed. The dense forest disappeared and was replaced by a grassland!

"Is this the power of the Yin-Yang Psychedelic Array?"

Qin Wang looked at the grassland in his sight and thought it was magical.

This is obviously a forest, but after the array plate was arranged, it became a grassland!

If the Eighteenth King Chu Ping rushed in and was caught off guard, and then attacked by Mu Hun Er, Earth Dragon Beast King, Situ Yunfei, Zhang Fujiang and others, the Eighteenth King would definitely die!

"In the future, I still have to buy more array plates, psychedelic arrays, killing arrays and other auxiliary things."

Qin Wang thought of his storage bag, which had more than 100,000 spirit stones from Situ Yunfei, enough to buy a few array plates. After all, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood!

With more illusion arrays, in the future, when facing danger, there will be more trump cards.

"Master, I have two sets of array plates in my storage bag, which can be arranged."

At this time, Situ Yunfei's Yuanshen, who was responsible for hiding in the array, came over and suggested to Qin Wang.

"You also have array plates in your storage bag?"

Qin Wang was stunned when he heard this. He just saw the spirit stones in Situ Yunfei's storage bag, and didn't look at the other things carefully.


Think about it.

As a Jindan cultivator, Situ Yunfei's array formations are definitely not comparable to the Yin-Yang Psychedelic Array.

"Yes, a set of Four-Elephant Strangling Array and a set of Thunder Sound Array, both of which are array plates and array flags, which can strangle foundation-building cultivators. They can be used after being laid out with spirit stones. Because I didn't use them after I advanced to Jindan, I threw them in a corner of the storage bag, and the master probably didn't notice them."

Situ Yunfei clasped his fists respectfully and said.

This array formation is his trump card in the foundation-building period.

After he advanced to Jindan, these trump cards were no longer useful, and they were thrown into the storage bag and piled up.

"Okay, let me see!"

Qin Wang's heart moved.

If these two array formations can be arranged, then there will be two more killers, and killing the Eighteenth King Chu Ping will be more secure.

Qin Wang's consciousness probed into the storage bag.

Not long after.

He found the two array plates of the Four-Elephant Strangling Array and the Thunder Sound Array.

Four-Elephant Strangling Array: It is made of the souls of the third-level red blood python, the third-level fire bird, the third-level black turtle, and the third-level cracked wind tiger. It is triggered by a large number of spirit stones. Once someone breaks into it, they will immediately encounter the four beast souls and die from exhaustion of mana!

Thunder Sound Array: It is made of the Thunder Sound Array Plate and thirty-six Thunder Sound Array Flags. Once it is successfully arranged, the cultivators who enter will encounter thunderous thunder sounds. Those who are light will feel dizzy, and those who are heavy will be shocked to death!

"Zhang Fujiang, you follow Situ Yunfei and be responsible for arranging these two arrays and superimposing them!"

"This time, the person we are besieging is Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. It must be foolproof and kill with one strike. Once it is leaked, we will definitely die!"

Qin Wang solemnly instructed Zhang Fujiang.

The Yin-Yang Psychedelic Formation was Zhang Fujiang's. He had a certain level of attainment in setting up formations. It was safest to let him set up the formation with Situ Yunfei.

"Don't worry, master!"

Zhang Fujiang nodded and followed Situ Yunfei to set up the Four Symbols Strangling Formation and the Thunder Sound Formation.

He knew it in his heart.

The soul and blood were given to the master. If the master died, he would not be able to live.

After Qin Wang arranged everything, he found a place to sit cross-legged in front of the formation, looking like he was recovering his magic power.

In fact.

Behind him, the Yin-Yang Psychedelic Formation, the Four Symbols Strangling Formation, the Thunder Sound Formation, Situ Yunfei, Mu Hun Er, the mutant earth dragon beast king, and most importantly, Wu Su's soul, did not practice, but attached to the thousand-year-old soul-raising tree, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Eighteenth King Chu Ping.

The next day.

Early morning.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged on a huge rock outside the woods.

His body and hair were covered with small mist and water droplets.

The dense jungle behind him, bathed in the morning sun, was even more vibrant.

At this moment.

In the distant sky, a fiery red bird slowly flew over, circled above Qin Wang's head, and then flew away.

"Is it here?"

Qin Wang looked at the bird in the sky, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

This bird has been following him for a few days.

At this time.

Thirty miles away from the forest where Qin Wang was, Chu Ping, dressed in black, led eight monks under him and rushed to the distant jungle.

Not long after.

He appeared five miles away from the jungle where Qin Wang stopped, looking at Qin Wang who was practicing on the big rock in front of the forest, narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice. "Chu Zhang, is this the man?"

"Sir, it's this man!"

Chu Zhang nodded.

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