Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 144 Chu Yunxiao's anger! Resolving the crisis! [Subscribe]

"No, let Situ Yunfei go in and take a look!"

Qin Wang thought for a moment.

According to the intelligence, Chu Yunxiao was in the Nascent Soul Stage. If he entered during the Qi Refining Stage, it would be like a little ant pushing an elephant. It was too dangerous.

Letting Situ Yunfei take the lead is the best choice.

After all, he is the soul of the golden elixir stage.

Qin Wang thought about this.

He immediately took out the soul-gathering bowl and released Situ Yunfei's soul.

"Old slave pays homage to the master!"

The moment Situ Yunfei appeared, he immediately clasped his fists respectfully at Qin Wang.

"The spiritual thoughts of Jade Perry, Wu Su and Chu Yunxiao are fighting. Can you go in and find out the news for me and see what the result is?"

Qin Wang said to Situ Yunfei.

"Yes, Master!"

Situ Yunfei agreed, and the phantom of Yuanshen carefully attached itself to Chu Yunxiao's jade pendant of spiritual thoughts, and slowly poured in.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged and looked at the Shen Nian Jade Pendant in his hand.

After Situ Yunfei got in, the jade pendant didn't react at all.

"I hope Wu Su can kill this Chu Yunxiao's divine will!"

Qin Wang looked at the jade pendant and felt very worried.

Although it is just a spiritual thought of Chu Yunxiao, he is still in the Nascent Soul stage after all and is the ancestor of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. If his spiritual thought is not killed, there will be endless troubles!


At this moment, a soft sound came from Qin Wang's hand. He looked down and found that the divine jade pendant in his hand was torn apart and turned into fragments. Two phantoms of the soul flew out from it.

The two soul phantoms were both very weak.

"Wu Su, how's it going? Are you okay?"

Qin Wang looked at an illusory silhouette and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have already crushed Chu Yunxiao's divine will, so there is no need to worry!"

"Speaking of which, Situ Yunfei came in and helped me a lot. I used him to cast forbidden spells, severely damaging Chu Yunxiao's spiritual thoughts and crushing him to death. Now I have to enter the Soul-nurturing Wood to nourish my soul. If you need anything, you can come in. ask me."

Wu Su looked at Qin Wang and breathed a sigh of relief.

When she helped Qin Wang, she was actually helping herself. Once Qin Wang was caught by Chu Yunxiao, she would not be able to escape. Fortunately, Chu Yunxiao's spiritual thoughts had been killed and she could rest assured to warm her soul.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

Qin Wang looked at the weak Wu Su and felt relieved.

If he were to escape through Chu Yunxiao's spiritual thoughts, he would probably have to face the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty's pursuit as soon as he left the Blessed Land of All Souls.

"By the way, this is the storage bag of Chu Yunxiao's descendants. Please check it for me."

Qin Wang suddenly remembered Chu Ping's storage bag and asked Wu Su to scan it with his consciousness to make sure.

"Well, you're being cautious."

Wu Su nodded and said. "Show me his storage bag."


With a wave of his hand, Qin Wang took off a gray storage bag from his waist and flew it in front of Wu Su. Wu Su's spiritual mind instantly wrapped it up. After a while, Wu Su Yuan's spirit floated on the storage bag. said. "I checked everything for you and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Okay, you have consumed too much this time, go and recuperate your soul!"

Qin Wang nodded to Wu Su.


Wu Su nodded to Qin Wang, and his soul instantly got into the soul-nurturing tree on the side and disappeared.

"Master, old slave, old slave, I have fulfilled my mission."

Wu Su entered the soul-nurturing wood, and Situ Yunfei on the side immediately stepped forward. His spirit was sluggish, and he looked pitiful, as if he was about to collapse in the next moment.


This time Wu Su used him to perform forbidden arts, which consumed a lot of his soul power.

"Situ Yunfei, you did a good job this time, please go in and recuperate too!"

Qin Wang looked at Situ Yunfei with an expression of approval.

After all, Situ Yunfei is also the soul of the golden elixir stage.

He has now become his slave, his soul has recovered, and it has helped him a lot.

"Thank you, Master!"

After getting Qin Wang's permission to enter the soul-nurturing wood to warm him up, Situ Yunfei looked happy, bowed deeply to Qin Wang, clasped his fists, and got into the soul-nurturing wood.

Southern Territory.

There are three major immortal dynasties, four major immortal cultivating families, and five major immortal sects.

They are Dayan Immortal Dynasty, Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and Daqi Immortal Dynasty.

Sima family, Murong family, Tuoba family, Zhao family.

The Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect, the Overlord Sword Immortal Sect, the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect, the Ten Thousand Talisman Immortal Sect, and the Ten Thousand Dharma Holy Land.

Among them, the five Immortal Sects are the most powerful, especially the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Laws, which is said to control all laws and is revered for its magical powers.

Next are the three major immortal dynasties, and then the four major immortal cultivating families.

Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

It is located in the north of Nanyu, 150,000 miles away from Da Cang.

At the same time that the divine jade pendant in Qin Wang's hand shattered, deep underground in the imperial city of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

It is a magnificent place. In the middle of the palace, there is a circular platform with a radius of ten feet, with mysterious formations carved on it. It is surrounded by a circle of spiritual pools, full of spiritual liquid and emitting bursts of spiritual mist.

In the middle of the platform, a middle-aged man in brocade robes, about forty years old, sat cross-legged. This middle-aged man had a huge frame, and his sword eyebrows flew into his temples. His expression was calm and intimidating, and he exuded the aura of a superior. .

He is obviously a powerful person who has been in a high position for a long time.


The middle-aged man seemed to have received an inexplicable blow. Terrifying fluctuations in cultivation were emitted from his body. The violent energy spread the spiritual mist around him. He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes showing anger, his throat trembling, and the corners of his mouth A ray of blood spilled out!

"Kill an incarnation of my spiritual mind!"

"who is it?!!"

"What a courage!"

Chu Yunxiao suddenly looked in the direction of the Blessed Land of All Souls, with terrifying murderous intent in his eyes. The terrifying coercion of the late Nascent Soul swept across all directions!

"How dare you attack me, Tianchu!"

"Even if I chase you to the end of the world, I will cut you into pieces, crush your bones and spread your ashes, and refine your soul so that you will never be reincarnated!"

Chu Yunxiao was extremely angry.

He had just sensed that the incarnation of a spiritual thought attached to Chuping, his beloved great-great-grandson, had been killed.

When giving away the Jade Pendant of Divine Mind, he repeatedly warned that the Jade Pendant of Divine Mind could be triggered in a life-or-death crisis!


The most promising great-great-grandson Chuping must have died!

this moment.

In Chu Yunxiao's mind, the sects and powerful sects in the southern region that had grudges against Tian Chu flashed one by one.

"what happened?"

"Who disturbed the ancestor? Made the ancestor furious?"


The moment Chu Yunxiao sent out a shocking pressure that swept across the entire Tianchu Imperial City, all the Tianchu monks within a thousand miles of Tianchu Imperial City were alarmed. They walked out of the training ground one after another and looked in the direction of the imperial city, showing doubts. color.

"Why did my ancestor suddenly get so angry?"

In the Imperial City of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, Chu Wuya, the emperor of Tianchu, was sitting in the retreat place practicing. After feeling the terrifying and terrifying pressure, he suddenly stood up and looked at the ancestor's retreat place.

"Wuya, the spiritual incarnation I gave Ping'er was destroyed."

"Send people quickly to the exit of All Souls Blessed Land to investigate the murderer!"

At this moment, the ancestor's message rang in the mind of Emperor Chu Wuya.

"Yes! Ancestor!"

When Chu Wuya heard this, his expression suddenly changed. The ancestor's spiritual incarnation was actually destroyed. This was a shocking event!


Ping'er is the leader of the younger generation in Tianchu. This time, the ancestor wanted to train him and gave him the incarnation of his spiritual mind to protect him. Unexpectedly, something happened!

This is a big loss for Tianchu!

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