Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 154 The Seventh Prince Yan Wushuang! Blood Crocodile Swamp [Please subscribe]

"It seems that we are going to look for Yan Wushuang, the seventh prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty!"

Qin Wang looked a little ugly.

The thing was in the hands of Yu Liangcai, and it was easier to get it. But when it was in the hands of Yan Wushuang, the seventh prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, and there was a Nascent Soul strongman behind him, the difficulty of getting the mysterious fragments increased too much.

If you want to get rid of him, you must kill him with one strike and be stealthy!


There are three mysterious fragments in his hand. This thing will have a great impact on his future path. He must definitely get it in his hands!

Three days later.

In a swamp with a radius of dozens of miles, the water and grass are green, and ferocious Blood Spirit Crocodiles poke their heads out from time to time.

A white, foot-long cute little white mouse ran forward like lightning flashing across the edge of the swamp. After a while, it stopped, raised its paws, and faced Qin Wang, who was coming from behind. Show a flattering look.

"Xiao Bai, you are so awesome!"

"Another red heart grass is in hand!"

Qin Wang stepped forward and pulled up a foot-high red spiritual grass next to Xiaobai and threw it into the storage bag. He immediately picked up the missing spirit-seeking mouse and gave it a spiritual nut.


Xiaobai yelled, holding the spirit fruit and gnawing happily.

Qin Wang took the invisible soul-seeking mouse to search for elixirs in the Blessed Land of All Spirits. With the invisible soul-seeking mouse's ability to sense spiritual grass, his search for elixirs was greatly accelerated!

Very rewarding.

"Intelligence shows that the Seventh Prince Yan Wushuang will appear in the Blood Crocodile Swamp tomorrow. Let's set up an ambush here first!"

Qin Wang put the missing soul-seeking rat into his storage bag, looked around, and thought to himself.

[9: You stroked the mysterious fragments yesterday and obtained information. The Seventh Prince Yan Wushuang and Ji Yaner, who possess three mysterious fragments, will go to the Blood Crocodile Swamp at noon tomorrow to look for opportunities. 】

"First set up the Thunder Sound Formation, the Yin and Yang Psychedelic Formation, and the Four Elephants Strangulation Formation!"

Qin Wang looked at the surrounding terrain and made secret calculations in his mind.

Few people come here.

By setting up the formation in advance and ambushing the Earth Dragon Beast King and Mu Hun Er, Yan Wushuang should not be able to escape.

at this time.

It's a hundred miles away from where Qin Wang is.

On the top of a mountain, a handsome young monk, about twenty-three or four years old, wearing a brocade robe, stood on a big rock with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance, with a look of thought in his eyes.

"Your Highness, I just received news that Sima Rui may have broken through the foundation!"

At this moment, an old man in gray clothes with wise eyes came forward and said respectfully.

"Sima Rui broke through the foundation?"

"Is the news confirmed?"

Upon hearing the report from the escort Yan Lin, Yan Wushuang immediately frowned deeply.

He and Sima Rui were both on the Hidden Dragon Ranking. Originally, Sima Rui was ranked higher than him, so he felt unwilling to admit defeat. Now, Sima Rui actually broke through the foundation building.

The gap in his heart became even greater.

"Your Highness, I'm not very sure. Gu Tianhao, Zhang Han and other Qianlongs on the Qianlong List all went to the mountainside. Many monks in the Blessed Land of All Souls are looking for Sima Rui, but Sima Rui has not been seen yet."

Yan Lin respectfully cupped his fists and reported.

"All Souls Blessed Land will be closed in just a few days. That's it. Find a place to practice and then wait to get out."

Yan Wushuang looked around, finally looked in the direction of the swamp in the distance and said. "It's nice over there. Inform the others and go find a place over there to wait until All Souls Blessed Land is closed!"

Recently, I have killed a lot of casual cultivators, and also killed the young master of Tianyao Chamber of Commerce. The harvest is really good, I actually got a fragment that can increase my consciousness.

These three fragments combined will increase the spiritual consciousness even more significantly. He is confident that he will take a step further on the Hidden Dragon List.

As for grabbing Sima Rui's things?

It's unrealistic. Even if you haven't advanced to foundation building, it's still a tough stone to crack.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Yan Lin clasped his fists respectfully and agreed.

Behind the Blood Crocodile Swamp is a thousand-foot mountain peak, like a giant beast crawling on the ground.

The aura of heaven and earth here is very rich.

Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang were sitting cross-legged on a large rock on a platform under the mountain peak. Behind them were three formations that had been arranged.

The Earth Dragon Beast King and Mu Hun were hiding aside.


"People are coming!"

Suddenly, Qin Wang's consciousness swept out ten miles away and saw a handsome young monk, followed by a woman in green, and five middle-aged monks at the twelfth level of Qi refining stage!


This group of people seemed to have discovered Qin Wang, and the two monks at the head galloped forward, heading towards Qin Wang.

Not long after.

The two monks came ten feet away from Qin Wang. They looked at Qin Wangcai, who was at the tenth level of Qi refining, and immediately looked at each other. One of the monks in Xuanyi stepped forward and cupped his fists. "Fellow Taoist, we want to rest here and wait for the closure of All Souls Blessed Land? Is it convenient?"


Qin Wang nodded.

He arranged three formations behind him, just waiting for Yan Wushuang to come.


Just then, suddenly, a white shadow flickered, but the soul-seeking rat disappeared and galloped back from a distance, with three phantom heart grass in its mouth.

He had fun in front of Qin Wang and placed three phantom heart grasses in front of Qin Wang.

"Huh? This mouse is quite magical! Can it find spiritual grass?"

"Hiss!! It's still Huanxincao, the main medicinal ingredient of Foundation Establishment Pill!"

Seeing the mouse galloping towards them with a piece of Huanxincao, one of the spiritual materials for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, in their mouths, the eyes of the two monks at the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage flashed with shock.

It is quite rare to find a demon beast that can sense spiritual herbs.

It is even rarer to find spiritual herbs by itself!


Huanxin grass is the main ingredient for refining foundation-building pills!

This white mouse actually found three plants at once!

The black-clothed cultivator among them had a flash of light in his eyes, stood up and clasped his fists towards Qin Wang, and asked. "This Taoist fellow, I wonder which sect or immortal dynasty you are from?"

"I have no sect, I am just a casual cultivator."

Qin Wang glanced at the two of them, sat down, and waited for Yan Wushuang to cast the net and put the spirit-seeking rat into the spirit-beast bag.

The moment he lowered his head, Qin Wang's mouth curved up.

It seems that these two cultivators have taken a fancy to his spirit-seeking rat. They are trying to find out the whereabouts of the sect cultivators. The sect cultivators are afraid of it. If they know that the target is a casual cultivator, they will probably take action immediately. However, this is exactly what Qin Wang wants.

Hearing that Qin Wang was a casual cultivator without a sect, the two cultivators of the twelfth level of Qi Refining looked at each other, and the cultivator in black asked. "My fellow Taoist, the rat you just caught is very good. Do you want to sell it? I'll give you 50 spiritual stones."

"Sorry, I won't sell it."

Qin Wang's mouth twitched when he heard it. He would not sell it for 50 spiritual stones or even 10,000 spiritual stones.

Information shows.

How can this hidden spiritual rat be sold when it may eventually return to its ancestral home?

The two men saw that Qin Wang would not sell it, so they stood on the platform without saying anything, waiting for Yan Wushuang in the distance to come.

Not long after.

Yan Wushuang, handsome in a brocade robe, accompanied by Ji Yan'er, came to the platform with three cultivators of the twelfth level of Qi Refining. The leading Yan Wushuang glanced at the big stone where Qin Wang was sitting cross-legged, and silently came to the side, waved a cushion, and sat cross-legged more than 30 feet away from Qin Wang, closing his eyes to practice.

"Your Highness!"

"The man just now had a spirit-seeking rat, and he actually found three magic heart grasses by himself and brought them back! It looks very much like the spirit-seeking rat recorded in the ancient books of the Immortal Dynasty!"

Just when Yan Wushuang closed his eyes to practice, he heard the voice of the old guard Yan Lin.


"The spirit-seeking rat?"

Yan Wushuang was moved when he heard it. As far as he knew, this spirit-seeking rat was a kind of spirit-seeking rat, which was extremely rare and could sense the location of spirit grass and find it by itself and bring it back!

If he could get it, it would be of great help to him!

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