Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 158: The closure of Wanling Paradise, the Chu family’s investigation, Chu Chuyang [Please su

"It seems that you can't go down to Wanling Lake."

"I have gained enough in the Blessed Land of All Souls."

"It's better to wait out safely!"

Qin Wang looked at the information and thought to himself.

There are more than 20 third-level blood spirit dragons and blood carp kings in Wanling Lake, as well as the suppressed demon emperor. There may not be any scum left!

"Earth Dragon Beast King, take me to find the thick earth and quiet water!"

Qin Wang put away the intelligence panel and summoned the Earth Dragon Beast King.

According to the intelligence, the Mutated Dragon Beast King once visited a hidden place in the Blessed Land of All Souls, where there may be thick soil and secluded water.

Zhang Fujiang had already started packing his things the moment Qin Wang opened his mouth.


The moment the Earth Dragon Beast King appeared, he received Qin Wang's order and immediately galloped away into the distance. His skin was rough and his flesh was thick, and all the vegetation and trees were crushed wherever he passed.


"How to go to Wanling Lake?"

Qin Wangyufeng followed the Earth Dragon Beast King and was stunned when he saw the direction clearly.

Communication through spiritual consciousness.

Qin Wang learned that the thick soil and quiet water were at the bottom of Wanling Lake!

"With my current strength, it is really difficult to get the thick soil and water here."

Qin Wang made up his mind and decided to stay by Wanling Lake to read the information and see if there was a solution.

Three days later.

Wanling Lake.

Nearly ten thousand monks have gathered, all looking at Wanling Lake and sighing.

The light beam in the center of the lake gradually dissipated.

Within three days.

More than thirty monks were swallowed up by the blood spirit dragon and blood carp king that emerged from the lake, and many monks left the lake hundreds of feet away.

Qin Wang stood by the lake. In the past few days, the intelligence he had collected was still unable to bypass the curve of the Demon King at the bottom of the lake. Qin Wang could only give up and wait until his cultivation level was high before he could come here again.


Suddenly, Qin Wang felt a shock under his feet. In the sky, a white light curtain appeared, and spiritual energy circulated.

"All Souls Blessed Land is closing, the time has come!"

"Hey, I didn't gain much this time when I came in. I even lost an arm."

"Me too. I managed to collect a few spiritual herbs, but they were robbed. I surrendered all the spiritual herbs in exchange for my life."

"Fellow Taoist, it's okay for you. I heard that Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, and Yan Wushuang, the seventh prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, were both figures on the Hidden Dragon List, and they all fell!"

"What? All the people on the Hidden Dragon List have fallen? Don't they have a lot of guards?"


There was a strange change in the Blessed Land of All Souls, and many monks present were talking about it. Some were happy and satisfied, some were frustrated, and some were disappointed.

Qin Wang listened to the discussions of the monks around him, but he was thinking about the next step after going out.

He had already expected that outside the Blessed Land of All Souls, people from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty were waiting.

As far as Qin Wang knows.

After the All Souls Blessed Land is closed, all experienced monks will be expelled by the power of the formation and scattered within a hundred miles around the All Souls Blessed Land.


Qin Wang's cultivation level has been hidden by him at the tenth level of Qi refining stage, and his appearance has also been changed using the face-changing technique.

Along the way.

Qin Wang's face-changing technique has been perfected, and his disguise is very familiar, and even more magical.

A feeling of dizziness surrounded Qin Wang.

I do not know how long it has been.

Qin Wang only felt down to earth.

He looked around and found that he was on the edge of a cliff, with a large river flowing down beside him.

Wherever he could see, there were more than twenty monks who were also teleported here by the power of the formation.

“It’s within a hundred miles of the Blessed Land of All Souls!”

"Go to Wanlingfang City first!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he immediately used the wind control technique and galloped towards Wanlingfang City at the speed of the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

Logically speaking.

In the Wanling Blessed Land, Qin Wang killed Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, and Yan Wushuang, the seventh prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty. They were both on the Hidden Dragon List. It was best to leave as soon as possible.


He also knew that there must be someone in the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty waiting outside the Blessed Land of All Souls to search for the monks who had left in a hurry.

On the contrary, the most dangerous place is the safest.


If Yujian Feitian leaves, he will definitely become a key search target.

It doesn't work if it's too fast.

According to the speed of ordinary monks, it is the safest.

With so many monks entering the All Souls Blessed Land, they must only focus on the monks who are above the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage and on the Hidden Dragon List!

Hiding to the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage can virtually reduce the attention of the Chu family.

at this time.

Qin Wang could sense Zhang Fujiang's position through his soul blood, and Qin Wang asked him to come towards him.

at this time.

On the plain where the entrance to the All Souls Blessed Land Formation is located.

A middle-aged monk in his thirties, with a strong aura and wearing a brocade robe, stood on a hill with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

Behind him stood dozens of monks with powerful auras.

If Qin Wang were here, he would definitely find that the cultivation levels of these dozens of monks are all in the foundation building stage!

The cultivation level of the leading middle-aged man is even more unfathomable!

"This person killed eighteen kings, and his cultivation is definitely the best in the Qi refining stage!"

"Strictly investigate the monks on the Qianlong List! We must catch the murderer!"

"Also, monks who act suspiciously, as well as monks who flee from the Blessed Land of All Souls, must be carefully investigated!"

Chu Hanxing was extremely angry at the moment. This time, he brought the Eighteenth King to the Wanling Blessed Land for training. Unexpectedly.

Before the Wanling Blessed Land was closed, the ancestor from Tianchu sent news that the Eighteenth King had died in the Wanling Blessed Land.

You know.

The Eighteenth King Chu Ping was the ancestor's favorite great-great-grandson, and he even gave him a divine consciousness incarnation to protect him!

He brought the Eighteenth King to train, and now the Eighteenth King has fallen. How can he go back and face the ancestor's anger?

At the moment.

The only solution is to catch the murderer who killed the Eighteenth King, so that he can avoid severe punishment!



More than a dozen foundation-building cultivators all bowed and clasped their fists, turned around and scattered.

At the same time.

Chu Hanxing also spread his divine consciousness and carefully searched for suspicious people. He knew in his heart that the murderer knew the identity of the Eighteenth King and would definitely stay away from the Wanling Blessed Land as soon as possible.

Qin Wang rushed to the Wanling Market at the speed of the tenth level of Qi Refining.

Beside Qin Wang, there were nearly a hundred cultivators who were rushing forward like her. These cultivators wanted to take the harvest in the Wanling Blessed Land to the Wanling Market to process and exchange for useful cultivation resources.

Just when they were thirty miles away from the Wanling Market.

"Excuse me, fellow Taoists. I am Chu Chuyang of the Chu family. Chu Ping, the eighteenth king of Tianchu, died in the Wanling Blessed Land. The ancestor was furious. I came here only to track down the murderer. Please forgive me for disturbing you!"

In the sky.

Suddenly, a foundation-building cultivator with a black eye mask flew over on a sword. He landed in front of Qin Wang and many other cultivators. His eyes swept over the bodies of nearly a hundred cultivators including Qin Wang and clasped his fists slightly.

"Senior Chu is polite! Go ahead and search!"

"Senior Chu, you don't have to be polite! Please go ahead and investigate!"


After hearing the words of this foundation-building real person, Qin Wang followed the many cultivators present and clasped his fists respectfully.

Facing the foundation-building senior, the Qi-refining stage had no choice but to obey.

Although the senior was polite, it was to protect the reputation of the Chu family, but if he really didn't allow the search, he would probably become a suspect and be taken away at the first time!

"How do you want to search this person?"

Qin Wang looked at Chu Chuyang, the foundation-building master, and his heart tightened. It seemed that the Chu family had special means.

"Qin Wang, don't worry. I will use my spiritual sense to cover up your breath and cultivation. Even if they have special means, they can't find it out!"

"Don't worry!"

At this moment, Wu Su's voice sounded in Qin Wang's mind.

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

Qin Wang was also worried about the instability, so he called out Wu Su for an extra guarantee.

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