Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 161 Leaving the market town, the mark of the divine consciousness in the early stage of foun

All the masters of Qingyao passed away.

Does this information mean that Zhang Panpan will bring great help to him in the future?

"This guy Li Qiye has found his cornucopia of destined immortal treasures?"


"No wonder he's so lucky!"

Qin Wang was shocked when he saw the sixth piece of information.


In the future, should I try to take advantage of Li Qiye and take advantage of his great luck, like using the Chiyang Magic Technique to get his chance?

"This Cone of Shock must be practiced well. It will be the strongest method in the future!"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information and thought to himself.

"Situ Chengjian, took the broken picture of Taiyi Chongshui and lived in a shanty town?"

"Just in time, before I leave, get the broken picture in Situ Chengjian's hand!"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up when he saw the 10th piece of information.

When Jiang Qing was asked to get it, he failed to get it, but now he can finally get it. The residual picture is related to the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, and he must get it.

"Zhang Fujiang, go to Dongfang Sanli to monitor Situ Chengjian's whereabouts."

Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness communicated with Zhang Fujiang, who lived not far away, and transmitted the message.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang got the order, got up and left.

"Currently, my cultivation level is already at the foundation-building stage. Zhang Fujiang is only at the twelfth level of the Qi-refining stage. He cannot keep up with me. His cultivation level needs to be improved."

"His soul blood has been controlled by me. It's time to upgrade his cultivation to foundation building. However, he cannot improve here. He needs to leave Wanlingfang City and find a hidden place."

Qin Wang looked out the window, thought for a moment, and made up his mind secretly.

at present.

Next to him, there is the Earth Dragon Beast King, Mu Hun Er, who is comparable to a foundation builder.

To know.

After killing Yan Wushuang, I found a Foundation Establishment Pill in his storage bag!

If Zhang Fujiang can also become the foundation-building stage, as his slave, then the help to him will be huge.

Five days later.

"Chu Xianchao's investigations are becoming more and more frequent these days."

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the shack, feeling vaguely uneasy in his heart.

In the past five days, he had received news that Tianchu monks were probing around the Blessed Land of All Souls over and over again. More and more Tianchu monks rushed over, and they seemed to be unwilling to stop until the murderer was caught.


Qin Wang also heard that the Dayan Immortal Dynasty also sent people to investigate the cause of the death of the seventh prince Yan Wushuang.

"Qin Wang, there is no need to worry, I have already peeled off the imprint of Chu Chuyang's consciousness on you."

"The Ten Thousand Souls Blessed Land has been closed for so many days. Although more and more people from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty are investigating, all the golden elixirs have left. This shows that they feel that the murderer has left the Ten Thousand Spirits Blessed Land!"

At this moment, Wu Su's comforting words rang in Qin Wang's mind.


Qin Wang nodded.

That day when he received the news that Chu Chuyang's divine consciousness mark was on his body, Qin Wang asked Wu Su to peel off the divine consciousness mark left on him into a low-level monster in the wild.

In this way, even if Chu Chuyang traces it, he will still trace it to the monster.

"Master, Situ Chengjian has just left Fang City. It seems that he is going to the Five Poison Swamp to the south to look for opportunities."

"My subordinates have already planted the incense of Chasing Souls A Thousand Miles into him."

At this moment, Zhang Fujiang's message rang in Qin Wang's ears.


Qin Wang's heart moved and he sent a message. "Get ready, let's leave Wanlingfang City and go to Wudu Swamp!"

Qin Wang knew it in his heart.

even though.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. However, once the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty's Jindan is further away and cannot find any clues about the murderer, he will definitely come back and search again. It is better to take advantage of the gap between Jindan's departure. It's better to leave.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang agreed, turned and left.

Wanlingfang City.

On the long street, monks were coming and going, and from time to time, monks wearing the costumes of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty could be seen among them.

Qin Wang's cultivation was hidden on the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage. He was wearing gray clothes and had an ordinary face. He walked along the long street towards the gate of Fangshi in the direction of Wudu Swamp.

Zhang Fujiang followed Qin Wang from a distance.

"There is actually a checkpoint in front?"

Qin Wang walked forward for more than half an hour and arrived at the west gate of Wanlingfang City. Here was a wall made of huge rocks, and formations were arranged. At the exit of the three-foot-wide stone gate, more than a dozen Qi Refiners The late-stage monk Tianchu was standing in front of a case, and beside him, sitting cross-legged, was an early-stage foundation-building monk with a strong aura.

Qin Wang knew it in his heart.

This Wanlingfang City borders the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, the Spiritual Medicine Immortal Sect, and the Ba Sword Immortal Sect. It is under the joint jurisdiction of the three giants. The Tianchu monks set up points here to check the monks coming in and out without any hindrance.

"Master, this search is so strict."

Zhang Fujiang was obviously very worried when he heard from Qin Wang.

"It doesn't matter. You can't see my cultivation without the golden elixir. You just need to hold on steady."

Qin Wang also sent a message.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang agreed, and the two of them arrived in front of the stone gate. At this time, in front of the stone gate, there were more than thirty monks in the Qi refining stage waiting in line to leave the market.

"Lin Feng and Zhang Qingsong have never entered the Blessed Land of All Souls! You can leave."

"Zhang Qing and Zhang Jie have entered the Blessed Land of All Souls and are waiting aside."


Qin Wang stood behind many Qi Refining Stage monks. Hearing the voice of the Tianchu monk in front, Qin Wang frowned. The monks who had entered the Blessed Land of All Souls had to undergo a second careful interrogation.

Qin Wang felt a little relieved when he thought that Chu Chuyang's spiritual consciousness mark had been peeled off, and his own cultivation would not be visible unless the golden elixir specifically checked it.

Not long after.

It was Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang's turn.

"Qin Tiedan and Zhang Fujiang have entered the Blessed Land of All Souls. They are waiting aside!"

Sitting behind the desk, a cross-eyed, slightly fat monk in the late stage of Qi refining stage looked at Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang and motioned for them to wait aside.

at the same time.

Qin Wang clearly felt that a stream of foundation-building spiritual consciousness swept over his body, stayed for a moment, then searched Zhang Fujiang's body, and finally withdrew.

Qin Wang found out.

The investigating monk was the middle-aged Xuan Yi who was sitting at the side.

"You guys are fine, you can go."

The cross-eyed and fat monk waved to Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang.

Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang clasped their fists at the cross-eyed man, and they galloped away in the distance, one behind the other.

"The foundation building period actually left the mark of spiritual consciousness on our bodies again!"

Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang walked tens of feet away, and his expression turned gloomy. He had just discovered that the monk in the early stage of foundation building had left a mark of spiritual consciousness on his and Zhang Fujiang's bodies.

After the advanced foundation building period.

Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness was also much stronger than that of ordinary people in the Foundation Establishment stage, so he noticed it the moment his spiritual consciousness in the Foundation Establishment stage left a mark on his body.

"Wu Su, please take action if you can help me."

Qin Wang's consciousness communicated with Wu Su, but his body and Zhang Fujiang were galloping towards the Five Poison Swamp.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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