Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 178 Jade Blood Toad King, Jiu Zi, Wan Yan Meng

[4: You opened the pictographic silver scroll yesterday and obtained information. There is a body-refining method in the pictographic silver scroll, called the Star Body Tempering Method! It was created by the ancient True Immortal Cangjie. The pictographic silver scroll can be cultivated to the level comparable to the Golden Elixir Realm. The higher level is the Moon Body Tempering Method, which is hidden in the pictographic gold scroll. ]

[5: You opened the pictographic silver scroll yesterday and obtained information. Since the ancient pictographic characters have evolved so long ago, there are not many in the world, and few people know about them. However, in some large sects and great families, there may be pictographic books for reference. It is recommended to practice according to the human body circuit diagram in the silver scroll first, and then slowly consult the pictographic books until you understand the Star Body Tempering Method. ]

[6: You killed Murong Qianye yesterday and obtained his magic inheritance. You obtained information that the magic inheritance he obtained was obtained from the Demon Devouring Sect of the Tianji Sea Magic Sect. ]

[7: You opened the scroll of pictographic silver characters yesterday, and obtained a blood transport route map in it, and obtained information. This running meridian map is the first running meridian of the Star Body Tempering Method. The whole body meridian cultivation map needs to be opened according to the Star Body Tempering Method formula. ]

[8: You came to the Tianxia Mountains 80 miles away yesterday, and obtained information. 420 miles away from you, 300 feet deep underground at the Falling Eagle Cliff, there is an ancient barbarian god's left hand buried, which contains infinite terrifying power. The barbarian god only cultivates the body and pursues a path of horizontal attack. Because of the battle of all spirits, the barbarian god's soul was destroyed, and the body was torn apart and scattered across the land of Jiuzhou. Obtaining the barbarian god's left hand will become your strongest killer. ]

[9: You used the treasure bowl to purify the elixir yesterday and obtained information that the ancient curse on the ‘bad luck star’ Wanyan Meng was triggered by the goddess Jiu Zi, and it broke out in Tiannan Market. It happened that the Jade Blood Toad King, whose strength was comparable to that of a perfect golden elixir, was captured by the Sima family in the south city of Tiannan Market. Because it devoured a golden elixir of the Sima family, its strength broke through the Nascent Soul stage, causing a thunderstorm. Because it was close to Wanyan Meng, it was infected with bad luck, causing the thunderstorm to become a triple purple thunderstorm. ]

[10: You used the treasure bowl to purify the elixir yesterday and obtained information that the witch clan goddess Jiu Zi overestimated her own witch clan's curse-resolving skills. Because she took the initiative to contact the unlucky star Wanyan Meng in Tiannan Market, Wanyan Meng's bad luck curse broke out, and she was infected with bad luck, and was cursed back, extremely unlucky, and was bombarded by the thunder tribulation caused by the Jade Blood Toad King's tribulation. She was covered with wounds. She used all her tricks to escape, but still fell unconscious a mile away from you. She will be the opportunity for your treasure bowl to restore its former power. ]

"Are all the cultivators in the southern region looking for me?"

"Can the Tianji Master of the Tianji Divine Sect deduce the location of the inheritance of the transformation of the ancestors Tianxiao?"

Qin Wang looked at the first and second pieces of information, and his heart trembled.

This Tianji Master actually has such a terrifying magical power?

Can he deduce?

Doesn't this mean that Chu Yunxiao can also ask him to deduce his own existence?

"No, the intelligence shows that Tuoba Xiongfeng gathered the power of all Yuanying and asked Tianji Shangren to deduce, which means that the cost of deduction is very high."

"Chu Yunxiao couldn't ask Tianji Shangren to deduce just to find me."

Qin Wang thought of this and felt a little relieved.

"The Star Body Tempering Method created by the ancient True Immortal Cangjie!"

"The pictographic gold scroll records the Moon Body Tempering Method?"

"The pictographic characters in it, it seems that I have to go to those noble families and get the ancient books with these pictographic characters to study them later."

Qin Wang looked at the 4th, 5th, and 7th pieces of information and made a secret plan in his heart.

This Star Body Tempering Method is a method of body refining, which must be figured out. The stronger the physical body is, the more life-saving means it can have when encountering a crisis.

"The left hand of the Barbarian God! It seems that I need to go to the Falling Eagle Cliff to take a look!"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th piece of information, with a gleam of expectation in his eyes!

"Uh, did the witch goddess Jiu Zi make the ancient curse on Wanyan Meng erupt?"

"Caused the Jade Blood Toad King to break through and cause the Purple Thunder Tribulation? Blast her all over? This is completely shooting herself in the foot!"

Qin Wang looked at the 9th and 10th pieces of information and was suddenly confused.

"He is the opportunity for my treasure bowl to restore its former power. It seems that I need to save her?"

Qin Wang's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and his spiritual sense swept out immediately. Suddenly, a female cultivator covered in blood was seen a mile away, leaning on a big rock, and there were three tiger monsters around.


Qin Wang reached out and touched the storage bag, and suddenly, the Qingyou small sword flew out and pierced the three tiger monsters in the distance!



The three tiger monsters were killed by the Qingyou small sword and fell to the ground. Qin Wang's figure flashed and appeared next to the purple-clothed female cultivator on the big rock.

"Three broken ribs, fractured arms, dislocated internal organs, bloody body. Not a single piece of healthy skin. Is this the goddess Jiu Zi of the Wu clan?"

Qin Wang looked at the bloody female cultivator on the ground and was immediately confused.

Aren't the saints of the holy land and the goddesses of the Wu clan all stunningly beautiful?

This bloody body has nothing to do with stunning beauty.

"Take her back first."

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he instantly picked up Jiu Zi and walked towards his cave. Not long after, he entered the cave.

Qin Wang put the bloody Jiu Zi on a wooden bed. This wooden bed was found in the storage bag of some unlucky guy, and now it came in handy.

Qin Wang used his magic power to restore Jiu Zi's internal organs, connect broken bones, and restore meridians. At the same time, he took out a healing pill and passed it into her mouth with magic power.

"The injury is too severe. I won't be able to wake up for a while."

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi and thought to himself.

He saw three storage bags on Jiuzi's waist. He did not move them. Instead, he sat down cross-legged and began to take the Condensation Pill to improve his cultivation proficiency.

Just when Qin Wang rescued Jiu Zi.

The entire south of Tiannanfang City, with a radius of twenty miles, has become a ruin. In the middle of the ruins, there is a large dark pit that is several miles in radius and several feet deep.

In the sky.

Thunder Tribulation has disappeared without a trace.


"Gua is finally out of trouble. The Sima family"

A frog cry that shook the world resounded from the ruins, and a terrifying monster pressure comparable to the Nascent Soul swept across all directions!

A green light with blood red streaks rushed towards the Tianxia Mountains in the distance and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Among the ruins.

A gray cocoon of light exuding gray mist opened up the rubble bricks covering it. A slender female cultivator with a peerless appearance held up this gray 'cocoon' and looked at the ruins of Tiannan all around. Fangshi showed a look of disbelief.

"The south side of Tiannanfang City was destroyed because of the Jade Blood Toad King's Tribulation."

"I'm not dead. This gray cocoon protected me and blocked the tribulation-transmitting thunder of the Jasper Blood Toad King."

Feeling the pressure of the monster beast gradually dissipating, Wanyan Meng breathed a sigh of relief, spread out her body, and galloped away into the distance.


Wanyanmeng just wants to stay as far away from Tiannanfang City as possible.

Although the south side was destroyed, there were still three east, north, and west squares and most of the main city.

Now the monks in the distance are afraid of the demonic power of the Jasper Blood Toad King and dare not approach. Now that the Jasper Blood Toad King has left, these monks will definitely come closer to check. Once they are discovered by other monks, it will be difficult to escape.

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