Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 185 The Witch King Arrives! Bathing! Mutation! [Please subscribe!]

"Damn Chu Yunxiao! Are 8.3 million monks tracking me? Among them, there are actually 2,117 foundation-building monks tracking my incarnation, Qin Tiedan?"

"Twenty-eight Nascent Souls are interested in my mysterious identity? Two hundred and thirteen Golden Cores are inquiring about me?"

Qin Wang looked at the 9th and 10th messages, and his heart suddenly trembled.

"From now on, we must be extremely careful. One mistake could lead to death!"

Qin Wang looked at the last two pieces of information and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

From now on, every step you take needs to be considered carefully!

There can be no mistakes or omissions at all!

There are so many high-level monks tracking him, and if he is not careful, he will die!


"First get rid of the Witch Soul tracking of Witch King Manlin!"

Qin Wang suppressed the worries in his heart and planned to go to Tiannanfang City first to successfully prepare the moldy blood bathing soup.

Think of this.

Qin Wang looked at Wanyan Meng who was sitting cross-legged beside him and said. "Miss Wanyan, I need your help with something!"

"If you need any help, tell me."

Wan Yanmeng opened her eyes and looked at Qin Wang.

"I got news that someone has used a difficult tracking technique on me, but I am not his opponent, but I have a way to prevent him from tracking me. This method requires a drop of your blood, because you His blood contains the power of the 'bad luck' curse, which can resist this person's tracking technique!"

Qin Wang looked at Wan Yanmeng and said in a deep voice.

He knew it.

If he smeared the moldy blood bathing soup on his body according to the information provided, when the time comes, when the Witch King Manlin uses his shaman soul to track him, he will inevitably be counterattacked by the curse on the moldy blood and become extremely unlucky.

Wanyan dreamed about it and asked. "Is one drop of blood enough?"


Qin Wang nodded.

Intelligence shows that a moldy blood bath only requires one drop of blood.


Wan Yanmeng nodded, immediately stretched out her white hands, forced out three drops of blood, flew them in front of Qin Wang, and said. "One drop is probably not enough, so three drops!"


Qin Wang nodded to Wanyanmeng, put away the three drops of blood, waved his hand to the storage bag, took out a sandalwood box, and flew it in front of Wanyanmeng.

"What's this?"

Wanyanmeng looked at the sandalwood box floating in front of her, showing doubts.

"This is a phantom fruit, which will compensate you for the consumption of these three drops of blood!"

Qin Wang smiled slightly and said.

"Just a few drops of blood"

Wanyan Meng smiled brightly and accepted the Phantom Fruit. As far as she knew, this Phantom Fruit was the main ingredient in refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, and she couldn't refuse.

"Miss Wanyan, I am going to Tiannanfang City to buy some needed medicinal materials. You can practice here and don't run around. Three members of the Murong family are investigating the cause of Murong Zhan's death."

Qin Wang tidied up and said to Wan Yanmeng.

He was going to Fangshi and wanted to convey the news of the presence of the Witch King Man to the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty to the three Witch Kings of the Witch Clan.

"Well, you go ahead!"

Wan Yanmeng nodded.

Qin Wang nodded to Wan Yanmeng and turned to leave.

Tiannanfang City.

"That Qin Tiedan is really powerful! Tianchu Immortal Dynasty sent out so many foundation building and golden elixirs, but they couldn't even find the slightest clue about him!"

"Yes, this man is so strong that he can kill the Eighteenth King Chu Ping. I estimate that he must have been promoted to Foundation Establishment in the Blessed Land of All Souls!"

"There is also that mysterious man who exposed that Patriarch Tianchu had obtained the divine transformation inheritance from Patriarch Tianxiao. Tianchu placed a bounty on him throughout the Southern Territory, but could not find any trace of this mysterious man!"


In a casual cultivator square, more than a dozen casual cultivators gathered in front of a medicine shop, discussing the news about the most popular reward offered by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty recently.

"Several fellow Taoists, as far as I know, the Witch King Manlin from the Witch Domain has reached a deal with Emperor Chu Wuya and will use the 'Shaman Soul Tracking' to target Qin Tiedan and the mysterious person who was exposed. Where is it!”

"I'm really looking forward to it. When the time comes, we'll know who that mysterious person is!"

At this time, a monk in green clothes of medium build, about fifty years old, and at the seventh level of Qi refining stage, squeezed into the crowd and interjected.

"How did you learn about this fellow Taoist?"

"Fellow Taoist, please elaborate!"


The casual cultivators who were discussing together immediately surrounded the monk in green upon hearing his words.

"Fellow Taoists, I also heard about it in Xifang, and it is being spread over there. As for the specific details, I am not very clear about it!"

The monk in green waved his hand and said.

"I see!"

"As far as I know, the Witch Clan's methods are indeed rather weird. Once this Shaman Soul is tracked, I'm afraid the exposed mysterious person will soon come to light!"


The casual cultivators who were talking a lot did not continue to ask questions when they heard what the monk in green said.

The monk in green chatted for a while, then left this gathering place for casual cultivators and went to another place to spread the news.

"The news that the Witch King Manlin is currently in the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty has spread. As long as the three Witch Kings come to Tiannanfang City, they will know that they will hunt down the Witch King Manlin! "

Five hours later.

Qin Wang was dressed in black and stood thirty miles away from Tiannanfang City. He looked at Fangshi in the distance with a look of expectation in his eyes.

In order to spread the news that the Witch King Man is present in Tianchu.

Qin Wang abandoned a soul seed.

"Now, it's time to go back and prepare the moldy blood bathing soup!"

Qin Wang murmured to himself.

Just when he controlled the soul seeds and discussed with others, he spread the news that the Witch King Man was present at the Tianchu Palace.

Zhang Fujiang has already purchased the 18 medicinal materials needed to prepare the moldy blood bath soup.


It was pitch black and there was no moon.

In the cave one hundred and fifty miles away at Falling Eagle Cliff, Qin Wang asked Zhang Fujiang to dig out another cave. Inside was a huge wooden bath bucket, and inside was the moldy blood bath soup he had just made. .

This moldy blood bath soup is light black in color, exudes a faint medicinal fragrance, and a hint of blood.

Qin Wang took off his clothes, jumped in, and started scrubbing his body with the prepared moldy blood bath soup.

Qin Wang scrubbed and washed for half an hour before getting up.

Just an hour after Qin Wang took a bath in the moldy blood bath.

The Imperial City of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

To the east, there is a white jade square with a radius of thousands of feet, surrounded by luxurious halls.

In the middle of the square, there is an altar five feet square.

A middle-aged monk in his forties, with raised eyebrows and strange clothes, sat cross-legged in the altar. Around his body, there were tables, chairs, wooden beds and some daily necessities.

Beside the altar stood a middle-aged man wearing royal robes and several scribes.

The middle-aged monk kept making secrets, and the gray magic spells landed on the tables, chairs, wooden beds and other daily necessities around him. At the same time, gray auras curled up on the tables and chairs.

These gray auras continued to rotate in front of the middle-aged monk, forming a gray vortex as big as the mouth of a bowl.


Suddenly, the middle-aged monk bit the tip of his tongue, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which fell into the gray vortex.

The gray vortex intertwined with the essence and blood, forming a bloody vortex.

"Wake it up for me!"

The middle-aged monk shouted loudly, stretched out his hand, and the blood-colored vortex twisted for a while, and finally formed a light red figure. The figure had a vague face. The middle-aged monk continued to cast spells and merged into the figure. , the figure’s face gradually became clearer!

Qin Tiedan's face formed.

"It's him! Qin Tiedan!"

"It's this thief!!"

Chu Wuya, who was standing aside to watch the Witch King Manlin perform the Shaman Soul Tracking, gritted his teeth when he saw the bloody figure's face condensed in the air.

at the same time.

A middle-aged scribe standing next to Emperor Chu fired a spell and instantly imprinted the bloody figure into the jade slip for later pursuit.


Witch King Manlin faced the bloody "Qin Tiedan" light and shadow in front of him and cast another spell. Suddenly, the figure of "Qin Tiedan" became more solid and floated to the east!

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Chu, Qin Tiedan, the man who killed eighteen kings, is in the east!"

"I still want to track down the location of the mysterious person who slandered Tianchu. Your Majesty can send someone to follow this witch soul to arrest him!"

Man Lin stretched out his claws like chicken claws and grabbed the bloody figure of 'Qin Tiedan'. He waved his hand again, and a big vat suddenly appeared. He was ready to put the bloody figure of 'Qin Tiedan' in it. Go in.

Just when Man Lin was about to pretend to be a bloody figure.

Suddenly, a gray aura escaped from 'Qin Tiedan', followed Man Lin's arm, penetrated into his body, and disappeared!

"This. What is this?"

Man Lin sensed this gray aura, and suddenly his heart trembled, and he felt a bad feeling.

Chu Wuya on the side also frowned slightly.

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