Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 197 White Phoenix Ring? Saint Fengyao? Tianchu Imperial City! The power of the Barbarian God

"Does the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty have ancient hieroglyphic books?"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information and felt something in his heart.

I just happened to be going to Tianchu Immortal Dynasty to bring bad luck to them, so I could do both things at the same time.


"Is there a fragment of the Skyfire Tower in Yan Cangwu's storage bag?"

Qin Wang's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the second piece of information. Shouldn't he take this to restore Wu Su's soul?

"The left hand of the Barbarian God, with my current consciousness, can I exert a little power to kill the fake alchemy monk?"

"This is good!"

"Currently, this is the biggest trump card in my hand!"

Seeing the third piece of information, Qin Wang was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

With this powerful trump card, it is equivalent to being invincible under the golden elixir!

"On the way to Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, maybe we can attract some enemies to Tianchu Immortal Dynasty!"

"It's better to start a war!"

Qin Wang looked at the 7th and 8th pieces of information, and his heart moved.

Only in this way can the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty decline and be weakened. It is best to let the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty perish. Only in this way can the wanted revenge of the Southern Territory be avenged!

The wanted hatred is irreconcilable!

The Southern Territory is thousands of miles away from the Central Territory.

This is where Fengyao Holy Land is located.

Fengyao Holy Land is located tens of thousands of miles around. Here, a giant spirit gathering array is set up. The spiritual energy is flowing. You can even see the flow of spiritual energy in the air, and the spiritual mist is lingering.

There are cranes flying in the sky.

In the holy land, from time to time, there will be monks dressed in white, with swords rising into the sky, looking very cool and unrestrained.

In the center of Fengyao Holy Land, in a magnificent hall.

"Qin Tiedan?"

"How come the person wanted by Tianchu Immortal Dynasty looks so similar to my elder brother? So similar!"

"There are actually such similar people in the world!"

A girl in white clothes, about thirteen or fourteen years old, looked at a pale white jade slip in her hand, with surprise in her beautiful eyes.

The girl has a graceful figure, exquisite facial features, long hair like a waterfall, and an oval-shaped chip in the middle of her forehead. The whole person has a noble temperament.

Although she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, she has already begun to show her beauty.

It is conceivable that when she reaches the age of twenty years, she will definitely be a stunning beauty that will captivate the entire country.


The girl in white had a clear voice.

"Saint, I'm here."

In a flash of light, an old woman in her sixties, dressed in black, appeared in front of the girl in white, clasping her fists respectfully.

"Is there any more detailed information about Qin Tiedan who is wanted by Chu Xianchao today?"

Saint Feng Yao looked at the old woman, her beautiful eyes flashed, and asked.

"Holy girl, according to what grandma knows, Qin Tiedan killed Chu Yunxiao's spiritual clone and the eighteenth prince of Tianchu. Therefore, Chu Yunxiao paid a heavy reward to arrest him! I don't know the rest. I will go find out later. Let’s report to the Saint again!”

The old woman clasped her fists and said.

"Okay, thank you, grandma!"

Saint Fengyao looked at the old woman and nodded.

The old woman bowed to Saint Fengyao and hid in the darkness.

"Brother, this man looks so much like you. Where are you now? Are you okay?"

Saint Feng Yao looked at the mountains shrouded in spiritual mist in the distance outside the hall and murmured.

Tiannanfang City.

a long distance away.

In a deserted valley.

Qin Wang stood in the valley. More than ten feet away was a mountain about a hundred feet high and several miles in radius, with towering trees on it.

On the ground in front of him, there lay a huge hand that was more than ten feet long, with one finger as thick as his thigh.

This hand only has the palm and elbow, and the five fingers are curved. It is light yellow in color, has bulging muscles, enlarged pores, and is extremely hard. It exudes a terrifying aura.

"Look at the power of this hand!"

Qin Wang looked at the left hand of the Barbarian God in front of him, and his spiritual consciousness enveloped it. With a wave of his hands, a burst of magic rolled out and he lifted it up. This hand was quite heavy. Just when Qin Wang raised his left hand and waved it forward, moment.

He only felt the left hand of the barbarian god tremble, and a terrifying power inside was actually triggered!


As he waved forward!

From this hand, a thirty-foot-long bloody light beam was shot out, and the light beam shot into the hundred-foot-high mountain in front!



There was a shocking loud noise!

The blood-colored light beam shot into the mountain, and the ground was like an earthquake. The hundred-foot-high mountain exploded from the inside instantly. Qin Wang felt his eyes go dark. He found that the mountain soil was falling on him, and he had no time to avoid it. He quickly used the left hand of the Barbarian God as a Barrier, stand in front of you!

The soil dispersed.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

A black figure rose into the sky holding a giant arm one foot in size!

As he waved, he put away his giant hand, and a purple spiritual sword appeared at his feet. Looking at the 'hundred-foot' tall mountain that was only half of the height not far away, he widened his eyes and murmured. "As expected of the Barbarian God's left hand, the power of this blow is indeed huge!"

Qin Wang found out.

He had just tried the power of the Barbarian God's left hand, and with one blow, half of the hundred-foot-high mountain collapsed.

The soil thrown up by the explosion directly buried him.

"With this barbarian god's left hand, with one blow, even the fake elixir realm will kill me! It's so cool!"

Qin Wang looked at the mountain halfway up, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Qin Wang immediately cast a dust-removing technique on him.

His robes were as clean as new, and he sped away with his sword.

Three months later.

Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

Tianchu Imperial City.

Luofeng Mountains.

Qin Wang put his hands behind his back and stood on a peak about a thousand feet high. Next to him, stood Wan Yanmeng.

Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu followed at a distance, not daring to get close to Wan Yanmeng.

"You guys can open up a cave here to practice cultivation while Wanyanmeng and I go to Tianchu Imperial City to have a look."

Qin Wang said to the two slaves behind him.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu both nodded and agreed.


Qin Wang nodded to the two of them and left with Wanyanmeng's sword.

Five days later.

Thirty miles away from Tianchu Imperial City, there is a valley full of wild flowers.

Qin Wang transformed into a fat-faced man with a big belly in his thirties, and Wan Yanmeng transformed into a fat woman in her thirties. It had been two days since they arrived outside the Tianchu Imperial City.

"Wan Yanmeng, I'll have to work hard on you from now on!"

"I'll wait for you here."

Qin Wang looked at Wan Yanmeng and smiled slightly.

Qin Wang is not ready to go to the imperial city.

after all.

He is wanted by Tianchu, and he is hiding here. He can know the result of Wanyanmeng bringing bad luck to Tianchu Imperial City by collecting information.

Although he could disguise himself, for safety reasons, he decided to let Wan Yanmeng wander around the imperial city alone.

After all, she has already established a foundation.


Wan Yanmeng nodded, reached out to touch the storage bag, took out a palm-sized white porcelain bottle, and handed it to Qin Wang. "Li Xiaoye, this is for you."

"What's this?"

Qin Wang asked without taking the white porcelain bottle.

"Here are fifty drops of my blood, for you in case of emergency."

Wanyanmeng looked at Qin Wang, her beautiful eyes flashing.

"Huh? Fifty drops is so much!?"

"As long as you wander around the imperial city for a while, it's going to hurt your health!"

Qin Wang waved his hands repeatedly. He did not expect that Wan Yanmeng would actually force the blood out of him.

"Take it, you help me build the foundation, I can't just do nothing, right?"

"This little blood, I just need to take more supplements and it will be fine."

Wanyan Meng smiled sweetly and said.

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