Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 199 Wanyan Meng's persistence, Mou Tian Chu's ancestral lineage! [Please subscribe

"The golden elixir Chu Hanfeng of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty chased Qingniuji?"

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes when looking at the seventh piece of information, and a murderous intention flashed past him.

He didn't expect that.

On this day, Chu Xianchao actually tracked Qingniu Ji.


Chu Hanfeng had already rushed to nothing, and it was useless to send people to guard there. He didn't know when he could go back. Even if he went back, it would be decades or hundreds of years later.

By then, it’s impossible to still build foundations, right?

I'm afraid it's all golden elixir!

"In the Luoxia Mountains of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, there is news that the Dayan Jindan Yan Qingxia was incarnated 500 years ago, and there are mysterious fragments in it? It seems that after going to the Tianchu Ancestral Vein Golden Dragon Collection, I have to go to the Luoxia Mountains "

Qin Wang looked at the 8th piece of information, his heart moved, and he thought to himself.

Jindan Yan Qingxia’s cave is based on the news that there are mysterious fragments inside.

He must go there.

To know.

This mysterious treasure was broken into 50 pieces. One piece could increase his consciousness, making his consciousness far higher than the same level. He was looking forward to what kind of powerful magical effect he would have after gathering 50 pieces!

"In one and a half months, there will be a Nascent Soul War in the Imperial City of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty?"

"Suggest I avoid it as soon as possible?"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information and murmured. "Let Wan Yanmeng wander around the imperial city for half a month, and then leave!"

Qin Wang finished reading the 10 pieces of information and closed the panel.

Take out a pill and drink it to improve your cultivation proficiency.

Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, Imperial City, East City.

A woman in her 40s was strolling around Tianchu Imperial City.

"I've been traveling around the Imperial City for almost half a month. I wonder if it's okay?"

Wan Yanmeng stood beside the two-foot high wall of the imperial city, with a thoughtful look in her beautiful eyes.

Over the past ten days.

She stayed at the Dengxianling Inn, practiced at night, and wandered outside the imperial city at dawn.

"I wonder if it will work if I wander like this? Li Xiaoye helped me build my foundation. I can't let him down..."

Wanyanmeng looked at the red-painted inner wall of the imperial city, with determination in her beautiful eyes. She spread her palms and started using her magic power. Suddenly, a drop of blood the size of a soybean appeared on her palms. Wanyanmeng reached out and drew This drop of blood was smeared on the red paint city wall.

The blood fell on the city wall and dried up instantly, leaving a trace of blood.

After wiping off this drop of blood, Wan Yanmeng walked forward again. After walking four or five miles, she stretched out her hand and forced out another drop of blood and smeared it on the wall of Tianchu Imperial City.

time flies.

Three days later.

At the inner gate of Tianchu Imperial City, Wan Yanmeng looked at the tall gate and the four armored monks guarding the gate. Her face showed a hint of paleness, her breath was a little sluggish, and she thought to herself. "With my bad luck blood, if I apply a drop of blood every four or five miles in Tianchu Imperial City, it should be fine."

Wanyanmeng took a deep look at the red-painted walls of the imperial city, spread out her body, and headed out of the city.

I don't know if she lost too much blood, but her steps staggered a little.


Tianchu Imperial City is fifty miles away.

[You sent Wanyan Meng to wander around the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty for half a month, and obtained information. Wanyan Meng has been wandering around the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty Imperial City for half a month. She is worried that it will not be effective and will not be able to repay your help in building the building. Ji Zhien directly forced out his own blood and smeared it on the inner city wall of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. Tianchu Immortal Dynasty successfully contaminated Wanyanmeng with 10% of the ancient curse power! Wanyanmeng lost too much blood. If it is not replenished in time, her cultivation level may fall to the Qi refining stage! 】

Qin Wang sat cross-legged in the cave, looking at a piece of information on his panel with shock in his eyes. "Unexpectedly, Wan Yanmeng actually wiped a circle on the wall of Tianchu Imperial City with his own blood. This!"

In order to take advantage of the curse and bad luck on Wanyan Meng, Qin Wang tricked the Chu Immortal Dynasty and just asked her to circle around the Tianchu Immortal City for half a month. Little did he know that Wan Yanmeng was worried that the effect would not be effective and would not be able to repay his help. In order to express his kindness, he directly wiped his own blood on the city wall of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

This silly girl is too persistent.


The effect caused by this.

It was the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty that was contaminated by Wanyan Meng's 10% ancient curse power.

This is what Qin Wang wants to see.

However, Wanyanmeng paid too much.

"Today is the seventeenth day, Wan Yanmeng should be back!"

"When the time comes, use the thousand-year spiritual essence to help her replenish her vitality!"

Qin Wang put away the intelligence panel and muttered to himself.

Right now.

When he reached out with his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that a ray of light flew from the sky ten miles away and landed in front of his cave.

"Miss Wanyan, you are back!"

Qin Wang's figure flashed and appeared outside the cave.

Qin Wang found that Wanyanmeng's face was pale at this time, his breath was sluggish, and he seemed to be severely weakened.

"Li Xiaoye, I followed your request and walked around the imperial city for half a month. I don't know if it will work."

Wan Yanmeng smiled at Qin Wang and said, Qin Wang found that her eye circles were actually deep-set.

"Miss Wanyan, you are perfect, thank you for your hard work!"

Qin Wang took a step forward and said in a gentle tone.

"It's not hard, this is what I should do. If it weren't for you, where would I be able to build the foundation now?"

Wan Yanmeng waved her hand, smiled at Qin Wang, and said.

"Miss Wanyan, please meditate for a while and absorb these drops of thousand-year spiritual essence!" Qin Wang finished speaking, touched the storage bag, took out the last ten drops of thousand-year spiritual essence, and handed it to Wanyan Meng .

"This is too precious! I can't ask for it anymore, you already gave me five drops!" When Wan Yanmeng saw Qin Wang taking out the thousand-year spiritual essence, she immediately waved her hand, determined not to take it.

"You look pale, and you look like you've lost too much blood. Did you smear your own blood on that wall?"

"If you don't repair it, what will you do if you damage the foundation?!"

Qin Wang said in a deep voice.

"Ah, how did you know?"

When Wan Yanmeng heard this, her bright eyes widened with disbelief. She looked at Qin Wang with doubts in her heart.

Could it be that Li Xiaoye also went to the Imperial City and saw it?

"Take it and recover first!"

Qin Wang's tone was a bit commanding as he put the white porcelain bottle into Wan Yanmeng's hand and said. "I can imagine it. You look like this. You have lost too much blood. You must have forced out your own blood..."

"I'm also worried that it won't be effective, that I won't be able to help you, and that I'll miss your mission, so..."

Wanyanmeng said weakly.

"First take the Millennium Spiritual Essence to recover. We will leave early tomorrow morning. It is not safe for the Nascent Souls of the Southern Territory to gather here."

Qin Wang waved his hand to Wanyanmeng and said.


Wan Yanmeng nodded, turned around and entered the side cave, and began to take the thousand-year spiritual essence to restore his vitality.

Early the next day.

Wan Yanmeng recovered a little.

Qin Wang took Wanyanmeng, Zhang Fujiang, and Yan Cangwu to Jinlongji.

Qin Wang has found out that the Golden Dragon Collection is in the southwest of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, more than 10,000 miles away from the imperial city of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

"According to intelligence, if Chu Yunxiao does not resolve the problem of moldy blood bathing soup being placed on the ancestral line of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, his Chu family lineage will suffer bad luck one after another and rapidly decline!"

Qin Wang looked at the display on the intelligence with anticipation in his eyes.

This Chu Yunxiao is so hateful.

The entire Southern Territory wanted him.

He must be tricked to death in order to relieve his hatred!

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