Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 202 Li Qiye, we are destined to be together! The Holy Fruit of Longevity! [Please subscribe]

"Yes, ancestor!"

Chu Wuya responded respectfully and turned around to arrange the matter of moving the capital.

Right now.

Chu Yunxiao suddenly looked at Dongfang, his face becoming very ugly.

At the same time, the several Nascent Souls behind Chu Yunxiao also frowned and looked to the east, where a powerful figure stood on the top of a mountain.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, do you have time for us to find a place to discuss things?"

A voice transmission sounded in Chu Yunxiao's ears.

"Damn it! It's Tuoba Xiongfeng again!"

Chu Yunxiao frowned deeply.

This is the fifth time Tuoba Xiongfeng has come to his door. This is not achieving his goal, so he won’t give up!


Tuoba Xiongfeng was the only one, and he wasn't afraid.


Following him with the same purpose were Nascent Soul cultivators from the five major Immortal Sects, the three major Immortal Dynasties, and the four major aristocratic families in the Southern Region.

Nothing else.

This divine transformation inheritance is too tempting.

"Damn you bitch, I didn't provoke you, how dare you expose me like this!"

"If I catch you one day, I will definitely skin you and cramp you, extract your soul and refine it, light a sky lantern, and refine your soul for thousands of years, in order to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

At this moment, Chu Yunxiao hated the mysterious man to the extreme.

But there is nothing we can do.

The mysterious man's whereabouts could not be found at all.

"Fellow Taoba Tuoba, I have already said that I do not have the inheritance of ancestor Tianxiao's god transformation. I, Tianchu, are already looking for that mysterious man. As long as I find him, I will be able to clear my name!"

Chu Yunxiao also sent a message.

He hated that mysterious man and Tuoba Xiongfeng very much.

But he had to greet him with a smile.

Facing the entire Nascent Soul cultivators in the Southern Territory, he did not dare to turn against him, so he could only try his best to delay and wait to find the mysterious man.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, I think you also know in your heart that all the Daoist Yuan Yings in the entire Southern Territory are currently in your Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. I also know the difficulty of you, and I won't let you take it out in vain!"

"I'm willing to give you something in exchange, how about that?!"

"I remember, Brother Daoist Chu, you are already 1,020 years old this year, right? Your longevity is running out, right? I am willing to give you a Holy Fruit of Tianshou and an ancient treasure in exchange for participating in the inheritance of the God of Transformation with you, and , I can make a great oath and never tell the third person that you have obtained the inheritance of becoming a god, how about that?”

At this moment, a message came from Chu Yunxiao's ears.


Hearing the voice transmission in his mind, Chu Yunxiao's heart suddenly moved.

Tuoba Xiongfeng's words hit home.

He has advanced to the Nascent Soul for hundreds of years and has reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul, but he has never been able to break through the transformation into a god. This time, he successfully obtained the inheritance from ancestor Tian Xiao.

But because his spiritual incarnation was destroyed, his breakthrough into divine transformation was delayed for 30 years.

His unwillingness to hand over the inheritance of transformation into gods was also out of selfish motives.

Who would want someone of the same level to break through before themselves?

Being at the same starting line, why did you become richer than me?

But there is a premise for this, your life span must be enough.

He knew in his heart that he still had 200 years of life left. 200 years seemed like a lot, but for Chu Yunxiao, who had lived for 1,000 years, nearly a hundred years had passed in just one retreat.

200 years is really not much.

If you can get this Holy Fruit of Longevity, your life span will be increased by 100 years!

There are many more variables in the future.

"Fellow Taoba Tuoba, can I exchange other treasures for your Holy Fruit of Longevity?"

Chu Yunxiao looked at Tuoba Xiongfeng in the distance and said in a message.

He still did not admit that he had the inheritance of becoming a god.

"I'll wait for you at Tianji Peak, 300 miles away."

Tuoba Xiongfeng didn't say much. He immediately left the message and left.

Chu Yunxiao looked at Tuoba Xiongfeng's leaving figure with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Luoxia Mountains.

Stretching for one hundred thousand miles.

There are high mountains, towering ancient trees, and poisonous miasma.

There are countless monsters among them, and there are even legends that there are terrifying monsters that are comparable to those in the Nascent Soul stage.

Here, monks from Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, Dayan Immortal Dynasty, Daqi Immortal Dynasty, as well as many sects and aristocratic families come to obtain resources and gain experience.

"I heard that Senior Yan Qingxia is good at refining elixirs, especially dust-falling pills. If I could enter his cave and get a dust-falling pill, I would be satisfied?"

"Me too, I'm in the late stage of foundation building now, and I should be able to try forming pills in a few years! I just need Dust Falling Pills!"

"Can the elixir from five hundred years ago be used? Is it enough to get the alchemy inheritance?"

"As expected of Qi Yunjie, from a family of formations. I've been wandering here for three days and haven't found Yan Qingxia's inheritance. He found the formations within half a day of his arrival! It seems he still needs to be proficient in formations!"


at this time.

300 miles away from the Luoxia Mountains, under a hundred-foot cliff, more than a hundred monks have gathered. Most of these monks are in the foundation building stage, and there are also many monks in the late stage of Qi training stage.

They were all in groups, looking at the stone wall not far away, pointing and talking.

"Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, we act separately and keep in communication at all times!"

Qin Wang has transformed into a young monk in his 20s with a sallow complexion, and Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu have also transformed into young people in their 20s.

As for Wan Yanmeng, she disguised herself as a woman in her 40s.

The four of them stood behind the crowd and looked at the distant cliff where an extraordinary young monk, about twenty-four or five years old, and three middle-aged men were breaking the formation.

"Master, the young man who broke the formation is Qi Yunjie, the prodigy of the Great Qi Dynasty. He once ranked among the Hidden Dragon List and has now broken through the foundation building stage. The three people behind him should be his protectors."

Behind Qin Wang, Yan Cangwu stepped forward and introduced.

As a cultivator of the Great Yan Dynasty, Yan Cangwu knows the geniuses and disciples of the major dynasties very well.

"Qi Yunjie?"

Hearing this, Qin Wang looked at Qi Yunjie for a few times, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Wanyan Meng sent a message to Qin Wang, and then dispersed and stood behind the crowd to watch Qi Yunjie break the formation.

"In the path of cultivation, formations are indispensable, and my formations still need to be improved!"

Qin Wang looked at Qi Yunjie in the distance and made a secret decision in his heart.

I have a liver attribute panel, as long as I work hard, I can improve it. Learning formations will be of great help to my future!

Qin Wang thought of this and searched in his storage bag for a while and found a pile of formation books.

The first-level [Battle of Formation], [Essence of Formation], [Five Elements Escape], etc., etc.

The second-level [Mastery of Formation].

Qin Wang stood behind the crowd and watched Qi Yunjie break the formation. It was not because he had nothing to do, but because he watched Qi Yunjie's formation. When it was early in the morning, he could refresh the detailed information about the formation.

Intelligence panel!

Must be used well.

This is also his biggest reliance!

"Huh? It's him?"

"He's here too?!"

Qin Wang stood behind the crowd for half an hour. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure squeezed over. Seeing that figure, Qin Wang's eyes widened and showed a look of surprise.

This familiar person was Li Qiye, who Qin Wang was very familiar with!


At this time, Qin Wang had changed his appearance, and Li Qiye didn't recognize him.

"The intelligence shows that this Li Qiye has extremely high luck. He will not go to a place without treasures and will basically not come back empty-handed. It is very difficult for others to get treasures..."

"Get in touch with him more and try his luck! See if you can get information about Li Qiye!"

Qin Wang thought of this and immediately walked forward as if nothing had happened, clasped his fists and asked. "Excuse me, fellow Taoist. I am Li Yunye. I just came here. I wonder what you fellow Taoists are doing here? Are there any treasures in there?"

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