Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 21: Refreshed Intelligence! Jade Soul Lock, Young Master of the Chen Family

"Little Chi Yang Kung?"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up when he looked at the three big characters on the title page of the book.

I immediately opened it, flipped through it, and saw many figures of human figures meditating inside, as well as red lines drawing running routes. I immediately stuffed it into my arms, put away the silver ingots, silver notes, and jade stones, and turned around to leave.

Not long after.

Qin Wang wanted to go back the same way, but found that the wall was more than one foot high and had no legs. He immediately went to the front door, climbed over the wall from a flower bed, and walked away.

More than an hour later.

Qin Wang returned to his rented house in a zigzag manner.

"You still have to practice Qinggong quickly. You can't even climb a wall that's more than a foot high."

"How will we rescue Qin Xuemei when the time comes?"

Qin Wang thought of the scene in Zheng Kecheng's hiding place, and secretly decided to practice light kung fu at the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School.

"Internal strength and mental method!"

Qin Wang closed the door, inserted the downbolt, and then used a stick to hold it back. This has become his habit. Although holding the door back may not be able to block the palm of a master, this is the only thing he can do as a weak man at the moment. .

Do your best to the best of your ability.

Qin Wang didn't count the money, but took out the little Chi Yang Kung secret book from his pocket and started to read it.

There are a total of four pictures of human figures sitting cross-legged inside.

There are also comments in small letters beside the graphics. The matters that need attention are very detailed.

This Little Red Yang Kung Fu is aimed at cultivating a body with pure Yang inner strength. It is a technique practiced by men, and is easier to practice on a boy's body.

After cultivating to a certain level, one can imbue swords and other weapons with internal energy, and can even send out the power of volleying red sun palms to shock the enemy to death.

Qin Wang read the secret book and then looked at the banknotes and silver coins he got from Zheng Kecheng's house.

There are 65 taels of silver, and the silver notes are all 50 taels each. There are 11 in total, which is 550 taels of silver. After all, it is 615 taels of silver.

"Zheng Kecheng is the chief arrester of Yanyun County. It's impossible for him to only have such a small amount of money?"

"Could it be that he went to Youzhou County to do some business and took away most of the money?"

Qin Wang had a thoughtful look in his eyes, this was the only possibility.

Since he wants to make progress, it is essential to collect bribes and silver. He must take most of his property with him. After all, as long as he climbs higher, the money he paid can be returned quickly.

"This topaz stone is ice cold, but it's a pity that it has no holes, otherwise it could be worn!"

Qin Wang picked up the yellow jade stone next to him and thought to himself.

This piece of jade must be valuable if Zheng Kecheng can put it in the closet.

"Let's take a look at today's information first!"

Qin Wang put away the silver coins and yellow jade stones, and with a sudden awareness, a book page appeared in front of him.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: Yesterday you paid attention to the murder case of the tooth merchant Yan Po and obtained relevant information. Ji Shun, the deputy chief arrest officer, found Yan Po’s account books of buying and selling young girls over the years in another house of Yan Po’s son, and determined that Yan Po was killed. To a vendetta, the murderer is being tracked down. 】

[2: Yesterday, you handed over 5 copper coins monthly to Heijiang Gang Tiewen and obtained relevant information. Ji Zhang, the leader of Heijiang Gang, practices magic skills and must absorb the blood of one person every half month. Rabbits do not eat grass beside their nests. Ji Zhang’s magic skills In case of an attack, it is possible to arrest someone nearby and suck their blood. 】

[3: You got Zheng Kecheng’s inner strength secret book Xiao Chiyang Gong yesterday and obtained relevant information. You will start learning Xiao Chiyang Gong in 6 days. 】

[4: You obtained a yellowish jade piece yesterday and obtained relevant information. This jade piece is a soul-locking jade, with a mysterious woman's soul inside. 】

[5: You went to Feiying Martial Arts School yesterday and obtained relevant information. Du Xiang, the master of Feiying Martial Arts School, will fight Lu Ming, the master of Tieyi Martial Arts School, on the edge of the Heijiang River today, regardless of the outcome. 】

[6: You went to Zheng Kecheng’s hiding place yesterday and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng’s concubine Qu Wan returned from her natal home and found that her home was stolen, so she returned to her natal home again. 】

[7: You met Tie Wen, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, yesterday and obtained relevant information. Tie Wen is not willing to be just a small leader. He wants to make progress too much. He plans to find a fat sheep to kill and use it to bribe his boss. 】

[8: You paid attention to the county magistrate Chen Hao yesterday and obtained relevant information. The county magistrate Chen Hao has been unable to go to the toilet for three days and is in pain. All the doctors are restrained, and two old doctors have been beaten for this. 】

[9: You went to the entrance of the Electric Sword Martial Arts Hall yesterday to get relevant information. Jiang Haitian, the owner of the Electric Sword Martial Arts Hall, "Lightning Sword", will secretly watch the battle between Du Xiang and Lu Ming tomorrow, hoping that the fisherman will benefit. 】

[10: Yesterday, you passed the industrial restaurant of the Chen family, one of the four major families, on the street, and obtained relevant information. Chen Yi, the young master of the Chen family, had been spotted by the passing elder of the Taiyi Sword Sect, and was taken away as a disciple. 】

"Have the account books of this vicious old woman Yan Po been found?"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information, and his eyes flashed. Yan Po had done many evil things, and he could be regarded as getting rid of harm for the people.

"Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, practices magic skills and must absorb the blood of one person every half month. His magic skills have recently occurred. Is it possible to arrest someone nearby to suck blood?"

Qin Wang frowned deeply when he saw the second piece of information.

This county has a lot of opportunities, but it also has a lot of dangers. Ji Zhang might be kidnapped at some point to do blood-sucking exercises, so he has to stay away.

As far as Qin Wang knows.

The Heijiang Gang is a gang in the north of the city.

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information again and his eyes lit up. "I will be starting the Little Red Yang Kung Fu in 6 days? This is great!"

"The jade piece obtained from Zheng Kecheng's family is a soul-locking jade? There is a mysterious woman's soul locked inside?"

Qin Wang looked at the 4th piece of information, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

He was still thinking that the jade piece was cold, but it was a pity that there was no hole, otherwise it could be worn, but he didn't expect that there was a ghost inside!

If a ghost is really worn on the chest, it's terrifying to think about it!

"Du Xiang, the owner of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall, and Lu Ming, the owner of the Iron Clothes Martial Arts Hall, fought to a draw?"

Qin Wang looked at the 5th piece of information, his eyes flashed.

He is now learning Qinggong at the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall, and he has to pay more attention to Du Xiang's information.

"Tie Wen wants to kill a fat sheep and make some money to bribe his boss?"

"He wants to climb up?"

Qin Wang looked at the 7th piece of information, frowned slightly, and Tie Wen was not a good guy at first glance.

"County Magistrate Chen Hao has done too many bad things and bullied the people. He deserves it."

Qin Wang skipped the 8th piece of information.

"The young master of the Chen family, one of the four great families, has been spotted by the elders of the Taiyi Sword Sect? Accepted as a disciple?"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information with a look of shock in his eyes.

This young master of the Chen family has really encountered a great opportunity!

Qin Wang frowned immediately.

In the future, if he wants to rescue his sister Qin Xuemei, he must make enemies with the Chen family. It is a bit difficult for Chen Yi of the Chen family to become a disciple of the Taiyi Sword Sect of the Immortal Sect.

Qin Wang also thought about exchanging silver.


At the beginning, Yan Po took a lot of it. If he exchanges it for his sister, he will have to pay dozens of taels of silver.

At present, the silver is available.

But with his identity, taking out so much silver will not withstand scrutiny!

I am afraid that by then, if my sister is not rescued, I will be eaten up by the Chen family!

There are many masters in the Chen family, so he can only take it slowly.

"In order to rescue my sister, I will not hesitate to make enemies!"

Qin Wang took a deep breath and said secretly.

My sister must be saved!

Only if my own strength improves!

Then use the intelligence to find a way!

"Sleep first, get up early tomorrow morning to practice Xiao Chiyang Gong, and then go to Feiying Martial Arts Hall to learn Qinggong!"

Qin Wang took a deep breath and said to himself.

He went to Zheng Kecheng's house tonight, sneaking carefully all the way, his mind was tense, and he was indeed a little tired.

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