Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 212 Pictographic writing is complete, and the star body tempering method is introduced! Axe

"Brother Zhang, you're welcome. If you are interested, we can communicate with each other!"

Hearing this, Master Sima quickly waved his hand and said.

"Okay, let's communicate with each other!"

Qin Wang nodded, looking forward to it.

As long as you can decipher the hieroglyphic star body tempering method, you can cultivate your physical body and give yourself one more trump card in the future!

Although Master Sima is the nephew of the head of the eighteen branches of the Sima family, he has no spiritual roots. Although he has no worries about food and drink, he lives on the outskirts of the branch. Master Sima didn't want to be looked down upon, so he moved out directly.

There is a patio in a small courtyard surrounded by bamboos, and the scenery is very beautiful.


It is the home of Master Sima.

"Brother Zhang, this is a humble house."

Master Sima took Qin Wang to the courtyard, opened the door and walked in, then went straight to the study.

Master Sima's study room is about five feet in diameter, with bookshelves on all four walls filled with classics.

Master Sima took out more than ten classics from a sandalwood box in the corner of the bookshelf, handed them to Qin Wang, and said. "Brother Zhang, these are hieroglyphic classics. I copied them all according to the originals. Please take a look first!"

"so much?"

Qin Wang looked through the more than ten books and was a little shocked.

The words in it are all pictographs, which are similar to Qin Wang's dictionary in his previous life. There are annotations in it. These annotations were all written by Master Sima.

"Well, Brother Zhang, please read it first, and I won't disturb you."

Master Sima gave Qin Wang a cup of tea and then left.

This spiritual tea is a low-grade spiritual tea. Of course, it is not comparable to worldly tea. It should be Master Sima's best tea for entertaining guests.

[Skill: Pictograph (Beginner)]

[Progress: (1/800)]

[Effect: Proficient in ancient hieroglyphs. 】

Qin Wang kept looking through the pictographs, and most of them were based on guesswork. About half an hour later, Qin Wang suddenly discovered that there was an extra skill on the panel.

"Huh? There's actually this extra thing, so great!"

Qin Wang looked at the panel with a look of surprise in his eyes.

With this.

You can absorb the spirit stones and so on. Once you gain proficiency, it will be much faster when you become proficient.


No matter if you are proficient in this classic, you will not be at a loss when encountering the techniques recorded in classical books in the future.

There is no need to overwhelm oneself with many arts.

"Brother Zhang, how are you?"

Three days later, Master Sima looked at Qin Wang who was immersed in studying the classics and asked.

"I've already memorized some of them."

"It should be a month before I can memorize it all!"

Qin Wang said to Master Sima.

He knew in his heart that with this proficiency panel, it should be completed in less than a month.

"I really envy those of you who have spiritual roots and are so powerful that you can fly to the sky and escape from the earth to protect your own things!"

After hearing Qin Wang's words, Master Sima didn't know if he thought of something, and his eyes dimmed.

Qin Wang saw that it touched Master Sima's heart and immediately comforted him. "Brother Sima, I think you have a very high level of understanding. Although you don't have spiritual roots, it doesn't mean you don't have a chance!"

"Your achievements in the future may not be low!"


When Master Sima heard this, his eyes lit up for a moment, then dimmed again, and he said. "Thank you, Brother Zhang, for your comfort. I know my own situation."

Master Sima knew clearly.

Without spiritual roots, there is no way to practice.

If you can't absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, you can only be an ordinary person in this life.

"Your path lies in ancient classics, so work hard!"

Qin Wang thought of the display on the intelligence panel and said immediately.

"In ancient books?"

Master Sima seemed to understand and nodded.

Because he had no spiritual roots, he devoted his time to studying writing and other things.

"Well, I think you are very lucky. Maybe we will meet again in the future!"

Qin Wang nodded.

at this time.

Qin Wang was also very confused.

The intelligence panel is unmistakable. It shows that Master Sima will get alternative cultivation methods from ancient classics in the future?

time flies.

[Skill: Pictograph (Perfect)]

[Effect: Proficient in ancient hieroglyphs. 】

One month later.

One night, a panel flashed in Qin Wang's mind, and information popped up.

At the same time, a majestic flow of information poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, instantly merging with his consciousness. This flow of information was clearly the perfect understanding of ancient hieroglyphics.

This flow of information was instantly controlled by Qin Wang.

this moment.

Qin Wang discovered that he was able to translate ancient hieroglyphics proficiently, and even added a large number of hieroglyphics, which were not found in Sima Shi's classics.

Now, Qin Wang can instantly understand the meaning of those hieroglyphic books written by Master Sima.

"It's finally complete."

"You can practice the star body tempering method!"

Qin Wang waved his hand and took out the hieroglyphic silver scroll.

Qin Wang held a silver scroll in his left hand, and in his right hand he held a silver key-like silver bar about three inches long when he poked it. Suddenly, the scroll emitted bursts of silver light, and the silver light shone. Qin Wang's face was reflected in silver.

Silver hieroglyphic fonts the size of fingernails floated in the room.

Qin Wang knows all these fonts.

"The Star Tempering Method uses the power of stars to temper the physical body, absorbs the brilliance of the stars, and continuously strengthens the physical body. Eventually, the body can be made as strong as a magic weapon!"

Qin Wang looked at these words again and found that he could clearly understand the meaning.

This star body tempering method needs to be practiced outside, allowing the light of the stars to shine on the body, running the technique, and absorbing it into the body to temper the body.

"Try it first!"

Qin Wang's thoughts moved, and his figure immediately flashed and appeared beside a large stone about 10 feet in the wild. There was no one around, only the moonlight and starlight fell on Qin Wang's body.

Qin Wang sat down cross-legged and began to absorb the power of the stars according to the mental method and movement route of the star body tempering method.

Qin Wang's consciousness discovered that at the moment when he was turning his mind.

The starlight scattered in the sky fell on his body, and with the movement of his mind, it penetrated into his skin and flesh.

Temper your body bit by bit.

As the starlight entered his body, Qin Wang felt a faint cooling sensation and a hint of tingling.

This starlight circulates through the meridians of the body as the technique moves, causing numbness and itch, and at the same time, it can actually strengthen the skin and flesh!

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: You successfully completed the hieroglyphics yesterday and obtained information. There are hieroglyphics and golden scrolls in the Tianji Underground Palace. The Tianji Underground Palace is located in the Troll Mountain to the north of Dayu's Immortal Dynasty in Central Continent. Murong Changtian has controlled his cultivation and is preparing to return. A trip to the family, and then to Tianji Di Palace again. 】

[2: You saw Master Sima yesterday and obtained information. Master Sima will realize a brand new way in the future. In the end, he will become your right-hand man and will be of great help to you. 】

[3: You ordered Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu to disguise themselves as Rong to inquire about Tianchu and Daqi. They obtained information that Daqi Nascent Soul monk Qi Feng has sent five golden elixirs to search for your traces. At the same time, Qi Feng personally went to Luo Xia Mountain Range, I am tracking you down. Chu Yunxiao of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty traded the inheritance of the gods to many Nascent Souls in the Southern Territory and got a great harvest. He exchanged it for an ax handle that has the same origin as the ax fragment in your hand. If It will be of great help to you to obtain this section of the ax handle. 】

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