Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 219 Jiang Haotian's Soul and Blood! Giant Bell Talisman [Please Subscribe]

The next moment.

The man slapped the spirit beast bag again, waved his hand and summoned a half-foot-long silver ball that fell to the ground and scattered with a bang. It turned out to be a group of small golden beetles the size of pigeon eggs.

"Go, babies!"

The black-clothed man with a bronze mask showed expectation in his eyes and threw out three big bugs.

The three big bugs flew away like arrows with the small golden beetles in three directions and disappeared in an instant.

After releasing the three big bugs and a group of small bugs, Jiang Haotian was not in a hurry. His figure hid on the side and went forward along the forest to hide his figure.

Jiang Haotian was very cautious.

These silver bugs were his trump card. They were simply sharp teeth. Even spiritual tools in the foundation-building period could be eaten and damaged. A cultivator in the foundation-building period would surely die if he encountered them.

Every time he made a move, he let these bugs lead the way.

So along the way, Jiang Haotian relied on this bug to kill one opponent after another, and he was invincible and obtained a lot of resources.

And his cultivation.

Has reached the false elixir realm.

Now, what he has to do is to find the golden elixir opportunity and step into the golden elixir realm.

He came to the underground trade fair this time to find news about the golden elixir opportunity.


"So many bugs?"

"This bug"

Qin Wang stood on a big rock in the forest, his consciousness carefully monitored the bronze mask monk chasing behind him, but found that the bronze mask monk actually summoned a large group of bugs.

The key is that there is one of this kind of bug in his spirit beast bag.

Qin Wang reached out and touched the spirit beast bag, and suddenly, a fist-sized silver bug appeared in front of him, exuding a fierce aura.

Qin Wang remembered.

This kind of bug was found in Qi Yuntian's spirit beast bag.

The bug Qin Wang summoned is exactly the same as the bug of the bronze mask monk!

At this time

A fist-sized bug, with a dense mass of small silver bugs the size of pigeon eggs, pounced towards Qin Wang.

"Looking for death!"

Qin Wang waved his hand and took out the Zi Yang Sword, swung it forward and slashed out a sword aura!

Ding Ding Ding!

Ding Ding Ding!

"Is this bug so strong?"

What Qin Wang didn't expect was that his Zi Yang Sword knocked away a large number of bugs, and these bugs were deeply embedded in the mud and stone walls in the distance like bullets.

At the same time.

Far away, there were dense bugs flying over, and Qin Wang's consciousness saw that the monk with a bronze mask in the distance also flew out.


Qin Wang stretched out his hand and slapped the storage bag, and suddenly a puppet in the Qi Refining Stage flew towards these dense bugs.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Buzz buzz buzz!

These bugs pounced on them suddenly, and in less than ten breaths, the body of this puppet disappeared, as if it had never appeared.


"Such a terrifying bug!"

Qin Wang was shocked when he saw this. He stepped on the ground and instantly entered the formation. As the one who set up the formation, Qin Wang saw that the silver bugs kept spinning in the formation and couldn't find the target.

At the same time.

The monk with the bronze mask also found that his bugs and the "fat sheep" were gone.

"What's going on?"

"Where did that kid go?"

Jiang Haotian frowned deeply. He flew up on his sword and floated in the air. Looking at the woods below, his spiritual sense probed in and saw his silver turtle bug flying around like a headless fly in the space of three feet below.

You know.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

Jiang Haotian's spiritual sense swept the woods, but he couldn't see the fat sheep just now.


Jiang Haotian felt a warning in his heart and flew up to the sky on his sword, but it was too late!



He heard a thundering sound of lightning from the sky, which made his mind confused and his body paused slightly.

But there was no lightning in sight.


Suddenly, a white spike suddenly pierced his sea of ​​consciousness. His consciousness was hit by the white spike, and his sea of ​​consciousness was shaken.

At the same time.

In his sight, a blood-colored giant palm of thirty feet in size slapped down on his head!

A terrifying and overwhelming pressure spread from the blood-colored giant palm to all directions!

At this moment, Jiang Haotian felt that he was very small under the blood-colored giant palm, and he had a feeling of looking up to a mountain, which made him unable to raise a trace of resistance.

"Blood-colored giant palm!"

"The divine consciousness of Qi Feng, the divine consciousness clone of Chu Yunxiao of Tianchu Xianchao! This person is... Li Yunye!"

Seeing these blood-colored giant palms, Jiang Haotian's eyes showed fear, and he felt like falling into an ice cellar in an instant!

He was a casual cultivator who had betrayed the sect, but he knew everything about the news of the immortal cultivation world!

Especially recently, the entire Southern Region has been looking for Li Yunye and Qin Tiedan.

Among them, the most talked about by many cultivators is the bloody giant palm!

The bloody giant palm has become Li Yunye's signature method!

Jiang Haotian didn't expect that he would be so unlucky. He thought he was a fat sheep, but he met the legendary evil star Li Yunye!

"Puff! Open it for me!"

Jiang Haotian roared, waved his hand and took out a palm-sized dark yellow talisman with a golden bell-shaped pattern engraved on it. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood on the talisman.


The talisman absorbed the essence and blood, and the golden light emitted, forming a giant golden bell three feet in size, which was buckled on Jiang Haotian's body.

Protected his body!


An earth-shaking loud noise sounded!

Qin Wang used his divine consciousness in the middle stage of foundation building to use Barbarian God's left hand bombardment, and his bloody giant palm drove Jiang Haotian's bell guard deep into the ground!

The fierce energy blew away more than ten feet of soil around the giant bell!

At this time, under the bloody giant palm, the giant bell shield was slightly twisted, but not broken.


Jiang Haotian suffered a violent impact in the giant white bell, and his mind was shaken. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the white bell shield red!


Qin Wang held the Man God's left hand with a look of shock in his eyes. He didn't expect that this robbery cultivator actually had a bell-shaped talisman in his hand!

"If I reach the later stage of foundation building and use the power of the Barbarian God's left hand, it will be enough to smash this fake pill foundation to pieces!"

Qin Wang looked at Jie Xiu who was vomiting blood in the giant bell and narrowed his eyes. The power of the Barbarian God's left hand is because the stronger the user's spiritual consciousness, the stronger the power of the Barbarian God's left hand!

Last time, Wu Su used his left hand of the Barbarian God to directly kill the spiritual clone of Qi Feng in the Nascent Soul stage!

It’s evident!

"Let's see if you die!"

Qin Wang sneered.

Since one hit won't kill him, if he hits again, he immediately waves his giant hand and hits it again!


"I will hand over my soul blood to spare my life! Spare my life!"

Seeing Qin Wang slap him down again, Jiang Haotian was so frightened that he quickly shouted, knelt in the big bell, and kept kowtowing!

Jiang Haotian knew in his heart that the magic weapon in Li Yunye's hand was too terrifying. Even with his cultivation in the fake elixir realm, he could not stop him from using the magic weapon.

There is no other way but to beg for mercy!

It is better to die than to live. If you are slapped down by this bloody giant palm, you will definitely die!

"Hand over soul blood?"

Qin Wang's heart moved when he heard this, and the huge blood-colored palm hung above Jiang Haotian's head. The terrifying power was constantly impacting the protective bell of the giant talisman!

"It's true that the villain is obsessed with ghosts. The villain is willing to hand over his soul blood just to beg for his life!"

Jiang Haotian kowtowed repeatedly, and even forced a drop of soul blood to fly towards Qin Wang.

The giant white bell guard outside his body was broken into pieces and turned into a talisman that fell to the side.

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