Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 223 Target, Tianchu Immortal Dynasty Treasure House! Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Locking For

Three days later.

Over a mountain range three hundred miles away from Tianchu Imperial City.

More than ten figures gathered here.

These people are divided into two parts.

On one side is the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty headed by Chu Yunxiao, and on the other side is the coalition of other forces headed by Qi Changping.

In a battle of this level, Jindan cultivators can no longer intervene, so all those present are Yuanying Zhenren.

Daqi Immortal Dynasty, Dayan Immortal Dynasty, and the Five Great Immortal Sects all have people coming from the four major families. Each family sends one Yuanying Daoist, plus the people from Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, there are a total of 20 Yuanying Daoist.

Even the True Monarch of God Transformation must avoid such a powerful force.

And the only target for them to gather here is the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile in the earth below.

"let's start."

Chu Yunxiao looked at Chu Wuya beside him and said calmly.

"Yes, ancestor."

Chu Wuya responded and activated the magic technique.

The eight Immortal Nascent Soul Masters from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty immediately scattered in all directions and formed formations at the same time.

This is the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Entrapment Formation, which is meant to trap the ten-thousand-foot bloody crocodile in it to prevent it from escaping.


Hundreds of miles away.

"Is this the power of Zhenren Yuanying?"

Qin Wangyuan looked at the huge momentum over there and was quite moved.

Zhang Fujiang next to him immediately burst into laughter.

"Master will definitely be able to climb to the top of Nascent Soul in the future."

Zhang Fujiang flattered him very naturally.

Yan Cangwu and Jiang Haotian beside them couldn't help but look away, not wanting to pay attention to Zhang Fujiang.

Although the two of them surrendered to Qin Wang, they were not as shameless as Zhang Fujiang.

"A mere Nascent Soul counts as reaching the top?"

Qin Wang chuckled, then turned and left.

He knows his own abilities, and he is unable to participate in such a Nascent Soul battle.

Therefore, he has only one goal, and that is the treasure house of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.


Tianchu Imperial City.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The earth is shaking.

The people in the imperial city were shocked.

"What's going on here?"

"Is the earth dragon turning over again?"

"No! It's not that the Earth Dragon is turning over, it's that there are Nascent Soul warriors fighting in the distance!"

"Look over there!"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the vision that appeared in the sky in a distant place.

It can trigger strange phenomena in the heaven and earth, and can make the earth tremble.

Only the battle of the powerful Nascent Soul can create such momentum.

Some brave monks gritted their teeth, and with the determination of "starve to death the timid, and starve the bold to death", they flew towards the distance.

In the battle between strong men, even a few resources leaked from the cracks of their fingers can keep them alive.

If he could pick up something like magic weapon fragments, he would be able to take off on the spot.



The moment the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Trap Lock Formation was formed, the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile immediately woke up.

Chu Yuanhai, which it had swallowed before sleeping and digesting, was about to be digested.

Now I was awakened, but a little annoyed.

When the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile released his spiritual thoughts to investigate, he discovered that he had been surrounded by twenty Nascent Soul Masters.

It ran away immediately, but it was too late.


The ten thousand-foot-long blood crocodile slammed into the net of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Trap Lock Formation, unable to break through.

Moreover, Master Yuanying of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty took action together.

The eight Nascent Soul Masters, plus Chu Wuya, a total of nine Nascent Soul Masters held the spells and pointed at the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile.

A layer of fine net immediately appeared in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Trap Lock Formation, wrapping around the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile.

The ten-thousand-foot bloody crocodile was unable to avoid it and was wrapped up.

Chu Yunxiao looked at Qi Changping and others who were watching the show and snorted coldly: "Fellow Taoists, why don't you take action?"

Qi Changping and others looked at each other. They knew that since Tianchu Immortal Dynasty had taken the lead, they should take action next. Otherwise, it will be difficult to save face when dividing interests.

Qi Changping and others took action one after another.

For a moment, swords and swords flew out, killing the ten-thousand-foot blood crocodile.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!

Countless attacks fell on Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile, but they were all resisted by Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile's skin and scales.

Roar! ! !

The Ten-thousand-foot Blood Crocodile was beaten and roared repeatedly, but it only felt pain and was not seriously injured.

Many Nascent Soul Masters could not help but be stunned when they saw this scene.

Such strong epidermal scales are truly terrifying.

Chu Yunxiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Half-step to becoming a god?"

Chu Yunxiao carefully looked at the trapped Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile and was secretly frightened.

However, he soon breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile was not allowed to continue to grow. The defense of the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile has reached the strength of a half-step god, but its own strength should only be the Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

It was still weaker than Chu Yunxiao.

After understanding this, Chu Yunxiao did not continue to hide it.

He took action boldly.

The majestic spiritual power gathered into a huge sword shadow.

Even from a hundred miles away, it can be clearly seen.

This huge sword shadow slashed towards the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile.

Roar! ! !

The Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile sensed the danger, roared angrily, shook its body and began to roll.

The entire Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile is like a spinning top, spinning at high speed.

The nine Nascent Soul Masters from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty around them immediately felt a terrifying force coming towards them, trying to pull them over.

The nine people immediately released their spells, not daring to continue besieging the Blood Crocodile.

After the ten thousand foot blood crocodile escaped, it opened its bloody mouth and bit the sword shadow that was slashing down.

Boom! ! ! ! !

The terrifying energy wave burst out, and the huge pressure made people breathless.

The Yuanying Zhenren around had to retreat to avoid its sharp edge.

Chu Yunxiao looked at the ten thousand foot blood crocodile below with a sullen face.

At this moment, a large number of cracks appeared on the scales of the ten thousand foot blood crocodile, and it looked quite miserable.

Even so, the ten thousand foot blood crocodile did not show any signs of decline.

It roared with its mouth open, and was completely enraged.

Even though the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Locking Array had dissipated, it did not escape.

It wanted to fight these humans to the death!

If it could swallow these Yuanying Zhenren, then it would definitely be able to advance to the ninth level of demon beast.

Now it is already at the peak of the eighth level, and is only one step away from the ninth level.

If it passes, it can be the king of the southern region!


Tianchu Imperial City.

People fell into panic.

All shops have closed and stopped business.

There are few pedestrians on the road.

Most people have returned home and opened all the protective arrays. Even though most of these protective arrays are mediocre and can only defend against attacks below the ninth level of Qi training, they can still make them feel safe.

At this time, the palace is even more on guard, guarding against anyone taking the opportunity to attack the palace.

Even so, most of the palace guards are chatting.

Because they know that only those Yuanying Zhenren can really decide their fate.

If Yuanying Zhenren loses, the palace guards will not be enough to fill the enemy's teeth.

At this time, the palace guards found something strange.

Countless monsters rushed in.

"Is this... a beast tide?!"

"This is the imperial city of my Tianchu Xian Dynasty, where does the beast tide come from?"

"Oh my God! It's over!"

The guards were shocked.

They never expected that a beast tide would appear here.

And this is Qin Wang's masterpiece.

He made hundreds of blood-reversing crazy monster incense and monster-luring psychedelic incense and scattered them around the palace.

Originally, only first- and second-level monsters could be attracted, and occasionally third-level monsters would be attracted.


Under the secret command of the Ten Thousand-foot Blood Crocodile, fourth- and fifth-level monsters also came.

There were even sixth-level monsters.

Sixth-level monsters are as powerful as humans in the late Jindan stage.

Moreover, even two seventh-level monsters appeared.

The Tianchu Immortal Dynasty is finished!

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