Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 225 Yuanying Zhenren takes action! Illusion covers it up! Open Tianchu's treasure house

Roar! ! ! !

A tiger roar shook the world.

A black light flashed and hovered above the Tianchu Palace.

After the black light stopped, it showed its shape. It turned out to be a tiger with blue-black fur.

Nether Tiger!

Its four claws were extremely sharp and indestructible, and there was a strong poison on the claws. As long as the epidermis was cut, the poison would attack the heart.

At the same time, another black shadow jumped from a distance and landed beside the Nether Tiger.

The black shadow was an ape with black scales.

Black Scale Demon Ape!

These two seventh-level monsters were originally hidden in the beast tide. Now that the Zhoutian Xingluo defense formation of the imperial city has been broken, they have appeared and began to provoke the two Yuanying Zhenren in the palace.

Roar! ! ! !

The tiger roar and the ape cry resounded through the world, establishing their prestige and oppressing the human monks below.

Following these two roars, the human cultivators in the palace felt their blood boiling. If they let the Nether Tiger and the Black Scale Demon Ape roar, even if the palace's defense formation was not broken, the low-level cultivators inside would be shocked into internal injuries, or even killed alive.

The two Yuanying True Immortals who stayed behind naturally understood this truth.

They could not care about the life and death of those low-level cultivators.

However, if they retreated in the formation and did not dare to go out to meet the enemy, would Chu Yunxiao and others blame them for not guarding well when they returned victoriously?

Besides, it would be embarrassing to retreat like this.

"Daoyou, how about we attack together?"

One of the Yuanying True Immortals suggested.

"That's what I meant."

Another Yuanying True Immortal echoed.

The two soared into the sky.

The roars of the tiger and the ape stopped immediately.

The low-level cultivators below immediately became excited when they saw this situation.

"Yuanying Zhenren has taken action!"

"The beast tide can be broken, the beast tide can be broken!"

"With Yuanying Zhenren's action, we will be safe."

Two seventh-level monsters and two Yuanying Zhenren confronted each other in mid-air.

"Evil beasts, die!"

The Yuanying battle was about to break out.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

In the sky, the spiritual power was rioting, and the shock wave was raging wildly, tearing the floating clouds around.

The aftermath of the battle alone could kill the Jindan cultivator.

Therefore, whether it was the two seventh-level monsters or the two Yuanying Zhenren, they all tacitly stayed away from the beast tide and the palace below to avoid getting in the way.

And this gave Qin Wang an opportunity.

Qin Wang secretly controlled the puppets and let the puppets go to various positions in the palace.

The puppets had only one goal, that was to self-destruct.

Boom boom boom!

Although the positions were also guarded by Tianchu monks, there was a loophole, and one of the puppets finally broke through the interception, rushed into the position, and then instantly self-destructed.


With the sound of the explosion, the formation was broken and the defense formation shook violently.

The monsters were not fools either, and they immediately launched the strongest collision.

Boom boom boom boom boom!!! ! ! !

Finally, the solid formation was broken, and the terrifying beast tide rushed into the palace.

At this moment, the Tianchu Palace had become a paradise for monsters.

And to achieve such a result, Qin Wang also paid all his puppets.

In this way, he only had Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian in his hands.

However, it was worth it for the Tianchu treasure house.

Qin Wang took the three people and mixed in the beast tide and rushed towards the Tianchu treasure house.

At this moment, there was no more Yuanying Zhenren guarding the palace. For Qin Wang, it was a lamb to be slaughtered.

Along the way, Qin Wang asked Zhang Fujiang and the other two to kill several human monks to snatch storage bags, and picked up some storage bags of dead monks along the way.

Qin Wang, Zhang Fujiang and the other two came to the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty's treasure house and found it quite deserted, with no monsters or human cultivators.

Other places were filled with flames, and the roars of beasts and shouts of killing were mixed together, like hell on earth.


It was so quiet here that it gave people an unreal feeling.

More importantly, looking over, there was only a lake here, without any buildings.

Could it be that the information given by the system was wrong?

Absolutely impossible!

The system information was accurate.

So, this must have been blocked by the illusion formation.

"Master, there is nothing here."

Zhang Fujiang frowned, quite puzzled.

Qin Wang did not speak, but looked at Jiang Haotian.

Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu had lower cultivation levels and did not find anything unusual.

But Jiang Haotian was in the realm of fake pills, so he should have discovered something.

Jiang Haotian nodded immediately after receiving Qin Wang's hint.

He pointed his finger as a sword, thrust a sword forward, and stabbed the lake.


The sword flashed and sank into the lake without causing any ripples.

It was obvious that there was something wrong with the lake in front of them!


Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu were shocked.

Such a realistic illusion, if it had not been detected by Jiang Haotian, it would probably not have been discovered at all.

The treasure must be covered by such a realistic illusion.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu's eyes were quite hot.

Qin Wang knew that there was no time to dawdle, so he immediately secretly asked Wu Su to take action.

Wu Su did not hesitate at all, secretly took action, and wiped out the illusion.

In the eyes of Zhang Fujiang and the other two, this scene was like Qin Wang waving his hand and wiping out the realistic illusion with ease.

You know, although the illusion array has no lethality, its defense is very strong. Even Jiang Haotian's sword energy can't cause any ripples in the illusion. The defensive ability of this illusion can be seen.


Qin Wang just waved his hand lightly and easily broke it.

Such strength is really terrifying.

Zhang Fujiang and the other two were more and more in awe of Qin Wang.

Jiang Haotian sighed secretly, and at the same time he was glad that he didn't follow the wrong person.

After the illusion was broken, the treasure house of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty was revealed.

A three-meter-high warehouse appeared in front of Qin Wang and others.

It was square, without doors, and even without cracks in the wall, like a huge stone.

"Master, what is this?"

Zhang Fujiang was quite curious.

"Treasure house of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty."

Qin Wang said lightly.

"What?! This is the treasure house of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty!"

Zhang Fujiang's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

Even Yan Cangwu and Jiang Haotian became excited.

Their breathing became much heavier, and their bodies were shaking slightly.

This is the treasure house of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty!

There must be many treasures inside.


How to get in?

Zhang Fujiang and the other two did not think much, but looked at Qin Wang.

In their opinion, Qin Wang must have a way to get in.

At this time, Wu Su secretly urged the left hand of the Barbarian God.

The magnificent blood light emanated from the left hand of the Barbarian God and condensed into a palm three feet long.

Although the blood hand condensed in this way could not be said to cover the sky and the sun, it was quite solid and more powerful.

The blood hand slapped out and directly hit the wall of the treasure house of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty.

If there is no door, then open a door abruptly!

The Jindan great cultivator who was hiding behind wanted to wait and take the opportunity to sneak attack, but was directly smashed by the blood hand.

Boom! ! !

A huge palm gap appeared in front, and some flesh and blood were mixed in the rubble.

The power of a palm is very terrifying.

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