Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 23 Ji Zhang's goal? Introduction to the Flying Eagle Movement, exposing Ji Zhang's

As for.

Tell Du Xiang, the owner of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School, about the news that the Iron Clothes Martial Arts School and the Electric Sword Martial Arts School were going to attack and kill the disciples of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School?

Qin Wang did not consider it.


Du Xiang might ask, how do you, a new disciple, know?

Another thing is that it would not be good for me to get involved. If I lose my life because of it, it would be a big loss.

The next day.

In the morning, Qin Wang went to buy 6 Qi and Blood Pills in batches. When he came back, he took the pills and practiced the Little Red Yang Gong for a while, which was to practice the Flying Eagle Body Skill.

[Martial Arts: Flying Eagle Body Skill. Incomplete (Entry)]

[Progress: (1/800)]

[Effect: Flexible body skills, agile movements, light footsteps, can be achieved in 1 year. ]

"Flying Eagle Body Skill, finally got started."

"The next step is to wait for the Little Red Yang Gong to get started."

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Wang looked at his panel with satisfaction in his eyes.

Chen's house.

The backyard was extremely quiet.

In the yard, four thin girls were sitting on stools, all wearing green clothes, and all of them were silent.

"Sister Xuemei, there is less than half a year left, do you have any wishes?"

One of the girls in green clothes suddenly looked at the girl on the left who looked more mature and asked.


"I hope that my brother can become a doctor in the future, marry and have children, what about you?"

Qin Xuemei looked at Xiao Zi, Xiao Lan, and Xiao Qing beside her and said.

As Qin Xuemei spoke, the figure of her younger brother Qin Wang emerged in her mind, and she showed relief on her thin face.

With the 20 taels of silver, Wangzi should have no problem with his future life. He is now a medicine boy in Baicaotang. In the future, he may become a doctor. Being a doctor has a future. In the future, he may be able to marry a wife and have children.

It will not make the Qin family extinct.

Her efforts have not been in vain.

"I want to live."

"I don't want to be a sacrifice."

"Me too"

Xiao Zi, Xiao Lan, and Xiao Qing murmured.

They still had the thought that their family would help them redeem themselves in the future, so they naturally didn't want to die.

Qin Xuemei was silent after hearing this and looked at the night sky.

East of the city.

In the night, in a residential house with a blue brick exterior wall.

There stood two men in black clothes and a young man in black clothes, about 27 or 28 years old. A young man in his 21 or 22 years old was lying on the ground, his eyes wide open, and he died with his eyes open. There was a pool of blood on the ground.

"Uncle, my nephew has no way out. From now on, I will follow you!"

Lin Yunfeng, dressed in black, clasped his fists to one of the men in black clothes and took a deep breath.

He has joined the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School for ten years and has only been taught the first nine moves. He knows that there are three more powerful moves behind. Originally, he planned to confess to his junior sister Du Yunniang successfully and become the son-in-law of the owner Du Xiang, so that he should be able to be taught the last three moves.

But he didn't expect it.

The flower has feelings but the water is ruthless, and the junior sister has no feelings for him.

He was desperate.

He knew that there was no hope of progress if he stayed in the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School. It happened that his distant cousin Lei Wu, who was a teacher at the Electric Sword Martial Arts School, came to him and asked him to provide the address of the disciples of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School and kill a fellow disciple as a token of his loyalty.

He did it one by one.

Once he took this step, there was no turning back!

"Yunfeng, it should have been done long ago! With your talent, it's a waste of time in the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School!"

"Look at you, you have been in the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School for ten years, and Du Xiang still doesn't teach you the last three moves of the Flying Eagle, and treats you as an outsider! Your choice today is wise!!"

The black-clothed man Lei Wu looked at Lin Yunfeng in black, and spoke with indignation.

"Yes, Yunfeng, Lei Wu is your uncle. You join the Dianjian martial arts school. With your uncle's relationship, I guarantee you will be valued! Your martial arts will improve by leaps and bounds!"

"Don't worry!"

Another man in black patted Lin Yunfeng on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.


Lin Yunfeng nodded and said to the two. "Uncle, Uncle Quan, let's find the next target!"

The three disguised the wound of the young man on the ground and disappeared into the night.

North of the city.

In the old house rented by Qin Wang.

In the early morning, he sat in the room and looked at the panel.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Daily intelligence]

[1: You met Zhang Fan, the owner of the steamed bun shop yesterday, and obtained relevant information. Zhang Fan had been sucked into a dry corpse by Ji Zhang, the leader of the Black River Gang, who had an attack of magic power a quarter of an hour ago. ]

[2: You followed the Black River Gang yesterday and got relevant information. The Black River Gang leader Ji Zhang's magic power has taken effect and needs to suck blood every 12 hours. He is currently hiding in a yard 300 feet away from the Yacha Street Hutong. You will be sucked blood by Ji Zhang in 12 hours. ]

[3: You followed the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall yesterday and got relevant information. Five disciples of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall have been assassinated by the disciples of the Electric Sword Martial Arts Hall and the Iron Clothes Martial Arts Hall. They disguised themselves as "Blood Hand Rakshasa" to seek revenge. ]

[4: You followed the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall yesterday and got relevant information. The third disciple of the martial arts hall owner, Lin Yunfeng, failed to confess his love to his junior sister and had no hope of learning the last three moves of the Flying Eagle Body Movement. He defected to the Electric Sword Martial Arts Hall and brought the two martial arts masters of the "Electric Sword" and "Iron Clothes" to attack the disciples of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall. Your address will be found in seven days. 】

【5: You followed Zheng Kecheng yesterday and got relevant information. Zheng Kecheng met a seriously injured swordsman on the road and learned the Yingyue sword technique from him. 】

【6: You went to Yangji breakfast stall yesterday and got relevant information. The owner Yang Yulin was blackmailed by Tiewen and decided to transfer the breakfast stall and move his family to Linxian to live with relatives. 】

[7: You met Tiewen, the leader of the Black River Gang, yesterday and obtained relevant information. Tiewen extorted 22 taels of silver from the breakfast stall owner Yang Yulin. ]

[8: You followed the county magistrate Chen Hao yesterday and obtained relevant information. The county magistrate Chen Hao got the help of the witch and relieved the fever. He followed the witch's advice and increased the number of boys and girls to 12 each. ]

[9: You went to the Xinglin Chun Medicine Hall branch yesterday and obtained relevant information. The owner of Xinglin Chun Medicine Hall was asked by the Tianhe Association to increase the commission and decided to increase the price of elixir and medicinal materials by half. ]

[10: You followed Qin Xuemei yesterday and obtained relevant information. Qin Xuemei is currently eating and drinking well. Thinking that you will become a doctor of Baicaotang in the future, marry and have children, she has no regrets and is waiting for the Jiangshen Festival in half a year. 】

"Hmm? The Black River Gang leader Ji Zhang's magic power has taken effect? ​​He needs to suck blood for 12 hours?"

"Will he suck blood after 12 hours?"

Qin Wang looked at the first and second pieces of information, his face suddenly turned pale, and he stood up suddenly.

He didn't expect.

Death is so close!

A sense of extreme fear enveloped his whole body!

He couldn't help shaking all over!

You know.

The Black River Gang leader's cultivation is definitely not weaker than Zheng Kecheng!

If he becomes his target, he will definitely die!

The most terrifying thing is.

Yacha Street is the street where Qin Wang is renting now, and the Black River Gang leader Ji Zhang is hiding nearby!

This is too dangerous!

"I can't stay here! Move out first!"

Qin Wang took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. The information showed that Ji Zhang was active during the day and had just sucked the blood of Zhang Fan, the owner of the bun shop. He would come after 12 hours. Does that mean that he is safe within these 12 hours?

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