Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 233 The Nine Nether Phantom Snake! The mysterious Ninth Prince! Surround and kill Chu Yunxia

Dayan Immortal Dynasty.

Dragon Ridge Cliff.

This place was originally just an ordinary cliff. It is rumored that a dragon passed by and dropped a dragon scale, forming this cliff. So it is called Dragon Ridge Cliff.

This place is rarely visited by people. The strongest monster is the monster guarding the purple jade flower on the cliff.

The sixth-level peak monster Nine Nether Phantom Snake.

This Nine Nether Phantom Snake can cast an illusion, making people addicted to it and finally killed with one blow. And it can also hide itself. Even if it is a True Lord of Transformation, it cannot find its trace if it is not carefully explored.

Therefore, even a True Lord of Yuanying will have a headache facing this Nine Nether Phantom Snake.


Now the entire Dragon Ridge Cliff is surrounded by many cultivators of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, just to let Yan Changkong, the ninth prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, come to experience.

At this time, Yan Changkong is confronting the Nine Nether Phantom Snake.

Although Yan Changkong is only in the late Jindan period, it is a bit difficult to face the sixth-level peak monster Nine Nether Phantom Snake.

But every fatal attack of the Nine Nether Phantom Snake would be blocked by the protective jade talisman on Yan Changkong's body, making the Nine Nether Phantom Snake more and more fearful and powerless.

The Nine Nether Phantom Snake is a demon beast, but it is not a fool. It knows that it will eventually die of exhaustion.

Unless... it can break out of the encirclement and escape.

The Nine Nether Phantom Snake's eyes flashed with dazzling light.

"I have seen this trick before, and you still want to trick me?"

Yan Changkong snorted coldly and drove the flying sword towards the Nine Nether Phantom Snake.


The flying sword was like lightning, instantly piercing the Nine Nether Phantom Snake's eyebrows, and then strangled it suddenly.

Swish, swish, swish!

The Nine Nether Phantom Snake's head shattered into countless blood clots, and its slender body fell to the ground and stopped moving.

"A sixth-level peak demon beast is just like this."

Yan Changkong laughed triumphantly.

At this moment, a voice came from a distance.

"Ninth Prince, wake up, Ninth Prince, wake up!"

Yan Changkong heard the voice sound familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

Suddenly, he realized something.

"Damn it! This is actually an illusion! Break it for me!"

Yan Changkong bit off the tip of his tongue suddenly, spit out a mouthful of blood, and forced himself out.

He saw a flash in front of his eyes, and all the scenery became clear.

An old man stood in front of him, and next to the old man was the Nine Nether Phantom Snake.

But at this time, the Nine Nether Phantom Snake was covered in blood, and it was obvious that it had just experienced a battle.

"Ninth Prince is still careless."

The old man said lightly.

Yan Changkong was a little embarrassed.

But the other party was his teacher, so it was difficult to refute.

He also understood that the killing of the Nine Nether Phantom Snake just now was just an imagination after entering the illusion.

Seeing the Nine Nether Phantom Snake next to the old man, Yan Changkong was shocked and drove the flying sword towards the Nine Nether Phantom Snake.

The Nine Nether Phantom Snake, which was already seriously injured and dying, was dismembered by Yan Changkong.

Yan Changkong let out a breath of anger and looked at the old man.

"Thank you, Master Liu. If it weren't for Master Liu's help, I'm afraid I would still be kept in the dark by this evil beast."

Yan Changkong clasped his fists to thank the old man.

The old man's name is Liu Chuanwu. He is Yan Changkong's teacher and the protector chosen by the ancestor of the Yan family for Yan Changkong.

Letting a Yuanying Zhenren be the protector shows how much hope the Yan family has placed on Yan Changkong.


In the distance.

Qin Wang, Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian hid in the woods and looked at the Dragon Ridge Cliff from afar.

With Wu Su's help to cover up their breath, as long as they don't take action, they will not be discovered by anyone below the level of Huashen.

"What is the origin of that Ninth Prince Yan Changkong? There are actually Yuanying Zhenren following him."

Qin Wang looked at Yan Cangwu in confusion.

After all, Yan Cangwu is also a direct descendant of the Yan family, and he should know some secrets.

"Master, I don't know either."

Yan Cangwu shook his head helplessly.


Qin Wang couldn't help but frown.

"Master, as far as I know, Yan Changkong has been favored by the ancestors of the Yan family since he was born, even more than the prince. It can be said that as long as Yan Changkong wants it, the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty will definitely send it to Yan Changkong if it can get it."

Yan Cangwu hurriedly told all the news he knew.

At this moment, Qin Wang noticed that Liu Chuanwu seemed to turn his head and look at them.

"All lower your heads."

Qin Wang shouted in a low voice.

Zhang Fujiang and others hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to continue looking at Yan Changkong.

Qin Wang also shifted his sight to avoid meeting Liu Chuanwu's sight.

It must be said that Yuanying Zhenren is Yuanying Zhenren. Even with Wu Su's help, staring at the other party for a long time will make the other party feel a whim.


Under the Dragon Ridge Cliff

"Master Liu, what's wrong?"

Yan Changkong curiously followed Liu Chuanwu's line of sight and did not find anything unusual.

"It's okay."

Liu Chuanwu did not say much.

Just now, he turned his head and looked in that direction on a whim, but did not find anything unusual. Even if he released his spiritual sense to investigate, there was no result.

Thinking that the induction was wrong, Liu Chuanwu did not take it to heart.


On the other side of the Dragon Ridge Cliff.

Chu Yunxiao and Chu Wuya stood on the branches of a towering tree, looking towards the Dragon Ridge Cliff.

"Ancestor, we have been trapped here for two days, why don't we leave?"

Chu Wuya was a little anxious.

He understood that only by entering Zhongzhou one day earlier could he be sure of safety one day earlier, otherwise he would always be on tenterhooks.

"Wait patiently, we must not reveal our identities."

Chu Yunxiao said lightly.

"Yes, ancestor."

Chu Wuya was a little helpless, but he could only obey orders.


On the other side.

"I found Chu Yunxiao and Chu Wuya."

Wu Su suddenly spoke.

"Thank you, Miss Wu."

Qin Wang hurriedly thanked him.

Next, according to the plan, the ten thousand feet blood crocodile should take the lead and go to surround and kill Chu Yunxiao.

However, Qin Wang suddenly felt that there should be a secret in the Yan Changkong in front of him.

After thinking carefully, Qin Wang finally decided to proceed according to the original plan.

Let Yan Changkong and Liu Chuanwu go for the time being.

Qin Wang took Zhang Fujiang and others away.

After Qin Wang left, Liu Chuanwu felt that the faint sense of fatality had completely disappeared.

He didn't understand why this happened.

Could it be that the induction was wrong?

Yan Changkong and Liu Chuanwu didn't expect that they had just walked through the gates of hell. It can be said that they had one foot in the gates of hell and almost stepped the other foot in.


After Yan Changkong's trial ended, many cultivators of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty also evacuated.

Chu Yunxiao and Chu Wuya were about to leave.

Suddenly, Chu Yunxiao noticed something.

He hurriedly stopped Chu Wuya and protected Chu Wuya behind him.

"Which senior is coming? I, Chu Yunxiao, am sorry for not welcoming you from afar. Please forgive me."

Chu Yunxiao said loudly.

He could feel that the other party's strength should be above that of the True Lord Huashen who had forcibly taken away his Tianshou Holy Fruit before.

In other words, the True Lord Huashen is coming!

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