Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 235: Xuanwu Wutu Formation! Five Ghosts Moving Technique! Intelligence Update!

Because the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile devoured five Nascent Souls one after another, it needed to digest the power of these five Nascent Souls through deep sleep.

Qin Wang let the blood crocodile sneak into the ground and slowly digest it.

Although he lacked the combat power of the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile, Qin Wang could still walk sideways in the Southern Territory with Wu Su by his side.

After all, the Southern Territory is so big that it can be said to be extremely difficult to meet a true king who transforms into a god.

As long as he doesn't encounter True Lord Transformation of Gods, Wu Su can get rid of all the True Lord Yuanying.

"Now, we just need to wait for the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile to advance. But... how should we survive the sixth level blood evil thunder tribulation?"

Qin Wang thought about it carefully.

With his current strength, there is absolutely no way he can help Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile survive the thunder tribulation.

Perhaps, we can pin our hopes on system intelligence.

Early in the morning.

Qin Wang opened the system information panel.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】

[1: You fought with Chu Yunxiao yesterday and obtained information. Chu Yunxiao used blood escape to escape, resulting in severe internal injuries. He is recuperating at the junction of Dayan Immortal Dynasty and Central Continent, a hundred thousand miles away from you. 】

[2: You killed Chu Wuya yesterday and obtained information. The Tianchu Immortal Dynasty was destroyed, but the Chu family did not completely die. A part of the Chu family gathered together and became a hidden family, preparing to practice quietly and wait for the opportunity to rise. . 】

[3: You killed Chu Wuya yesterday and obtained information. The remnants of the Chu family have a formation disk in their hands, which can be used to set up the Xuanwu Wutu formation. This formation has extremely strong defense. The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of spiritual stones. 】

[4: The Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile devoured the fifth Nascent Soul yesterday and obtained information. It needs three days to digest the five Nascent Souls it has swallowed. It will be released after three days, thus triggering a natural disaster. This heavenly catastrophe is a sixth-level blood evil and thunder catastrophe, and there is absolutely no chance that the bloody crocodile will survive it. 】

[5: You practiced the star body tempering method yesterday and received information that Master Sima’s physical strength has reached the twelfth level of the Qi training stage and is about to enter the foundation building stage. 】

[6: You practiced hard yesterday and obtained information. In one month, you will reach the peak of foundation building and can start preparations for forming pills. 】

[7: You let the Blood Crocodile devour the fifth Nascent Soul yesterday and obtained information. The Blood Crocodile is now loyal to you. 】

[8: Yesterday, you used the Soul Gathering Bowl to absorb Chu Wuya’s soul. After obtaining the information, you can unlock the sixth level restriction of the Soul Gathering Bowl, and refine the souls of the five Nascent Soul Masters into the Five Ghost Transporting Technique, but you need to gather the souls. All other souls in the bowl are used as fuel for refining. 】

[9: You fought with Chu Yunxiao yesterday and obtained information. Chen Yi was waiting for Chu Yunxiao in the Sun Moon Pond thousands of miles away. However, Chu Yunxiao used blood escape to escape and missed meeting Chen Yi. 】

[10: You touched Shi San Er Niang’s Qingyou Little Sword yesterday and obtained information that Shi San has completed foundation building. 】

Qin Wang carefully checked today's information and nodded secretly.

It seems that if you want to help Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile survive the thunder tribulation, you need to get the Chu family's Xuanwu Wutu Formation.

As for the disadvantage of consuming huge spiritual stones, it is nothing to Qin Wang.

Having plundered the treasure house of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty before, the spiritual stones on his body had already exceeded tens of millions. There was no place to spend such huge spiritual stones, but now it can be said that everything is put to good use.

Therefore, Qin Wang needs to get the Xuanwu Wutu Formation within three days.

This is not difficult for Qin Wang.

After all, the Chu family now only has some low-cultivation monks left, and even if there are still Yuanying masters hidden, they are at the early stage of Yuanying at most.

Then, Qin Wang focused on the soul gathering bowl.

Five ghosts moving method?

This requires the souls of five real Nascent Souls and many souls as fuel to be refined.

It must be quite powerful.

Qin Wang took out the soul-gathering bowl without any hesitation.

Soon, the souls of Kong Daoxing, Guo Longjie, Yu Zhaochang, You Xingchen, and Chu Wuya appeared in front of Qin Wang.

After the spirits of these five people appeared, they all glared at Qin Wang.

They never expected that even if they died, their souls would be imprisoned by Qin Wang.

In the soul-gathering bowl, the five Nascent Soul Masters had already learned from other souls that Qin Wang had a set of techniques that could refine soul seeds. He could refine the souls in the soul-gathering bowl into soul seeds and control them. .

If such a technique is used on the souls of their five Yuanying Daoist beings...

Kong Daoxing and others found it difficult to accept this.

Doesn't that mean that he will be controlled by Qin Wang for the rest of his life?

"You dirty thing, you have the ability to turn me into ashes! Damn it!"

Chu Wuya roared angrily.

He wanted to anger Qin Wang and let Qin Wang beat him to pieces.

Even if it dissipates between heaven and earth, it is better than being controlled by Qin Wang and becoming a soul seed.

Kong Daoxing, Guo Longjie, Yu Zhaochang, and You Xingshen also opened their mouths and cursed Qin Wang.

"It seems that you all know your fate. Sure enough, there are too many souls in the soul gathering bowl, which is not a good thing."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

"Even if it turns into ashes, I won't let you refine me into a soul seed!"

Chu Wuya glared at Qin Wang.

Qin Wang did not continue to talk nonsense with them and directly used the magic formula.

Buzz! ! !

The Soul Gathering Bowl vibrated, and its surface began to burn violently.

Many souls inside screamed.

"No!!! How could this happen!"

"It's over, it's over, I'm really going to die this time."

"Ahhhhhhh! If you have the guts, give me a quick death. Why torture me like this?"

"Qin Wang! I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

Kong Daoxing, Guo Longjie, Yu Zhaochang, You Xingchen, Chu Wuya and others became nervous when they saw this situation.

It was obvious that Qin Wang was definitely performing some kind of refining ritual.

Could it be that...

Qin Wang had a way to refine the spirits of five Yuanying Zhenren?

Thinking of this, Kong Daoxing and others became more and more anxious. They struggled hard, but unfortunately, it was meaningless.

After a while, the Soul Gathering Bowl gradually quieted down, and there was no movement inside.

Kong Daoxing and others immediately understood that their final result had arrived.

"Qin Wang! I curse you! I curse you to die a miserable death!"

Chu Wuya roared.

Qin Wang ignored Chu Wuya at all.

He pointed at the Soul Gathering Bowl, and five dark energy chains rolled towards Kong Daoxing and others, and soon wrapped up the spirits of the five Yuanying Zhenren.

At the same time, Wu Su's spirit also appeared beside Qin Wang, and Situ Yunfei's spirit also came out.

Wu Su was a little confused.

"What are you doing?"

Wu Su asked.

"Use them to refine the Five Ghosts Moving Technique."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

Soon, five dark energies completely enveloped the spirits of the five Yuanying Zhenren.

After a while, it seemed that success was imminent.


The originally calm Soul Gathering Bowl shook violently.

The spirit power required to refine the Five Ghosts Moving Technique was not enough!

Was it going to fail?

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