Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 239 Betrayal! Letter of surrender! Lianyun Mountains! Kill Chu Yunxiao!

As soon as Liang Guangchen's idea came up, he was suppressed by reason.


According to Chen Yi, Qin Wang started practicing at about the same time as Chen Yi. How could he reach the stage of becoming a god in such a short period of time?

Even Chen Yi, with Wan Jianyi's massive resource tilt, could only barely succeed in building a foundation.


Is Chen Yi the reincarnation of a great power?

Thinking of this, Liang Guangchen became more and more afraid.

Qin Wang noticed the fear in Liang Guangchen's eyes and was a little confused.

Although he didn't understand why Liang Guangchen was afraid, he just thought that Liang Guangchen was greedy for life and afraid of death, and it did not affect his plan.

The reason why Qin Wang asked Wu Su to secretly release the power of his divine consciousness in the transformation stage was to increase the pressure on Liang Guangchen, so that Liang Guangchen could help intercept and kill Chu Yunxiao.

After all, Chu Yunxiao had the skull of Emperor Qingshui and three small Qingyou swords in his hands.

For Qin Wang, these are all things that he is determined to obtain.

If Chu Yunxiao and Wan Jianyi are allowed to join together and their conspiracy succeeds, it will naturally cause a lot of trouble.

Why get into trouble when you can achieve your goals with less time and effort?

"If you want to cooperate, you also need a letter of nomination."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

"Senior, what do you want from me?"

Liang Guangchen asked cautiously.

At this time, his name for Qin Wang had changed.

Although on the surface, Qin Wang was only in the middle stage of foundation building, the power of his spiritual consciousness would not deceive others, and Qin Wang's actions during this period had completely shocked Liang Guangchen.

In Liang Guangchen's view, Qin Wang must have been reincarnated and rebuilt, so it would be reasonable to address him as a senior.

"Find Chu Yunxiao and kill him."

Qin Wang made the request directly.

"This is impossible!"

Liang Guangchen refused without even thinking.

Intercept and kill Chu Yunxiao?

Not to mention that Chu Yunxiao and Wan Jianyi have been conspiring for a long time. If Chu Yunxiao is killed, then Wan Jianyi will definitely pursue it to the end.

At that point, he had no way out.

Besides, Chu Yunxiao's cultivation level is also at the peak of Nascent Soul, even stronger than him. Chu Yunxiao is a peak Nascent Soul expert who has touched the realm of divine transformation. How could he possibly kill the opponent?


Qin Wang saw Liang Guangchen's concerns.

"If you don't kill Chu Yunxiao, how can I trust you? If you are worried that Chu Yunxiao is too strong... don't worry, I will take action with you."

Qin Wang spoke slowly.

Liang Guangchen was a little moved when he heard this.

With Qin Wang's help, it would not be difficult to kill Chu Yunxiao.


"I think there should be some token on Chen Yi that can make Chu Yunxiao believe in his identity. I can dress up like Chen Yi, and then we can get close to Chu Yunxiao and take the opportunity to make a sneak attack."

Qin Wang continued to persuade.

After Liang Guangchen listened, he quickly made a decision.

"Okay! I listen to you."

Liang Guangchen nodded heavily.


Lianyun Mountains.

This is the junction of Dayan Immortal Dynasty and Zhongzhou. The entire mountain range stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. It is very difficult to go around it.

However, if you want to cross directly, you need to climb this majestic mountain.

The mountains are towering into the clouds, and there are many powerful monsters that thrive in them.

Because of this, there are very few connections between the Southern Realms and Middle-earth.

Not only because the Southern Territory is remote and the aura is thinner than in the Central Continent, but also because the Lianyun Mountains are too dangerous.

Even a Golden Core cultivator cannot guarantee that he can cross over safely.

Chu Yunxiao came to the foot of the Lianyun Mountains, looked at the majestic mountains in front of him, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

As long as you cross the Lianyun Mountains, you can escape.

He knew that the powerful men from Dayan Immortal Dynasty and Daqi Immortal Dynasty were searching for him and hunting him down.

Anyone can beat up a drowned dog.

What's more, only by killing Chu Yunxiao will Dayan Immortal Dynasty and Daqi Immortal Dynasty be able to confidently and boldly invade Tianchu Immortal Dynasty's territory. Otherwise, who knows when Chu Yunxiao will suddenly enter the stage of becoming a god and then fight back to the Southern Territory?

At this moment, Chu Yunxiao discovered that the summons token in the storage bag was flashing.

Could he be the special envoy of Taiyi Sword Sect?

Shouldn’t the Taiyi Sword Sect’s special envoy be in the Sun Moon Pond? How come it appears near the Lianyun Mountains?

Chu Yunxiao was a little confused, but the other party was the special envoy of Taiyi Sword Sect. Since the summons token had already shown something, he might as well just ignore it.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunxiao could only fly cautiously in the direction shown by the summons token.

Soon, Chu Yunxiao sensed that a hundred miles away, there were two people exuding the sword energy of the Taiyi Sword Sect. It was obvious that the other person should be a disciple of the Taiyi Sword Sect.

Chu Yunxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and accelerated to meet him.

“I, Chu Yunxiao, don’t know who these two are?”

Chu Yunxiao came to Liang Guangchen and Qin Wang.

Judging from the aura, Liang Guangchen is in the Nascent Soul stage and Qin Wang is in the Foundation stage, but the two of them stand side by side, so they must be of equal status.

"We are disciples of the Taiyi Sword Sect. I am Liang Guangchen, the founding disciple of the sect Wanbao Sword Sect. This is my younger junior brother."

Liang Guangchen introduced himself.

"It turns out to be the special envoy of the Taiyi Sword Sect. I, Chu Yunxiao, have come to greet you from afar."

Chu Yunxiao bowed to the two of them with low etiquette.

After all, he now has a request from Taiyi Sword Sect and must make good friends with the other disciples.

Besides, Liang Guangchen also has the cultivation of the Nascent Soul Stage, and can be on equal footing with him.

"Are you Chu Yunxiao? Aren't you the ancestor of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty? Why are you here? And you look so embarrassed."

Liang Guangchen asked with pretended curiosity.

"This is a long story. Let's talk about it later. I wonder why the two envoys are looking for me?"

Chu Yunxiao said with a wry smile.

"Master asked us to come here, of course, there is something important to discuss with you. By the way, do you have the treasure that Master needs with you?"

Liang Guangchen said while pretending to walk towards Chu Yunxiao casually.

"Of course."

Chu Yunxiao nodded.

Suddenly, he sensed a trace of danger, the danger of death.

Could it be that...

"Don't come over! Otherwise, I will..."

Chu Yunxiao shouted.

However, before he finished speaking, Liang Guangchen released the flying sword like lightning.


With a low shout, a sword light cut through the space barrier, came in front of Chu Yunxiao, and went straight for Chu Yunxiao's throat.

If it were anyone else, this sword would have caught them by surprise and would have definitely cut off their head.

But Chu Yunxiao was different.

As a powerful person who was only one step away from becoming a god, Chu Yunxiao reacted quickly and quickly turned his head to avoid a fatal injury at the last moment.


The flying sword passed by, cutting the skin of Chu Yunxiao's neck, but did not cut off his head.

Chu Yunxiao was furious.

"How dare you, you brat!"

Chu Yunxiao slapped out with his palm, and the majestic spiritual energy gathered into a giant palm, slapping towards Liang Guangchen.

Liang Guangchen immediately controlled the flying sword back to block Chu Yunxiao's attack.

At the same time, Chu Yunxiao took the opportunity to fly back and distance himself.

He stared at Liang Guangchen and Qin Wang.

"Who are you?!"

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